(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣) 3月15日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部商务晚宴在北京中国国际期货股份有限公司16楼宴会厅举行, 古巴驻华大使白诗德阁下携夫人出席。中外新闻社总裁韦燕, 中国国际期货股份有限公司董事长特别助理姜明敏, 城乡统筹发展研究中心咨询委会会副主任谭雄中, 北京蓝海星河新能源有限公司董事长张小青, 中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣等与外宾共进晚宴。宴会前, 中古双方就合作机缘进行了友好交流和深入探讨。
March 15th, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club Business Dinnerwas held at the 16thfloor ballroom of China International Futures Co. Ltd. in Beijing. Ambassador of Cuba to China H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva and wife attended the dinner, which was hosted by President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms.Wei Yan, Special Assistant to CEO of China International Futures Co. Ltd.Ms. Jiang Mingmin, Deputy Director of the Advisory Committee of the Research Center for Integrated Urban and Rural DevelopmentMr. Tan Xiongzhong, the CEO of BeijingBlue Ocean Star River New Energy Co., LtdMs. Zhang Xiaoqingas well as the Executive Director Mr. Liu Dengchen. Before the dinner, the two sides had friendly exchanges and in-depth discussions on cooperation opportunities.
首先中国国际期货股份有限公司董事长特别助理姜明敏致欢迎辞。姜明敏说, 今天是个好日子, 我们迎来了珍贵的客人---古巴驻华大使白诗德阁下携夫人, 我们要感谢中外新闻社大使俱乐部的邀请和安排, 对于古巴朋友的到访, 我们表示热烈欢迎。
Firstly, Special Assistant to CEO of China International Futures Co. Ltd. Ms. Jiang Mingminmade a welcome speech. She said that today is a good day for us to welcome our precious guests Ambassador of Cuba to China H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva and his wife. We would like to thankHome and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club for the invitation and arrangement, and we would also like to express our warm welcome to the Cuban friends for their visit tonight.
姜明敏说, 中国国际期货股份有限公司于1995年10月30日成立。公司经营范围包括: 商品期货经纪、金融期货经纪、期货投资咨询、资产管理、基金销售等。中国国际期货股份有限公司对外投资6家公司, 与海外的业务开展顺利, 至今已经有50多国驻华大使馆使节到访我公司洽谈合作项目。对于一个资本市场服务的企业, 我们很期待同拉美国家展开合作, 特别是古巴。古巴的矿产资源非常丰富, 主要包括镍、铬、铜、铁、锰等金属矿产。古巴的镍储量占世界已探明储量的约三分之一, 是世界上重要的镍生产国之一。此外, 古巴还开采硫磺、钴、硫铁矿、石膏、石棉、石油和石灰石等矿产资源, 这些都是我们期待合作的项目。
China International Futures Co. Ltd. was established on October 30, 1995, said Ms. Jiang Mingmin. The company's business scope includes commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, asset management and fund sales. The company has invested in 6 overseas companies, and its overseasbusiness has been carried out smoothly, and so far more than 50 embassies and envoys in China have visited our company to discuss cooperative projects. As a capital market service enterprise, we are looking forward to cooperating with Latin American countries, especially Cuba. Cuba is rich in mineral resources, including nickel, chromium, copper, iron, manganese and other minerals. Cuba's nickel reserves account for about one-third of the world's proven reserves, and it is one of the world's major nickel producers. In addition, Cuba also exploits mineral resources such as sulphur, cobalt, sulphureous iron ore, gypsum, asbestos, petroleum and limestone, all of which are projects we look forward to cooperative with Cuba.
出席会见的北京蓝海星河新能源有限公司董事长张小青也向古巴驻华大使白诗德阁下介绍了自己的公司, 对于与古巴的合作充满期待。她说,古巴政局稳定, 古巴与中国的双边合作堪称典范。两国在平等、尊重的基础上推动多领域合作。在生物制药领域取得了诸多成果, 在再生能源开发和网络安全等领域也有着宽泛的合作空间。我们将计划前往古巴考察, 尽快有合作项目落地。
CEO of BeijingBlue Ocean Star River New Energy Co., LtdMs. Zhang Xiaoqingintroduced her company to Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva, and expressed her full expectation for the cooperation with Cuba. She said that the political situation in Cuba is stable and the bilateral cooperation between Cuba and China is exemplary. The two countries have promoted cooperation in many fields with mutual equality and respect. Many achievements have been made in the field of biopharmaceuticals, and there is wide scope for cooperation in areas such as renewable energy development and cyber security. We are planning to visit Cuba to discover more cooperative projects as soon as possible.
城乡统筹发展研究中心咨询委会会副主任谭雄中也向大使阁下谈了自己的设想, 新农村发展中扮演重要角色的资源就是技术协助, 下一步, 我们要进军古巴, 投资古巴, 期待两者双赢。
Deputy Director of the Advisory Committee of the Research Center for Integrated Urban and Rural DevelopmentMr. Tan Xiongzhongalso shared his vision with the Ambassador, that technical assistance plays an important role in the development of new rural areas. The next step for us isto invest in Cuba to create win-win deals for both parties.
大使说, 我们也有非物质文化遗产, 我们高度重视这方面的合作。古巴咖啡、蜂蜜, 还有龙虾、雪茄、兰姆酒。非常受中国企业家欢迎。
Ambassador said, we also have intangible cultural heritages that we attach great importance to in cooperation, such as Cuban coffee, honey, as well as lobster, cigars and rum. They are very popular with Chinese companies.
友好交流后, 大家观看中国国际期货股份有限公司宣传片, 中国国际期货股份有限公司期货各项主要经济指标、核心竞争力、其经营管理模式、业务创新能力、风险管理与合规经营的水平给古巴驻华大使白诗德阁下留下深刻的印象。
After friendly exchanges, everyone watched the promotional video of China International Futures Co. Ltd. The company’s main economic indicators, core competitiveness, operation and management mode, business innovation ability, risk management and compliance level left a great impression to Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva.
大使表示, 首先感谢中国中外新闻社大使俱乐部的安排, 使我们小范围的同中国企业进行面对面的交流沟通。古巴是最早同新中国建交的拉丁美洲国家, 古中关系体现了大国与小国的平等相待;展现了社会主义国家间的相互帮助;诠释了中国和拉美国家的相互尊重, 是双边关系中的典范。2025年1月1日, 古巴正式成为金砖国家伙伴国, 在我们看来, 对金砖国家活动的几乎所有领域都很感兴趣。大使强调, 我们还需要等待相关授予伙伴地位的决定, 才能知道他们会在哪些方面更积极地参与。
Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silvaexpressed that firstly, he thanked the Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club for arranging the face-to-face exchanges with Chinese enterprises. Cuba was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with the new China, and the relationship between Cuba and China is a model of equality between large and small countries, of mutual assistance between socialist countries, of mutual respect between China and Latin American countries, and a model for bilateral relations. on January 1, 2025, Cuba will officially become a partner of the BRICS, and from our point of view, we are very interested in almost all the areas of BRICS activities. The Ambassador emphasized that we still have to wait for the decision on the granting of the status of partner to know in which areas Cuba will participate more actively.
中外新闻社总裁韦燕在交流会上谈到,国际形势发生了深刻复杂变化, 百年变局和世纪疫情相互交织, 经济全球化遭遇逆流, 大国博弈日趋激烈, 世界进入新的动荡变革期, 国内发展走向创行模式。今天, 我们有机会同古巴大使白诗德阁下深度交流, 非常有成果。
President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan talked about the profound and complicated changes in the international situation with the economic globalization encountering a countercurrent, the increasingly intense competition between major powers, the world entering a new period of turbulence and change, and the domestic development moving towards innovative modes. Today, we have the opportunity to have an in-depth exchange with Cuban Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva, which is very inspirational.
3月5日, 十四届全国人大三次会议在北京开幕, 国务院总理李强作《政府工作报告》。韦燕请大使谈在人民大会堂聆听《政府工作报告》后的感想。大使谈到, 中国在全球经济和地缘政治挑战下仍定位实现5%的GDP增长目标令世界瞩目, 中国的发展不仅为全球提供了经济机遇, 更搭建起文明交流与科技合作的桥梁。
March 5th, the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) was held in Beijing, with Premier Li Qiang delivering the GovernmentWorkReport. Ms. Wei Yan asked the Ambassador about his feelings after listening to the Government Work Report in the Great Hall of the People. The Ambassador said that China's position to achieve the 5% GDP growth target despite global economic and geopolitical challenges is remarkable to the world, and that China's development not only provides economic opportunities for the world, but also builds a bridge of civilization exchange and scientific and technological cooperation.
古巴大使白诗德阁下表示, 古巴完全支持中国, 古巴充分信任中国技术, 古巴市场向华为、中兴通讯等中国企业敞开大门。
Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silvasaid that Cuba fully supports China, Cuba fully trusts Chinese technology, and the Cuban market is open to Chinese companies such as Huawei, ZTE, and such.
中外新闻社至今已经在71个国家建立了中外新闻社分社、记者站、新闻中心, 都是中外新闻社古巴共和国分社还没有建立。韦燕总裁向大使提出申请, 大使表示一定帮助推动中外新闻社在古巴落地, 让中外新闻社在促进中国和古巴双边关系和经济发展中发挥重要作用。
Home and Abroad News Press has set up branches, press stations and news centers in 71 countries, but the Cuba Branch has not yet been established. President Wei Yan expressed her plan to the ambassador, and he confirmed to provide all necessary assistance to help Home and Abroad News Press to establish the Cuba Branch so that the media can play an important role in promoting the bilateral relations as well as the economic developmentbetween China and Cuba.
今年9月迎来中古建交65周年的重要节点, 友好的根基在人民, 生命力源自人民。中外新闻社将以中古建交65周年为契机, 积极申请主办“古巴雪茄文化节”, “庆祝中古建交65周年—中古艺术家书画展”, 继续传承和发扬中古友好, 进一步拓展和深化各领域务实合作, 推动中古全天候战略合作伙伴关系取得更大发展, 打造新时代更加紧密的中古命运共同体。
The 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cuba will be celebrated in September this year. The foundation of friendship lies in the people, and its vitality comes from the people. Taking the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cuba as an opportunity, Home and Abroad News Press will actively apply for the hosting of the “Cuban Cigar Cultural Festival” and the “Chinese and Cuban Artists' Exhibition of Painting and Calligraphy” as a part of the celebration events. We will continue to carry forward the friendship between China and Cuba, further expand and deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and promote the further development of the all-weather strategic partnership between China and Cuba, so as to build a closer community of destiny between China and Cuba in the new era.
晚宴开始前, 古巴驻华大使白诗德阁下为中国国际期货股份有限公司饶有兴趣的贡献墨宝,写下:古中同舟共济!古巴大使:白诗德
Before the dinner, Ambassador of Cuba to ChinaH.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silvawrote a personal message: Cuba and China are in the same boat! with his signature.
中国国际期货股份有限公司坐落在北京市中心, 16楼宴会厅金碧辉煌,古筝音乐悠扬, 窗外明月当空, 宾主双方和企业家汇聚一堂, 叙谈友谊、合作, 美酒、美食、美景……用爱点亮云端, 中外友谊之花今晚格外璀璨……
China International Futures Co. Ltd. is located in the center of Beijing CBD. With the well decoratedballroom, beautifulguzheng music and thebright moonlight outside the window, the hosts and guestscelebrated for their friendship and cooperation. Love lights up the night, and the friendshipflower between China and foreign countriesshines brightly tonight......