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2011 China (Ningxia) International Investment and Trade Fair

时间:2011-10-30 11:55:35

核心提示:中国高层官员及阿拉伯国家首脑、高层官员汇聚银川:● 中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林;● 毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国总统默罕默德-乌尔德-阿齐兹;● 卡塔尔亲王谢赫阿卜杜勒阿齐兹贾西姆阿勒萨尼;● 匈牙利共和国副主席乌伊海伊-伊什特万;● 全国人大原副委员长、中阿友好协会会长铁木尔-达瓦买提;● ...

● 中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林;
● 毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国总统默罕默德-乌尔德-阿齐兹;
● 卡塔尔亲王谢赫•阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹•贾西姆•阿勒•萨尼;
● 匈牙利共和国副主席乌伊海伊-伊什特万;
● 全国人大原副委员长、中阿友好协会会长铁木尔-达瓦买提;
● 中国商务部副部长姜增伟;
● 中国国家贸易促进委员会会长万季飞;
● 阿拉伯国家部长级官员。

Chinese high officials and Arab countries’ leaders and senior officials gathered together Yinchuan:
• The Commissioner of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, the Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Mr. Jia Qinglin;
• President of Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mr. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz;
• Prince of Qatar, HH Sheik Jassim Bin Abdulaziz Bin Jassim Al-Thani;
• Vice President of the Republic of Hungary, Ujhelyi István;
• Former Vice Chairman of National People's Congress, the President of the China-Arab Friendship Association, Mr. Tömür Dawamet;
• Vice Minister of Chinese Commerce Ministry, Mr. Jiang Zengwei;
• President of China National Trade Promotion Committee, Mr. Wan Jifei;
• State and senior officials from Arab countries.

    In the golden September, more than 7,000 Chinese and foreign guests gathered together in Yinchuan. Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and Chinese National Trade Promotion Committee, organized by the Provincial Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the "2011 China (Ningxia) International Investment and Trade Fair and the Second Session of the Chinese Arab Economic Forum" was held in Yinchuan between September 21st and 25th. The Commissioner of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, the Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Mr. Jia Qinglin attended and announced the opening of the event.
    The President of Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mr. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the Vice Minister of Chinese Commerce Ministry, Mr. Jiang Zengwei, the President of China National Trade Promotion Committee, Mr. Wan Jifei also individually delivered a speech.
    More than 7,000 officials, representatives and businessmen from Bahrain, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kuwait, Mauritania, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and other 76 countries, regions and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan attended this conference. The theme of the forum was "Inheritance, Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Development". Through four main sections, including forums and conferences, exhibitions, trade talks and cultural exchanges, a multi-platform high-level dialogue system was effectively provided to China, Arab countries and other Islamic countries.
    This was the first time our reporters were invited to interview the Arab Economic Forum, and we personally felt the in-depth cooperation and important achievements from China and the Arab countries’ trade, energy, culture fields. In this forum, 164 projects were successfully discussed and signed and the total investment value reached 208.652 billion RMB. Those projects are mainly in traditional energy, new energy, chemicals, logistics and other sectors.
    The Chairman of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Wang Zhengwei said that  Ningxia can fill the needs of China and Arab countries, Ningxia is committed to being a connection hub for China and Arab trade and economic cooperation, actively promote the Halaal related industries, international tourism, cultural exchanges, engineering contracting, education and training and other important aspects.
    During the trade shows, we found many well-known Chinese enterprises participated this event, including China Petroleum, China Aluminum, Sinochem Corporation, National Electronics, China South Locomotive, Dongfang Electrics. There were also ten Arab League countries, such as United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, five Muslim countries including Pakistan and Malaysia, and the EU-China Economic Committee (EUCNC), South Africa as well as other 19 countries  and regions made exhibitions. This year, the event is the largest in both scale and participation rate, which is considered a strong support for China and Arab countries and the global economy with deepening cooperation and friendships.

作者:黄立辉 刘宝虎  来源:本网站

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