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塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇阁下: 我们将与中国兄弟患难与共

Serbian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Milan Bacevic:
Serbia and China are brothers going through the difficult times

时间:2020-3-6 8:26:47


  塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇( Milan Bacevic)同中外新闻社总裁韦燕友好交流

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻北京报道)今年1月,中国一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒感染的疫情成为世界关注焦点。连日来,一些国家领导人和国际组织负责人通过致函或其他方式,积极评价并支持中方为抗击新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情所做努力。
    In January this year, a sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic in China has become the focus of world attention. In the recent days, the leaders of some countries and heads of international organizations sent messages or other means to actively appreciate and support China's efforts to fight the novel coronavirus.
    3月5日, 中外新闻社“新型冠状病毒疫情防控—对话各国驻华大使”栏目组来到塞尔维亚驻华使馆,对话塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇阁下。
    March 5th, Home and Abroad News Press “The Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control --- Dialogue with Foreign Ambassadors to China” program came to the Serbian embassy, and we had a close dialogue with the Serbian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Milan Bacevic.
    Ambassador Bacevic said that The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić made an official visit to China on February 26th. He is the first foreign minister received by China since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic. During the special moment of China fighting against the novel coronavirus, the Serbian delegation visited China, reflecting the unbreakable “Iron Brothers” relationship between the two countries.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕对话塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)阁下

    Ambassador Bacevic recalled that when the NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, Chinese friends stayed in Belgrade and stood with the Serbian people. Now the Serbian people are not afraid of the novel coronavirus and will be with our Chinese brothers during the difficult times. In this serious epidemic situation, none of us left China. My family and I stayed in Beijing and support China to fight against the coronavirus epidemic.
    记者: 大使阁下!据了解,塞尔维亚政府向中国提供的医疗物资援助,这不仅维护中国人民的生命安全和身体健康,也为维护全球和地区公共卫生安全做出的贡献。捐赠有价,情义无价。患难见真情,我们全体中国人民在此表示衷心的感谢。请你谈谈塞尔维亚向中方提供援助的最新情况。谢谢!
    Journalist: Hello Ambassador! We have learnt that the medical materials provided by Serbian government and people have been sent to China, this noble act not only protects the life safety and health of the Chinese people, but also contributes to the global and regional public health security. There is priceless support with everlasting friendship between the two countries. All Chinese people would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Serbia. Please share with us some updates on Serbia’s assistance to China. Thank you!

  塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)阁下欢迎中外新闻社总裁韦燕一行的到访

    Ambassador: Serbia is a small country, but it is a great friend of China and is ready to help in any way within its capabilities. It was also a message of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to Chinese President Xi Jinping. We are loyal to China and sympathize with its people and leadership in efforts to combat the epidemic. Last week, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic visited China to express his support and solidarity thus marking the first visit by a foreign minister to China since the outbreak of epidemic. On this occasion, it was confirmed that by a decision of the Government of Republic of Serbia, aid to China in the form of medical and technical materials will be sent and it should arrive to China very soon.

  中外新闻社采访团队向塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)阁下推荐刊登塞尔维亚新闻的《中外新闻》杂志

    Journalist: What is your focus of attention on the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus infection in China?
    Ambassador: I follow with great attention the efforts that China is making to curb the spread of the new virus, thereby demonstrating the superior leadership, high level of awareness and discipline of its society in the crucial moment. Also, in parallel with the fight against the epidemic, it is making maximum efforts to preserve the stability and sustainability of economic development. In this respect, it has provided a number of incentives to help SMEs, support the employment, finance, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment and market expectations. This shows the power and sustainability of the Chinese economy and provides an example of the behavior of a socially responsible state. We have great admiration for the efforts being made by the Chinese authorities to mobilize resources and forces at all levels to combat the epidemic. China was successively sent medical teams, managing to build hospital facilities in an unimaginably short time. The results of the work to control and prevent the epidemic has made a great achievement: the cure rate outside Hubei province has exceeded 85% since March 2nd. While China's prevention and control efforts are making visible progress, I see that there is still some caution, although the end of the fight against the virus is ever closer. I find that China by this demonstrates an extraordinary degree of responsibility.

  3月5日下午,塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)阁下会见中外新闻社总裁韦燕一行

    Journalist: What are your proposals for strengthening cooperation between China and the international community to jointly respond to this epidemic emergency and maintain global public health and safety?
    大使:当前,许多国家已经报告了新型冠状病毒病例,其中一些国家正面临越来越困难的局面。 根据世界卫生组织的数据,在过去的24小时内,全球新增的冠状病毒病例数是中国的9倍。看到这些报告后,我也看到中国正在加强国际合作,及时分享抗击疫情信息和经验,并正在与其他国家协调资源共同应对,我认为,受到这一流行病影响的国家必须紧急做出反应,加强在公共卫生部门的交流渠道和合作,这一点至关重要。 现在最重要的是要团结起来,让其他国家与中国继续合作,并尽其所能互相帮助,包括分享科学知识,诊断和治疗解决方案等。
    Ambassador: Currently, cases have been reported in many countries, some of which are facing an increasingly difficult situation. According to the WHO, in the last 24 hours, there are nine times more new cases of coronavirus in the world than in China. Following the reports, I see that China is stepping up international and regional cooperation, sharing information and experiences in a timely manner, and is co-ordinating policies and resources with other countries, demonstrating its international solidarity and empathy in the common fight against the epidemic. I think it is of great importance that the countries affected by the epidemic respond urgently, enhance communication channels and cooperation in the public health sector. The most important now is to be united and that other countries, together with China, continue to work together and help each other to the best of their ability, including sharing scientific knowledge, diagnostic and therapeutic solutions, etc.

  塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)同中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣握手致意,相互表达祝福

    Journalist: As the Ambassador to China, do you receive the accurate and comprehensive information about the epidemic situation of novel coronavirus infection in time? What do you do to prevent and control the epidemic situation through the diplomatic system?
    大使:中国不仅对本国公民表现出责任,而且对国际卫生安全也在负责任。 信息每天共享,地方当局也参与外国人的照料。 我们的大使馆遵循建议的预防措施,遵循了北京政府和世界卫生组织的建议。 我们注意到北京和其他城市的生活正在慢慢恢复正常,这令人鼓舞。
    Ambassador: China has not only shown responsibility to its own citizens but also for the international health security. Information is shared on a daily basis and local authorities are also involved in the care of foreign nationals. Our embassy follows the recommendations of the Beijing government as well as of the WHO by adhering to the recommended preventive measures. We notice that life in Beijing and other cities is slowly returning to normal, and that is encouraging.

  塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)同中外新闻社副总裁、加拿大分社社长张珈闻握手致意、相互表达祝福

    Lastly, Ambassador Bacevic expressed that I sincerely appreciated the leadership and people of China for all they have done to fight against this epidemic. We also especially thank all the medical staff for their heroic actions. We would like to pay tributes to them. This time, China not only cares about its own people, but also the people around the world. I think every country would like to thank China because of its open and shared information, including all details about the novel coronavirus epidemic. This important information can help other countries to deal with the coronavirus epidemic. China's experience in epidemic prevention and control is worth learning from all countries.
    Before we finished the dialogue with the ambassador, we thanked him again for making time with us. We wished him and his embassy staff and family members a healthy and happy life!

  塞尔维亚驻华大使巴切维奇(Milan Bacevic)表示:中国的防控疫情的经验值得所有国家借鉴和学习

作者:记者 张珈闻  来源:本网站

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