(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣 谭雄中)中国-埃塞俄比亚建交55周年庆典于3月13日在北京隆重举行。中国外交部副部长陈晓东, 外交部非洲司副司长何德刚, 商务部外贸发展事务局副局长郭策, 埃塞俄比亚驻华大使塔费拉•德贝•伊马姆, 喀麦隆驻华大使马丁•姆巴纳及阿尔及利亚、肯尼亚、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、阿联酋等60余国驻华使节及企业代表应邀出席。中外新闻社总裁韦燕率团拜会埃塞俄比亚大使, 分享中国—埃塞俄比亚建交55周年合作成果。
The 55th Anniversary of China-Ethiopia Diplomatic Relations was celebrated on March 13th in Beijing.Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Mr. Chen Xiaodong, Deputy Director General of the Department of African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Mr. He Degang, Deputy Director General of the Bureau of Foreign Trade Development of the Ministry of Commerce of China Mr. Guo Ce, Ambassador of Ethiopia to China H.E. Mr. Tefera Derbew Yimam, Ambassador ofCameroon to ChinaH.E. Mr. Martin Mpana as well as many envoys and business representatives from more than 60 countries, including Algeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, were invited to attend the celebration event. President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan and the delegation meets with the Ethiopian Ambassador to China to share the China-Ethiopia cooperation achievements on the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
埃塞俄比亚驻华大使塔费拉•德贝•伊马姆在致辞中表示, 埃中两国关系提升为全天候战略伙伴关系, 清楚地表明两国在多个领域的合作得到了保持和深化, 双边贸易和投资不断增长, 两国关系不断加强。他强调, 中国是埃塞俄比亚最大的贸易伙伴, 埃塞俄比亚的咖啡、皮革和其他农产品等获得了更多进入中国市场的机会。
Ambassador of Ethiopia to China H.E. Mr. Tefera Derbew Yimamsaid in his speech that the upgrading of the relationship between Ethiopia and China to an all-weather strategic partnership is a clear indication that the cooperation between the two countries has been maintained and deepened in many areas, and that bilateral trade and investment have continued to grow and the relationship between the two countries has been strengthened. He emphasized that China is Ethiopia's largest trading partner, and Ethiopia's coffee, leather and other agricultural products have gained more opportunities to enter the Chinese market.
中国外交部副部长陈晓东在致辞中表示, 中埃两国关系定位实现由“全面合作伙伴”到“全面战略合作伙伴”再到“全天候战略伙伴”的“三级跳”, 中国已成为埃塞俄比亚第一大贸易伙伴、第一大投资来源地、第一大工程承包方。两国深化基础设施、制造业、咖啡贸易等传统领域合作, 极大地惠及两国及两国人民。
Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong said in his speech that the positioning of China-Ethiopia relations has realized a “triplejump” from “comprehensive partner” to “comprehensive strategic partner” to “all-weather strategic partner”, and China has become the largest trade partner and the largest source of investment in Ethiopia and the largest engineering contractor. The deepening of cooperation between the two countries in traditional areas such as infrastructure, manufacturing and coffee trade has greatly benefited the two countries and their peoples.
值得一提的是, 在庆典期间, 塔费拉大使夫妇亲临“埃塞俄比亚国家馆”抖音直播间, 对直播间展现的埃塞俄比亚文化、咖啡产业及中埃合作成果表示高度赞赏, 希望通过这一数字化平台进一步推动两国文化交流与经贸合作, 让更多中国民众了解埃塞俄比亚的独特魅力。
It is worth mentioning that, during the celebration, Ambassador and Mrs. Yimamvisited the TikToklive broadcasting room of “Ethiopia National Pavilion”, and eagerly promoted the Ethiopian culture, coffee industry and the results of China-Ethiopia cooperation achievements, and hoped to further promote the cultural exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries through this digital platform, so as to let more Chinese people know the unique charm of Ethiopia.
此次庆典充分展示了埃塞俄比亚与中国的友好关系以及广阔的合作前景。在“一带一路”倡议的框架下, 两国合作成果丰硕, 未来也将继续秉持合作共赢的理念, 深化各领域务实合作, 携手应对全球挑战, 为实现共同发展与繁荣的美好愿景注入源源不断的新动力, 书写中埃友好合作的崭新篇章。
The ceremony fully demonstrated the friendly relations between Ethiopia and China and the broad prospects for bilateralcooperation. Under the framework of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation and will continue to uphold the concept of win-win cooperation, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and work hand in hand to address global challenges, so as to inject more energyto pursue the beautiful vision of common development and prosperity, and to write a brand-new chapter of China and Ethiopia’s friendship and cooperation.
韦燕总裁及团队还参观了中国—埃塞俄比亚建交55周年图片展览, 体验埃塞俄比亚文化, 品埃塞俄比亚咖啡, 与埃塞俄比亚朋友友好交流, 度过了一段难忘的美好时光。
Ms. Wei Yan and her delegation also visited the 55th Anniversary of China-Ethiopia Diplomatic Relations Photo Exhibition to learn more about the Ethiopian culture, tasteEthiopian coffee, and exchange views with Ethiopian friends for unforgettable and wonderful time.