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大使“心目中的中国” 第二届驻华大使狮子湖研讨会

时间:2010-12-10 21:41:27


    The Second Ambassador Leisure Summit was held at the Lion Lake, Qingyuan from December 1st to 5th. Many foreign ambassadors and envoys from over 50 countries, including Jordan, Mauritius, Luxembourg, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Oman, Nigeria, Armenia, Turkey, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Tunisia, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, Vietnam and Zimbabwe as well as more than 80 international bankers and entrepreneurs shared wonderful golf time and mutual communication with each other for building friendship and enjoying healthy lifestyle.

    12月3日 ,各国大使、世界银行家、跨国企业家齐聚一堂,共话休闲与投资。探讨的主题不仅仅是休闲交流,而更多的关注整个社会的发展和投资机遇。
    December 3rd, all ambassadors, international bankers and entrepreneurs gathered together to share their views about leisure and investment. The talk was not only to simply exchange thoughts on leisure, but also to attach greater attentions to social development and global investment opportunities.

    The event was hosted by Rui Chenggang, reporter from China Central Television. He asked ambassadors and guests: “How is China in their hearts?”

    Mauritius Ambassador Paul Chong Leung said: China a strong country, I didn’t see the financial crisis hit the economy here. I think: if China is stable, then the world is also stable. China is one of the countries with political stability in the world.

    Jordanian Ambassador Anmar A.H.N.Al-Hmoud said: We are a Middle East country. I personally witnessed many significant events taking place in China, such as Yushu earthquake, Beijing Olympic Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games…… China has done really well. As an important country, China constantly pursuits world peace and always helps many undeveloped countries. Jordan received assistance from China in many areas, like establishing solar power plants. We are deeply touched by the generous acts and China is a role model for making world peace.

    Turkish Ambassador Murat Salem Esenli said: as an ambassador from an emerging country, I witnessed that China is facing many complex situations; however, China still enjoys solid economic growth of 11% increase. I'm surprised by this remarkable result. So far, China and Turkey trade volume has exceeded 18 billion U.S. dollars. China is helping Turkey to construct high-speed railway from Istanbul from Ankara, we are going to have more cooperation in other fields for strengthening the existing excellent partnership. Please pay more attention to Turkey.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador Amer Kovacevic said: It is our pleasure to be here to talk about “China in my heart” this topic with everybody. This January, I was in the People’s Great Hall and presented my credentials to Chinese President Hu Jintao as a newly appointed ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Before I came to China, I was afraid if I will get alone with Chinese people. But I slowly feel Chinese people are very friendly. They said no matter the country is big or small, everybody is welcomed in China for making harmony, peace and development in our world. This point moved me very much. This March, I read the Government Work Report given by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Chinese economic development attracted worldwide attention, and I hope that China can help us for future development and growth.

    Luxembourg Ambassador Krieger Carlo said: Luxembourg and China have long history of friendship and communication. In 1990, China helped us develop the economy, especially in the metal production industry. In Luxembourg, we can find the branches of "Bank of China". The country is the gateway to Europe for China and its companies. As the ambassador, I would like to expand the cooperation between Luxembourg and China in education, steel and other areas.

    Sri Lankan Ambassador Karunatilaka Amunugama said: In 1950, Sri Lanka established the diplomatic relations with China. Since 1970, the two countries rapidly developed bilateral relations in many ways.  As an ambassador, I got respect in China, I have witnessed the friendship and brotherhood of the two close nations. China has a principle: regardless the size of a country, if it is in need, China will always be happy to help. Just for this reason, I feel I'm lucky to be the Sri Lanka ambassador in China.

Omani Ambassador Abdullah Salleh Al-Saadi: China is a great country, Oman and China built their solid relationship since the seventeenth century. The two countries hold mutual political trust, economic and trade exchanges and abundant cultural interactions. I admire China very much, and I also want to help Chinese enterprises to succeed in Oman. 
    Polish Ambassador Tadeusz Chomicki said: I am really proud to be the Polish Ambassador to China, and I am very busy in China. Poland was almost destroyed in the World War II, and now our important work is to develop Poland’s economy. In 2004, Poland officially became a member of the EU. We should be more responsible for Europe and other member countries. China is the world's second economic power; we look forward to cooperate with China for more opportunities.

    也门驻华大使阿卜杜马来克 穆阿利米:中国是世界上最伟大的国家之一,我的国家和中国的友好关系已有54年,记得我1970年来中国时,中国的交通、文化、生活水平一般,现在的中国发展速度令人惊呀,我期待也门与中国经济、文化、旅游领域开展更多的合作。
    Yemeni Ambassador Abdulmalek Mualemi said: China is one of the greatest countries in the world, my country has friendly relations with China for over 54 years. I still remember when I came to China in 1970, China's transportation; culture standard of living was underdeveloped. But now, China showed the world its amazing development speed. I also look forward to explore more opportunities between Yemen and China in economy, culture and tourism areas.

    Tunisian Ambassador Mohamed Adel Smaoui said: I am a new ambassador to China for only two months now. Recently, I presented my credentials to President Hu Jintao was in the People’s Great Hall. China has stable political environment, rapid economic growth and wonderful citizens, everything here left deep impression in my mind. It is important to build and keep the relationships between China and Arab countries as well as African countries. We would like to be the new bridge for connecting opportunities for China, Tunisia and other countries.

    Slovak Ambassador Frantisek Dlhopolcek said: I have engaged in diplomatic relations for many years, I have witnessed China's political stability, economic development and its international recognitions. China and Slovakia have very good relations. Slovakia is located in the central Europe with convenient transportation, stable political environment; therefore, it is considered as an ideal location for investors. Investing in Slovakia is like investing in Europe. We welcome foreign investment and cooperation.

    Armenian Ambassador Armen Sargsyan said: Chinese people achieved economic reform and built a socialist harmonious society in relative short time frame. We deeply thank for the selfless assistance to Armenia from China. Since the two countries established the diplomatic relations, more than 50 governmental and private agreements were signed to maintain good communication and partnership in senior level, civil level and business level. Based on the excellent political atmospheres, the two countries will have more potential to deepen economic, commercial and cultural exchanges so that mutual trust and mutual benefits will be realized with enhanced friendship and comprehensive partnership.

    With China's rapid growth in the world, the world holds great desire to discover more about China. Many countries want to understand and learn about China through different channels and levels, especially in high level and wealthy sectors. Through this leisure summit, ambassadors not only enjoyed the quality time together, but also shared their views and learnt from the 5,000 years of Chinese wisdom.

    The Chairman of Yi Jie Hong Tai Group, the hosting organizer, Mr. Wang Lujun said, as the world experiencing economic recovery, the government functions have been transformed to match with the time. Sometimes, the enterprises can make greater influence in diplomatic relations than the government. We are very happy to see so many ambassadors gathering together at the Lion Lake, which created the birth of an Eastern Camp David in the world.


作者:韦 燕 刘登臣 魏炯才 黄立辉 特约记者 郭 雁  来源:本网站

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