(中外新闻社 中外新闻网成都报道)12月9日晚上,由中外新闻社、千程致远集团联合主办的“千程致远 友谊长存 --外国驻华使节“成都文化之旅--中外友谊之夜”活动在美丽的成都锦江宾馆国际会议厅举行,联合国国际协调局副局长兼新闻部长、中外新闻社总裁韦燕,白俄罗斯共和国驻华大使基里尔•鲁德阁下,斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下,斯里兰卡驻华大使卡鲁纳塞纳科迪图瓦库阁下,白俄罗斯驻华大使夫人伊莉娜女士,斯洛伐克驻华大使夫人白洛娃女士,埃及驻华大使馆全权商务公使曼姆杜赫•萨尔曼先生,格鲁吉亚驻华大使馆总领事兼高级参赞祖拉普先生,奥地利共和国驻华使馆科技参赞费力尔先生,塔吉克斯坦共和国驻华大使馆经济参赞卡龙•达姆多罗夫先生,伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻华使馆文化参赞穆罕默德•苏里•阿勒马斯叶博先生,巴基斯坦驻华使馆新闻文化参赞希娜•菲尔杜斯女士,白俄罗斯驻华使馆文化专员婉若妮卡女士,斯里兰卡驻华使馆商务官员安德鲁先生,斯里兰卡驻华使馆文化官员珀莉雅女士,卢旺达共和国驻华使馆大使特使乌母丽莎女士,伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻华使馆文化专员马晓燕女士,巴基斯坦共和国驻华大使馆文化专员王尔康先生及四川省、成都市相关领导和千程致远集团董事长张勇、总裁李明远等300余嘉宾出席。
In the evening of December 9th, jointly hosted by Home and Abroad News Press and Qiancheng Zhiyuan Group, “Chinese and Foreign Friendship Night – Foreign Envoys in China “Cultural Tour to Chengdu” was held at the International Banquet Hall of Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel. Deputy Minister of the United Nations International Coordination and Cooperation Agency, President of home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to China, H.E Mr. Kiryl Rudy, the Ambassador of Slovakia to China, H.E Mr. Dusan Bella, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, H.E Mr. Karunasena Kodituwakku, the wife of Belarus Ambassador to China, Mrs. Elena Rudaya, the wife of Slovakia Ambassador to China, Mrs. Bellova Eugenia, the Minister of Egyptian Embassy in China, Mr. Mamdouh Sallman, the Consul General of the Embassy of Georgia in China, Mr. Zurab Akhalbedashvili, the Technical Counselor of Austrian Embassy, Mr. Max Pfeiler, the Economic Counselor of Tajikistan Embassy, Mr. Kalon Damdorov, the Cultural Counselor of Iranian Embassy, Mr. Almasieh Mohammad Rasoul, the Cultural Counselor of Pakistani Embassy, Ms. Hina Firdous, the Special Envoy of Rwandan Ambassador to China, Ms. Joselyne Umulisa, the Cultural envoy of Belarus Embassy, Mrs. Veronika Timkina, the Representative of Sri Lankan Embassy, Mr. Andrew Dahanayake and Ms. Wathmini Perera, the Cultural Attache of Iranian Embassy, Mrs. Ma Xiaoyan, the Cultural Attache of Pakistani Embassy, Mr. Wang Erkang and the government officers from Sichuan provincial government and Chengdu municipal government, the CEO of Qiancheng Zhiyuan Group Mr. Zhang Yong, the President Mr. Li Mingyuan and about 200 guests attended the evening banquet.
The banquet hall was full of important guests with great atmospheres. The President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and the CEO of Qiancheng Zhiyuan Group Mr. Zhang Yong delivered the welcome speeches and made a toast to all guests. Before the arrival of the 2018 New Year, this friendship banquet fully expressed the hosts’ deep feelings about international friendship with all countries and the music was to sing for this everlasting friendship!
At the dinner party, Chengdu famous artists performed many wonderful guzheng music such as Spring River Moonlit Night, Shepherd's Song, A Beautiful Jasmine Flower, Mountain and Flowing Water and so on. Those performances left great impressions to the forieng diplomats. With the beautiful music and delicious food, we all shared a relaxed, joyful and memorable night in Chengdu…