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时间:2024-9-19 10:07:47

核心提示:8月7日上午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期访问巴基斯坦驻华大使馆, 巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生接受我们小记者采访...

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)欢迎率小记者团到访的中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者)8月7日上午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期访问巴基斯坦驻华大使馆, 巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生接受我们小记者采访。
    On the morning of August 7th, “Witness Friendship”- 2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalistsvisited the Pakistani Embassy in China.Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan in China Mr. Bilal Mahmood took the interview with our junior journalists.


    小记者进入使馆, 巴基斯坦驻华大使馆新闻公使曼苏尔•阿里•梅蒙先生致欢迎辞。他说, 非常欢迎“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期采访团到巴基斯坦驻华大使馆采访, 巴基斯坦作为中国唯一的“全天候”战略合作伙伴, 建交73年来, 中巴关系经受住了国际风云变幻的严峻考验, 坚如磐石, 牢不可破。中巴两国青少年是促进国与国之间友好的使者, 青少年之间的文化交流是联结两国友谊的纽带, 将进一步促进中巴两国民心相通。
    As the junior journalists entered the embassy, the Press Minister of the Embassy of Pakistan in ChinaMr. Manzoor Ali Memondelivered a welcome speech. He said that he warmly welcomed the“Witness Friendship”- 2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journaliststo visit the Embassy of Pakistan in China. As China's only "all-weather" strategic partner, Pakistan has withstood the severe test of international changes in the 73 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan, which is as solid as a rock and unbreakable. The youth of China and Pakistan are ambassadors for promoting friendship between the two countries, and cultural exchanges between youth are the bond that connects the friendship between the two countries, which will further promote people to people exchanges between China and Pakistan.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)向小记者介绍中国同巴基斯坦的友好关系

    巴基斯坦驻华大使馆新闻公使曼苏尔•阿里•梅蒙先生同中外新闻社总裁韦燕、副总裁张珈闻友好交流, 在加深孩子对巴基斯坦认知的同时, 采访中要把中巴文化结合在一起进行呈现。
    Minister Memon had friendly exchanges with President Ms. Wei Yan and Vice President Mr. Alan Zhang. While deepening children's understanding of Pakistan, the interview also aimed to present the combination of Chinese and Pakistani cultures.

    中午11:30, 巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生进入采访会场, 我们小记者一一的向他介绍自己, 他听了之后赞扬我们是中国的优秀儿童, 比拉尔•马哈默德先生让我们看了巴基斯坦的宣传片。
    At 11:30am, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan in China, Mr. Bilal Mahmood entered the conference hall. Our junior journalistsmade self-introduction to him one by one. He highly praised for the Chinese younger generation, and showed the national promotional videosabout Pakistan.

  方茗萱小记者向巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)提问

    宣传片播出的内容有:巴基斯坦的文化、美食、音乐、舞蹈、旅游景点等, 使我们小记者对巴基斯坦有了进一步的了解, 之后比拉尔•马哈默德先生还向韦燕总裁赠送为庆祝中巴建交70周年、赞美中巴两国人民之间的深厚情谊的一首歌曲《你偷走了我的心》。歌曲融入了大量巴基斯坦音乐元素, 风格明快, 富有青春活力, 以巴基斯坦国花“素馨花”, 中巴友谊路—“喀喇昆仑公路”等意象, 深情歌颂了“比山高, 比海深, 比蜜甜”的中巴情谊。
    The promotional videosincluded Pakistan's culture, cuisine, music, dance, tourist attractions etc., which made our junior journalists have a further understanding of Pakistan. Later, Mr. Bilal Mahmoodpresented to President Wei Yan a song “You Stole My Heart” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan and praise the profound friendship between the people of China and Pakistan. The song incorporates a large amount of Pakistani music elementswith a bright style and youthful vitality. It passionately praises the friendship between China and Pakistan, which is “higher than mountains, deeper than seas, and sweeter than honey”, with images such as the national flower of Pakistan: Jasmineand the China-Pakistan Friendship Road –“Karakoram Highway”.

  吴承浩小记者向巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)提问

    在采访环节, 有小记者问:“您好, 中巴之间的教育、文化合作不断深入。中国向巴基斯坦提供了大量的奖学金, 支持巴基斯坦学生到中国留学和深造。很多巴基斯坦的大学也开始开设汉语专业, 中巴两国在教育方面的交流日趋频繁。你认为:中巴两国在文化、教育领域还有哪些合作空间?谢谢!”
    During the interview, a junior journalist asked: “Hello, the education and cultural cooperation between China and Pakistan is constantly deepening. China has provided Pakistan with a large number of scholarships to support Pakistani students to study and further their studies in China. Many Pakistani universities have also started to offer Chinese language majors, and exchanges between China and Pakistan in education are becoming increasingly frequent. Do you think there is any room for cooperation between China and Pakistan in the fields of culture and education? Thank you!”

  小记者们挥动中巴两国国旗同巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)汇聚在巴基斯坦大使馆

    比拉尔•马哈默德谈到, 近年来中巴两国在教育、科技等领域开展合作越来越深入。巴基斯坦的教育水平相对较低, 而中国在这方面有着丰富的经验和优秀的教育资源。因此, 中巴两国可以加强人员交流、教育培训等方面的合作, 提高巴基斯坦的教育水平和科技实力。除此之外, 中巴两国在环保、能源、农业等领域开展合作, 共同推进两国和地区的可持续发展。在未来的几年里面, 我们也会看到两国之间的留学生数量会得到提升。
    Mr. Bilal Mahmoodmentioned that in recent years, cooperation between China and Pakistan has become increasingly deep in fields such as education and technology. Pakistan's education level is relatively low, while China has rich experience and excellent educational resources in this area. Therefore, China and Pakistan can strengthen cooperation in personnel exchanges, education and training, and improve Pakistan's education level and technological strength. In addition, China and Pakistan cooperate in areas such as environmental protection, energy, and agriculture to jointly promote sustainable development in both countries and regions. In the coming years, we will also see an increase in the number of international exchange students between the two countries.

  巴基斯坦驻华使馆新闻参赞曼苏尔·阿里·梅蒙(Mr.Manzoor AliMemon)主持小记者采访会

    “您好, 请问:如果我们的家长带我们到巴基斯坦旅游, 选择什么季节去最好?谢谢!”小记者问。
    “Hello, we want to know if our parents take us to Pakistan, when is the best time to travel? thank you!” a junior journalist asked.

    比拉尔•马哈默德说, 选择什么季节去巴基斯坦都可以看到巴基斯坦的美景。你们如果到了巴基斯坦, 在街上你们去问任何一个巴基斯坦人, 谁是你们最好的朋友, 然后他们一定会第一时间跟你说中国人。这是心对心的交流、心对心的感应。
    Mr. Bilal Mahmoodsaid that you can go to Pakistan in any season, you can always enjoy the beautiful sceneries of Pakistan. If you go to Pakistan, you can ask any Pakistani on the street who is your best friend, and then they willimmediately tell you the Chinese people. This is heart-to-heart communication and feelings.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)向小记者团介绍中国同巴基斯坦建交70周年留下的宝贵物品

    采访中, 比拉尔•马哈默德表示, 希望中外新闻社组织小记者团或者企业投资者到巴基斯坦, 巴基斯坦一定不会令你们失望, 中国和巴基斯坦是风雨同舟、荣辱与共的全天候战略合作伙伴。
    In the interview, Mr. Bilal Mahmoodexpressed the hope that Home and Abroad News Press could organize small journalist delegation or corporate investors to visit Pakistan. Pakistan will not disappoint you, and China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners who share weal and woe.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)向阳思怡小记者赠送中巴建交70周年收藏的金币

    采访结束, 每一位小记者把自己带来的家乡礼物赠送给比拉尔•马哈默德副大使, 副大使饶有兴趣的邀请全体小记者到他的办公室参观, 比拉尔•马哈默德办公室收藏了很多中巴两国友好见证的物品、资料, 比拉尔•马哈默德副大使亲自把中巴建交70周年收藏金币赠送给阳思怡小记者, 并亲切地称她为“中国娃娃”。
    At the end of the interview, each junior journalist presented their hometown gifts to Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Bilal Mahmood. He also invited all junior journalists to visit his office with great interest. He collected many special souvenirs and models in his office as the friendship evident between China and Pakistan. He personally presented a gold coin collected from the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan to the youngest junior journalist Yang Siyi, and called her as a “Chinese doll”.

  方茗萱小记者向巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)赠送文化礼品

    小记者采访结束, 纷纷表示:中巴两国青少年一定成为新一代“铁杆兄弟”。
    After the interview, the junior journalistsexpressed that the youth of China and Pakistan will definitely become the new generation of “IronBrothers”.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)向韦燕总裁赠送赞美中巴两国人民之间的深厚的情谊歌曲“你偷走了我的心”CD

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)向小记者团展示中巴友谊的物品

  阳思怡小记者向巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)提问

  苏奕菲小记者向巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)赠送书画作品



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