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“Witness Friendship”2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists interviewed with Deputy Head of Mission of Belgium to China, Mr.Bart Vodderie

时间:2024-9-18 11:18:39

核心提示:8月8日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者团在北京如期采访比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生...

  比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)欢迎率小记者团到访的中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者)8月8日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者团在北京如期采访比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生。
    On the morning of August 8th, “Witness Friendship”2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists interviewed with Deputy Head of Mission of Belgium to China, Mr. Bart Vodderie.

    At 10:00am, the junior journalists waved the flags of China and Belgium and lined up to enter the new embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in China. Belgian diplomats warmly welcomed the junior journalist delegation and provided detailed information about the official visit of Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Crooand Foreign Minister Hajia Labib to China, who attended the inauguration ceremony of the new embassy. They emphasized that the completion of the new Belgian embassy building reflects Belgium's willingness to deepen its relations with China. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, also attended the ceremony. He pointed out that in Chinese culture, "New homes" will bring a new atmosphere, which is also China's expectation for China-Belgium and China-Europe relations. Both sides jointly unveiled the bronzeplaque for the official opening of the new embassy building. The junior journalists kept taking photos and group shots at this new Belgian Embassy.

  比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)及比利时外交官出席小记者采访会

    Deputy Head of Mission of Belgium to China, Mr. Bart Vodderie received the junior journalist delegation. He is an outstanding diplomat of Belgium. He first introduced the Kingdom of Belgium to the junior journalists. Belgium, located in Western Europe, has a superior geographical location and is also the headquarters of many important international organizations such as the European Union and NATO, known as the “Crossroads of Europe”. The capital Brussels is known as the “Heart of Europe”.

  比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)在同小记者们友好交流

    For centuries, Belgium has been known as the “Diamond Capital of the World”. Every year, 80% of the world's rough diamonds are shipped to Antwerp, Belgium for processing, and over 50% of finished diamonds are traded here! French fries, which are loved by everyone in the world, surprisingly originated in Belgium! The junior journalists really likethe Belgian chocolate, which is the most representative dessert in Belgium and is considered one of the three “National Treasures” along with diamonds and beer.

  比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)向小记者们介绍比利时国家文化、教育情况

    A junior journalist asked Mr. Bart: “Hello! The relationship between Belgium and China is becoming closer and closer, and the two sides are increasing in cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, humanities, and education. As a Belgian diplomat in China, how do you think the youth of both countries will continue the precious friendship between China and Belgium? thank you!”

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)介绍中外新闻社情况

    “谢谢这位小记者,这是一个很好的问题! 我认为:两国青少年,特别是在座的年轻的新生力量,需要有多交流多了解,使得两国的关系能够变得更好。最近呢中国已经对比利时的公民实行的免签政策,这样可以使得更多的比利时年轻人来到中国,可以领略中国的文化,还有风土人情,还有很多的独特的建筑,以及各个地方的美食,总之两国青少年一定要了解对方的国情,青少年交流是比中友谊的基石。”巴特•沃德利谈到。
    “Thank you, the young journalist. This is a great question! I believe that young people from both countries, especially the young and energeticpeople here today, need to have more communication and understanding in order to improve the relationship between the two countries. Recently, China has implemented a visa free policy for Belgian citizens, which can allow more young Belgians to come to China and experience Chinese culture, customs, unique architecture, and local cuisine. In short, young people from both countries must understand each other’s country. Youth exchange is the cornerstone of Belgium and China’s friendship.” Mr. Bart answered.

  陈怀艺小记者就感兴趣的话题向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)提问

    “Hello! We are very pleased to have this interview with you today. We learned from the internet that China and Belgium have very close educational cooperation. What educational projects have both sides achieved since the signing of the education exchange agreement between China and Belgium in Brussels in 2008? What are the potential areas for educationalcooperation between China and Belgium in the future? What assistance can the embassy provide us if we choose to study abroad in Belgium? thank you!”

  方茗萱小记者就感兴趣的话题向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)提问

    “Education cooperation and exchange are important components of the diplomacy between two countries, especially the cooperation between China and Belgium. In some of the most famous universities in Belgium, there are both Asian and Chinese education cooperation projects. The number of Chinese students studying in Belgium has increased from 144 in 2008 to 725 in 2022, and more than 100 Chinese graduate students are studying at Belgian universities, which has elevated the education cooperation between the two countries to a higher level. To all the junior journalists here today, if you choose to study in Belgium in the future, the embassy will help you to decide which major is suitable for you in Belgian universities and provide necessary assistance for your visa application.” Mr. Bart answered.

  苏奕菲小记者就感兴趣的话题向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)提问

    Another junior journalist asked: “Hello, you have been serving as Deputy Head of Missionof Belgium in China. May I ask which cities in China you have visited?Please share with us your impression of China. thank you!”

    “我虽然说来到中国任职一年,已经去过好几个很有魅力的城市。印象最深的就是我去过成都两次,目睹了中国很伟大水利工程,叫都江堰,还有我看到了大熊猫,还到过海南省、山西的平遥古镇等地。在北京我也去了很多地方,长城、古北水镇、紫禁城、天坛等。也看舞龙舞狮的表演,还有很多中国文化相关的节目,我非常喜欢摄影,都记录下了这些美好的瞬间。” 巴特•沃德利谈到。
    “Although I said that I have been to China for one year, I have been to several attractive cities. The most impressive thing is that I have been to Chengdu twice, witnessed China's great water conservancy project, called Dujiangyan, and I have seen giant pandas. I have also been to Hainan Province, the ancient town of Pingyao in Shanxi Province and other places. I have also visited many places in Beijing, including the Great Wall, Gubei Water Town, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and so on. I have also seen performances of dragon and lion dances, as well as many programs related to Chinese culture. I like photography very much, and have recorded these beautiful moments.”

  王林熙小记者就感兴趣的话题向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)提问

    “Belgium is located in western Europe and is a beautiful country with rich and diverse tourist attractions and unique cultural heritage. Belgium is renowned for its romantic scenery, exquisite architecture, world-class cuisine, and rich cultural activities. We want to know when is the most season for parents to take us on a trip to Belgium? Thank you!” the youngest junior journalist asked.

  王泉礼小记者同比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)握手致意

    巴特•沃德利说, 比利时每个季节都有很多的活动。你可以享受在海里面运动、在丛林里漫步、然后也可以去观赏很多的文化活动,甚至可以在古建筑里面游走。去比利时最好的季节是夏天,阳光充足,而且不会太冷。也可以春天去,春天那里百花齐放,或者是夏天秋天去,因为秋天那边就满山遍野的森林都会变颜色,很壮观、很漂亮。
    Mr. Bart said that Belgium has a lot of activities every season. You can enjoy swimmingin the sea, hiking in the jungle, and also enjoy many cultural activities and those ancient buildings. The best season to go to Belgium is summer, with plenty of sunshine and not too cold. You can also go in spring, where flowers bloom everywhere, or in summer and autumn, because in autumn, the forests full of mountains and fields will change color, which is spectacular and beautiful.

  吴承浩小记者向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)赠送来自海南家乡的文化礼品

    At the end of the interview, Deputy Head of MissionBart Vodderiepresented a large picture album titled “Belgium in the Camera” to Ms. Wei Yan and gave the Belgian badges to each junior journalists hoping that they would understand and remember Belgium, and contribute their wisdom in promoting the China and Belgium’s friendship.

  苏棨森小记者向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)赠送书画作品

    Before leaving the embassy, the junior journalist presented their gifts to Deputy Head of MissionBart Vodderieand wished him a happy work and life in China. Everyone expressed the wishes for the friendship between China and Belgium to last forever. When taking a group photo, all cheered and said: Long live the friendship between China and Belgium!

  阳思怡小记者向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)介绍自己

  叶静璇小记者向比利时王国驻华副大使巴特•沃德利先生(Mr.Bart Vodderie)介绍自己



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