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时间:2024-9-19 13:25:12

核心提示:8月8日下午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期访问乌拉圭大使馆, 乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多先生等外交官在大使馆热情接待我们, 小记者们友好交流。我们在乌拉圭使馆同外交官们度过了一段快乐而美好的时光...

  韦燕总裁赠送刊登采访乌拉圭总统封面《中外新闻》杂志给马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)先生

    (中外新闻社小记者)8月8日下午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期访问乌拉圭大使馆, 乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多先生等外交官在大使馆热情接待我们, 小记者们友好交流。我们在乌拉圭使馆同外交官们度过了一段快乐而美好的时光。
    On the afternoon of August 8th, “Witness Friendship”- 2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists visited the Uruguayan Embassy in Beijing. Deputy Head Mission of Uruguay Embassy in China Mr. Martin Orlandoand other diplomats warmly received us at the embassy, and had friendly exchanges with our junior journalists. We had a happy and wonderful time with the diplomats at the Uruguayan embassy.

  乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)向小记者介绍乌拉圭国家文化

    Uruguay is located in the southeastern part of South America, on the east bank of the La Plata River, bordering Brazil to the north, Argentina to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast. The splendidLatin American culture become more fabulous with ancient and modern Chinese culture. During the interview at the Uruguayan Embassy in China, the junior journalists felt that every corner seemed to be telling the story of this vibrative country, as they could touch the soul with their feelings.

  叶静璇小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)提问

    Mr. Martin Orlando first introduced Uruguay and its unique culture and tourism to the junior journalists. Uruguay is a picturesque country where you can feel the beauty of nature everywhere. Uruguay's beautiful natural sceneries and stable social environment are known as the "Switzerland of South America"; Due to its resemblance to gemstones and abundant production of amethyst, it is known as the "Land of Diamonds".

  方茗萱小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送文化礼品

    Mr. Martin Orlando also played a national promotional video of Uruguay, featuring tango, cuisine, UNESCO historical relics, soccer museums, and more.

    A junior journalist asked: “Dear Mr. Martin Orlando, hello! We are very happy to have this interview with you today. You are a young diplomat, and we see the energy and vitality of a diplomat from you. In your opinions, how will the youth of the two countries carry on the precious friendship established between China and Uruguay over the past 36 years? thank you!”

  陈怀艺向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)提问

    “Thank you very much for your question!”Martin Orlando said: in order for the youth of the two countries to better carry on the valuable friendship established between China and Uruguay over the past 36 years; first of all, it is necessary for both sides to understand the culture of each other's country, as well as local customs, and many cities, unique architecture, in short, the youth of the two countries must learn more about each other's country, and it is recommended that we cancommunicate or exchange informationthrough the Internet anytime.

  吴承浩小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)提问

    Another junior journalist asked: “Hello, I am a soccor lover. I paid great attentions to the performance of Uruguayan players in the international games. In addition to winning the World Cup, Uruguay has also won championships in the Copa America and the Olympic Games. Uruguay is also known as the country with the most championships in the Copa America. As of 2022, they have won a total of 15 Copa America championships. We want to know how Uruguayan children receive soccor training from a young age? thank you!”

  苏棨森小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送书画作品

    马丁•奥兰多先生表示, 足球是乌拉圭国运的象征。乌拉圭人的骄傲不仅来自他们曾经拥有过的荣誉, 也来自他们多年来的坚守、奉献和努力。足球也成为了国家文化遗产的一部分, 人民的生活离不开足球这个话题。乌拉圭足球的强大是建立在青训强大的基础上, 乌拉圭儿童从小踢足球, 家长们又当裁判又当教练, 每个乌拉圭男孩在会走路时, 从父母那里得到的第一个礼物都是足球。在乌拉圭, 几乎所有男孩都热爱踢球。为了满足孩子们的踢球欲望, 乌拉圭足协设计了职业和业余两大层面的足球体系。
    Mr. Martin Orlando said that Soccer is a symbol of Uruguay's national heritage. The pride of the Uruguayan people comes not only from the honors they have had, but also from their perseverance, dedication and hard work over the years. Soccer has become part of the country's cultural heritage, and the people's lives are inseparable from soccer. The strength of Uruguayan soccer is based on the strength of youth training. Uruguayan children play soccer from an early age, with parents acting as referees and coaches, and every Uruguayan boy receives a soccer ball as his first gift from his parents when he is old enough to walk. In Uruguay, almost all boys love to play soccer. In order to satisfy this desire, the Uruguayan Soccor Federation (FUF) has designed a soccer system with two tiers: professional level and amateur level.

  王林熙小记者同乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)握手致意

    The final interview question: Hello! Uruguay is known as the pearl of South America. Uruguay is included in the second batch of pilot countries for outbound group tourism in China after the COVID pandemic. Chinese tourists are full of expectations for Uruguay. Please share with us about Uruguay's cultural tourism?


    “这是一个很好的问题! 乌拉圭是世界上唯一一个游客量比居民量还要多一倍的国家,我们接待大多数是拉丁美洲的游客,当然也会有来自美国、欧洲的游客。现在也有很多的中国游客去到乌拉圭旅游,我们也诚挚的邀请大家去乌拉圭了解更多我们的体育资源、旅游资源。我想介绍的就是乌拉圭最有特色的节日“狂欢节”,就像中国的新年。乌拉圭是个非常安全的国家,乌拉圭还有很多的联合国教科文组织宣布的文化遗产、人类遗产,乌拉圭的美食也非常丰富,特别是奶制品质量非常好。乌拉圭还有很完善的动植物体系,在那里可以和很多小动物接触。乌拉圭是一个充满魅力的国家,人民的足球情结和美丽原生态的环境,足以让小记者向往去乌拉圭旅游。”马丁•奥兰多很开心回答小记者的提问。
    “This is a very good question! Uruguay is the only country in the world that has twice as many tourists as residents. We receive most tourists from Latin America, and of course there are tourists from the United States and Europe as well. There are also many Chinese tourists traveling to Uruguay, and we sincerely invite everyone to visit Uruguay to learn more about our sports and unique tourism. What I want to introduce is Uruguay's most distinctive festival ‘Carnival’, just like the Chinese New Year. Uruguay is a very safe country. Uruguay also has many cultural and human heritages declared by UNESCO. Uruguay has abundant and tasty cuisines, especially the quality of dairy products. Uruguay also has a well-established flora and fauna system, where it can contact many small animals. Uruguay is a country full of charm. People love soccor and environment; this will make you want to go to Uruguay in the future.”Mr. Martin Orlando answered the question with a big smile.

  吴承浩小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送文化礼品

    The interview was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. President Wei Yan presented Mr. Martin Orlando with a copy of the English version of Home and Abroad News magazine in whichshe gave the book《Xi Jinping: The Governance of to the President of UruguayLuis Lacalle Pou. At the Embassy of Uruguay in China, the outstanding performance of the junior journalists made a deep impression to Mr. Martin Orlando and other diplomats, and they were happy to present their own gifts to Mr. Martin Orlando, who also invited the junior journalists to taste the Uruguayan food and drinks. Then a group photo was taken and everyone cheered: Long live friendship between China and Uruguay.

  小记者同乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)在大使馆玩“自拍”


  阳思怡小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送文化礼品

  苏奕菲小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送书画作品

  叶静璇小记者向乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)赠送文化礼品

  乌拉圭驻华使馆副大使马丁•奥兰多(Mr.Martin Orlando)同中外新闻社小记者共同为中乌友谊点赞

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