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Nine Foreign Ambassadors to China met with the 2018 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation

时间:2018-2-7 10:30:22


    An embassy is a diplomatic representative organization of a country in another country with established diplomatic relations. The embassy, representing the interests of the entire country, has overall responsibility to maintain and develop the relations between the two countries, and it is directly appointed by the heads of state to perform its duties as the representative of the heads of state. The embassy has become a window to show the world a unique cultural charm of its country. China has all-round friendly relations and cooperation with all other countries. In line with the principle of equality and mutual benefits, China has actively conducted multi-level, wide-ranging and all-round cooperation with other countries with fruitful results. The young peopleare an important force in promoting the development of friendly and cooperative relations between China and other countries.

    2018年1月28日~2月1日中外新闻社小记者团列队出征,采访俄罗斯联邦驻华大使安德烈⋅杰尼索夫、奥地利共和国驻华大使石迪福、伊朗共和国驻华大使阿里•阿斯加尔•哈吉、越南社会主义共和国驻华大使邓明魁、刚果共和国驻华大使丹尼尔•奥瓦萨、塔吉克斯坦共和国驻华大使达夫拉特佐达、白俄罗斯共和国驻华大使鲁德•基里尔、卢旺达共和国驻华大使查尔斯•卡勇加、斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉等九国驻华大使,实现 “大使访谈 ‘大满贯’”。随着中外新闻社在 “第十七届世界媒体展”获得优秀媒体奖后,及2011年5月6日国务院港澳办批准中外新闻社在北京落地,此后中外新闻社发展突飞猛进,在国际社会产生了较大的影响,焕发出与时俱进的勃勃生机,2018’寒假中外新闻社小记者团非常幸运,实现 “大使访谈 ‘大满贯’”,这是中外新闻社为推动中国同各国的友好合作关系全面发展努力的成果,让我们期待小记者们在中国同外国友好关系的新版上画上最新最美的图画。

    Between January 28th and February 1st, 2018, Home and Abroad News Press junior journalistshad exclusive interviews with nine foreign ambassadors to China, including the Russian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Andrey Denisov, the Austrian Ambassadorto China, H.E. Mr. Friedrich Stift, the Iranian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Ali Asghar Khaji, the Vietnamese Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Dang Minh Khoi, the Ambassador of Republic of Congo to China, H.E. Mr. Daniel Owassa, the Tajikistan Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. DavlatzodaParviz, the Belarus Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Rudy Kiryl, the Rwandan Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Charles Kayonga, and the Slovakian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella. The achievement of the serial interviews this year is truly remarkable. With the honorable award of “Outstanding Media”from the 17th World Media Expo and the official approval of opening Mainland China Office in Beijing from the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Home and Abroad News Press has experienced rapid and stable growth with greater influence in the international community. 2018 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation was very lucky to have exclusive interviews with all ambassadors from the nine selected embassies. This is the milestone achievement from promoting and maintaining friendly cooperation partnerships between China and all other countries by Home and Abroad News Press. We expected the junior journalists to add more colorful and joyful elements to this precious friendship between China and all countries around the world.

作者:中外新闻社小记者  来源:本网站

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