(中外新闻社 中外新闻网小记者)一提起巴基斯坦, 我们就把“铁哥们”、“全天候”、“兄弟”、“中巴友谊万岁”等正能量词语联系在一起, 中巴两国一直以来保持着良好的关系。中国是巴基斯坦最为亲密最友好的国家, 中巴关系经历了许多事件的考验。在新冠肺炎疫情之中, 中国也向巴基斯坦提供了相当多的援助, 帮助巴基斯坦政府和巴基斯坦人民对抗疫情。中巴两国之间的情谊, 在新冠肺炎疫情之中又得到了进一步的加强。2022年7月21日下午, “见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者就关注的如约采访巴基斯坦驻广州总领事迪亚尔•汗阁下, 遇见“巴铁”寓意深远。
When we talking about Pakistan, we normally think about some positive energy words such as “iron brothers”, “all-weather partner” and “long live China-Pakistan friendship” etc. China and Pakistan have always maintained good relations. China is the closest and friendliest country to Pakistan, and the China-Pakistan relations have experienced the test of many events. During the COVID-19 pandemic, China has also provided a lot of assistance to Pakistan to help the Pakistani government and the Pakistani people to fight against the pandemic. China-Pakistan’s friendship has been further strengthened during this global crisis. On the afternoon of July 21, 2022, a-"Witness of Friendship" Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed the Consul General of Pakistan in Guangzhou Mr. Diyar Khan. This meeting with the “Iron Brother” has far-reaching meanings.
巴基斯坦驻广州总领事迪亚尔•汗阁下用流利的中文向全体小记者问好。他说, 今天我能见到那么多的中国小记者非常高兴, 我非常欢迎你们访问巴基斯坦驻广州总领事馆。
Consul General of Pakistan in Guangzhou Mr. Diyar Khan greeted all the junior journalists in fluent Chinese. He said that I am very happy to meet so many Chinese junior journalists today, and I very much welcome you to visit the Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou.
总领事首先请小记者观看一部DVD宣传片, 影片详细的介绍了巴基斯坦国家的文化、风土人情等, 总领事高度的评价了中巴两国关系, 他说, 这种关系是“全天候”的, 两国的友谊要靠青少年继承和发扬。
The Consul General first invited the junior journalists to watch a DVD promotional video about Pakistan. The video introduced the unique culture and customs of Pakistan in details. The Consul General spoke highly of the relationship between China and Pakistan. The friendship between the two countries depends on the inheritance and development of young people.
有小记者问: “中国和巴基斯坦是友好邻国, “巴铁友好”深入人心, 去年是中国和巴基斯坦建交 70 周年, 双方举办了 142 场庆祝活动。请问您对下一个70年的中巴的全方位关系有哪些期待?”
A junior journalist asked: “China and Pakistan are friendly neighbors, and “China-Pakistan iron-brother friendship” is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Last year was the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Both sides organized 142 celebration events. What are your expectations for this all-round relationship?”
迪亚尔•汗阁下总领事谈到, 去年是中国和巴基斯坦建交 70 周年, 巴基斯坦驻广州总领事馆也举办了庆祝活动。为庆祝这个日子, 两国政府和人民举办了100多场活动。广州五颜六色的红色和绿色矩阵, 创造了一种美丽的冲击力, 传达了两国之间永恒兄弟情谊的强烈信息, 并表明了巴中两国“将把友谊带到光荣和辉煌的新顶峰的决心。70年来, 世界局势风云变幻, 但中巴友谊依旧牢不可破, 坚如磐石。巴方愿同中方以建交70周年为契机, 继续传承和发扬中巴友好, 进一步拓展和深化各领域务实合作, 打造下一个70年更加紧密的中巴命运共同体。
Consul General Diyar Khan said that last year was the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan, and the Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou also held a few celebration events. To celebrate this milestone, the governments and people of the two countries have held more than 100 events, Guangzhou had a colorful matrix of red and green colors to create a beautiful punch and a strong message of eternal brotherhood between the two countries. China and Pakistan will take their friendship to a new peak. In the past 70 years, the world situation has changed greatly, but the China-Pakistan friendship is still unbreakable and rock-solid. Pakistan is willing to take the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with China as an opportunity to continue and carry forward the priceless China-Pakistan friendship to further expand and deepen practical cooperation in various fields and build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the next 70 years.
“2021年11月22日广州市与巴基斯坦拉合尔市结为国际友好合作交流城市, 你认为:广州市与拉合尔市如何加强青少年的交流?”小记者问。迪亚尔•汗阁下总领事谈到, 广州市与巴基斯坦旁遮普省拉合尔市正式结为国际友好合作交流城市, 根据两市加强交流合作备忘录, 双方将在经贸、文旅、科技、教育等领域开展友好交流。拉合尔市有“花园城市”的美誉。该市是巴基斯坦第一大省旁遮普省的首府和政治经济文化中心、巴基斯坦第二大城市、历史文化古城, 素有“巴基斯坦灵魂”之称, 拥有巴基斯坦顶级教育资源, 这对加强两国青少年的交流有很好的前提条件。
“Guangzhou City and Pakistan Lahore City became international friendly cooperation and exchange cities on November 22nd, 2021. In your opinions, how can Guangzhou City and Lahore City strengthen the exchanges between younger generations?” a junior journalist asked. Consul General Diyar Khan said that Guangzhou and Lahore, Punjab Province, Pakistan have officially become international friendly cooperation and exchange cities to further enhance the communication and exchange between the two cities. The two sides will carry out friendly exchanges in the fields of economy and trade, culture and tourism, science and technology, and education. Lahore is known as the "Garden City". The city is the capital and political, economic and cultural center of Punjab Province, the largest province in Pakistan, the second largest city in Pakistan, and an ancient city with long history and rich culture. There are good preconditions for communication between the younger generations of the two countries.
小记者团年龄最小、来自深圳的小记者丁家瑶问迪亚尔•汗阁下总领事:“请问您喜欢广东的美食吗?”总领事说:“我太喜欢了!广东美食享誉全世界。”总领事还说他特别喜欢广东的早茶, 大家在一起喝茶交流, 享受美食, 这是一件快乐的事情。当然能品尝等海鲜、煲仔饭等更是一次美的享受。
The youngest junior journalist from Shenzhen Ding Jiayao asked the Consul General Diyar Khan: “Do you like Guangdong's food?” The Consul General answered: “I like it so much! Cantonese food is famous all over the world.” He also said that he especially likes Cantonese morning tea. Everyone drinks tea and enjoys delicious food together, which is a happy thing for all people. Of course, it is a true enjoyment to taste other seafood and claypot rice etc.
采访活动举行时, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕向迪亚尔•汗阁下总领事提及中外新闻社很荣幸成为中国—巴基斯坦建交70周年--两国艺术家书画展的主办单位, 真真切切地感受中巴两国艺术家的艺术魅力, 为增进中国与巴基斯坦的友谊贡献媒体的力量。
During the interview, Mrs. Wei Yan mentioned to Consul General Diyar Khan that Home and Abroad News Press was honored to be the co-organizers of the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-Pakistan Diplomatic Relations - Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Beijing. The artistic charm of the artists of China and Pakistan contributes to the power of media to enhance the friendship between China and Pakistan.
采访结束, 小记者同总领事还参观了巴基斯坦的文化馆, 亲身感受巴基斯坦的服装、音乐、手工艺品, 小记者们纷纷把自己创作的书画作品、小手工艺品、家乡的特产等礼物赠送给迪亚尔•汗阁下总领事及巴基斯坦的外交官, 临别时宾主双方合影留念, 小记者挥动两国国旗, 高喊:中巴友谊万岁!
At the end of the interview, the junior journalists and the Consul General also visited the Cultural Center of Pakistan to experience Pakistan's clothing, music and handicrafts. The junior journalists presented their own paintings and calligraphy works, handicrafts, local specialties and homemade gifts to Consul General Diyar Khan and Pakistani diplomats. They took a group photo before leaving the consulate. The junior journalists waved the national flags of the two countries and said loudly: Long live the friendship between China and Pakistan!