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The new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to China H.E. Mr. Chatchai Viriyavejakul met with the President of Home and Aborad News Press Ms.Wei Yan in Beijing.

时间:2024-6-22 11:30:24

核心提示:6月17日, 应泰王国驻华大使韩灿才阁下邀请, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕在北京出席媒体见面会。期间, 韩灿才大使阁下会见韦燕总裁一行...

  泰王国驻华大使韩灿才阁下(H.E.Mr.Chatchai Viriyavejakul)同中外新闻社总裁韦燕在北京出席媒体见面会

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 齐欢)6月17日, 应泰王国驻华大使韩灿才阁下邀请, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕在北京出席媒体见面会。期间, 韩灿才大使阁下会见韦燕总裁一行。
    On June 17th, at the invitation of H.E. Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to China, H.E. Mr. Chatchai Viriyavejakul, the President of Home and Aborad News Press Ms. Wei Yan attended a media conference in Beijing. During the event, Ambassador Chatchai Viriyavejakul met with President Wei Yan and her delegation.

    韦燕总裁欢迎韩灿才大使阁下到北京履新。韦燕向新大使介绍说, 中外新闻社是2011年5月经中国国务院港澳办批准落地北京的新闻媒体, 《中外新闻》杂志和中外新闻网是中英文双语版。中外新闻社大使俱乐部肩负着“民间外交”的重任, 作为中国主流媒体, 我们拥有融通中外的独特优势, 肩负着携手构建人类命运共同体的重任。从2013年起, 中外新闻社就和泰国驻华大使馆结下不解之缘, 多次采访泰国会议和相关活动, 分别同泰国多任驻华大使建立友好关系, 共同为推动中泰两国关系健康、深入发展做出了努力。
    President Wei Yan welcomed Ambassador Chatchai Viriyavejakul to Beijing. She introduced to the new ambassador that Home and Aborad News Press is a media organization approved by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China to set up its Mainland China branch in Beijing in May 2011, and that Home and Aborad News Press magazines and websites are bilingual in Chinese and English. As a Chinese mainstream media, we have the unique advantage of connecting China and foreign countries with the important task of building a community with a shared future for mankind together. Since 2013, Home and Aborad News Press has established a close relationship with the Royal Thai Embassy in Beijing, covering many conferences and related activities in Thailand. The media is establishing friendly relations with a number of ambassadors of Thailand, and making efforts to promote the healthy and in-depth development of the relationship between China and Thailand.

  泰王国驻华大使韩灿才阁下(H.E.Mr.Chatchai Viriyavejakul)在发布会上致辞

    韩灿才大使说, 非常感谢中外新闻社对泰国大使馆工作的支持。2024年是“东盟-中国人文交流年”, 泰国将与中国开展多种文化和教育交流活动。即将在北京举办的泰国节活动, 旨在加深人民之间的相互理解和友谊。
    Ambassador Chatchai Viriyavejakul said that he is very grateful to Home and Aborad News Press for supporting the work of the Thai Embassy. Thailand will carry out various cultural and educational exchanges with China in 2024, which is the “ASEAN-China Year of People-to-People Exchanges”. The Thai Festival to be held in Beijing aims to deepen mutual understanding and friendship among people.

    韩灿才大使表示, 明年将迎来中泰建交50周年, 希望双方落实两国高层共识, 进一步深化在经贸、旅游、人文、农业等领域务实合作, 推动各领域友好合作关系提质升级, 焕发新的活力, 谱写中泰合作新篇章。当前泰中关系和中国东盟关系均保持蓬勃发展势头, 明年是泰中关系的大年份, 泰驻华使馆将早做规划, 密切合作, 举办一系列庆祝活动, 同时围绕双方贸易投资合作落地具体合作项目, 为更好促进两国利益融合贡献力量。我本人和泰国驻华使馆愿全力支持, 助力泰中友好和东盟中国合作不断往纵深发展。
    Ambassador Chatchai Viriyavejakul said that next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China, and expressed his hope that both countries will implement the high-level consensus of the two countries and further deepen the practical cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, tourism, humanities, agriculture and other areas, so as to promote the quality of the friendly relations in various fields, revitalize the new vitality, and write a new chapter of China-Thailand cooperation. As Thailand-China relations and China-ASEAN relations are still developing vigorously and next year is a big year for Thailand-China relations, the Thai Embassy in Beijing will plan ahead and work closely to organize a series of celebratory activities, as well as concrete cooperation projects around trade and investment cooperation between the two sides so as to contribute to the integration of the interests of the two countries. The Thai Embassy in China and I are ready to fully support all works and to contribute to the development of Thailand-China friendship and ASEAN-China cooperation.


    国之交在于民相亲。随着一带一路不断推进, 各国大使交往交流日益频密。相互了解、文明互鉴是走向理解、友好的重要桥梁。中外新闻社希望通过打造创新性继承和弘扬传统文化平台, 把跨越时空、超越国度、富有永恒魅力的中外文化跃动起来, 让世界文明交互联通, 呈现出更加丰富多彩、绰约多姿的永恒魅力, 彰显世界和平与团结的理念。
    The friendship of nations lies in the affinity of people. With the continuous promotion of the Belt and Road, ambassadors of different countries have been exchanging more and more frequently. Mutual understanding and mutual appreciation of civilizations are important bridges to deepen friendship. By building a platform for innovative inheritance and promotion of traditional culture, Home and Abroad News Press hopes to stimulate Chinese and foreign cultures through time and space, across different countries, and make the world's civilizations interact with each other, presenting a more colorful, diverse and eternal charm, and highlighting the concept of world peace and unity.


    离别时, 韦燕总裁诚挚的邀请韩灿才大使参加中外新闻社大使俱乐部7月27日至31日前往深圳市、东莞市经贸、文化之旅, 韩灿才大使欣然答应, 并安排秘书亲自对接有关事项。
    Before leaving the embassy, President Wei Yan invited Ambassador Chatchai Viriyavejakul to join the Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club's trade and cultural tour to Shenzhen and Dongguan cities between July 27th and 31st. Ambassador readily agreed, and arranged his secretary to take care of the related matters personally.


    作为大使, 他们不仅为政治而来, 也是为经济而来。在国际形势深刻复杂变化的背景下, 中国与各国友好合作势在必行。2020年9月5日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部应运而生, 至今已经有96国大使在大使俱乐部平台上相互交流, 获取资讯。中外新闻社以此为契机, 拓展合作, 实现共赢, 为世界和平、稳定与发展注入正能量。
    As ambassadors, they come here not only for politics, but also for economy. Against the backdrop of profound and complicated changes in the international community, it is imperative for China to have friendly cooperation with other countries. 96 foreign ambassadors have been communicating with each other and obtaining information on the platform of the Ambassadors Club, which was established by Home and Abroad News Press on September 5, 2020. Home and Abroad News Press takes this opportunity to expand cooperation, realize win-win situation, and maintain positive energy for world peace, stability and development.

  泰王国驻华大使韩灿才阁下(H.E.Mr.Chatchai Viriyavejakul)--一位出色的外交官

作者:记者 齐欢  来源:本网站

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