中外新闻社采访团与卡纳尔前总理共享“金话筒”带来的友谊 |
尼泊尔联邦民主共和国为南亚山区内陆国家,是世界三大宗教之一佛教的发源地。8月19日,尼泊尔前总理、共产党 (联合马列)领导人贾拉•纳特•卡纳尔在尼泊尔首都加德满都会见中外新闻社访尼代表团,并就记者关注的问题一一作了回答。
The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a landlocked country in the South Asian mountain zone, also known as the birthplace of Buddhism, one of the three major religions of the world. On August 19th, the former Prime Minister of Nepal, the leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (Joint Marxist-Leninist) Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal met with Home and Abroad News Press Delegation to Nepal in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu and answered many questions from the journalists.
Hello, Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal. China and Nepal have been good neighbors and close partners for generations. During the time when you were the Prime Minister of Nepal, you have made remarkable contributions to China and Nepal’s comprehensive partnership development. In your opinions, how will the youth of both countries carry on the traditional friendship between China and Nepal? How will they contribute their wisdom and efforts to promote cultural exchanges?
中外新闻社总裁韦燕同尼泊尔总理、共产党 (联合马列)主席贾拉•纳特•卡纳尔(Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal)阁下在尼泊尔首都加德满都 |
Thank you for your queries concerning this important issue of Nepal and China relation. We must be proud that Nepal and China do not have any conflicted issued. Both countries have huge youth populations. Nepal is the birth place of Sakyamuni Buddha and Buddhism, one of the major religions around the world. China also has a great population of Buddist disciples as well as young people. With this similar base, we improved mutual trust with a new milestone. We will develop good neighboring relations in all areas.” Mr. Khanal said.
“As a Southern Asian country on the ‘One Belt and One Road’ Project, how will Nepal attract foreign investment to promote national economic growth? What are the key sectors to open for foreign investment and cooperation? Will Nepal become a developing country by 2022?” the journalist asked.
Mr. Khanal said: “Nepal is a country under the joint management of the Liberal Party and the Communist Party.What we need now is the ‘stable government’. The government will introduce more favorite policies to attract foreign investments. Nepal does not limit the foreign investments in hydroelectricity, cement production, traditional Chinese medicine planting and drug development. Hopefully, by 2022, we hope to become a developing country.
尼泊尔师母Shimukhandro、中外新闻社韦燕总裁等与尼泊尔前总理、共产党 (联合马列)主席贾拉•纳特•卡纳尔在一起 |
What is your expectation for China’s “One Belt and One Road” Project and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Mr. Khanal expressed: “The economic development of China is boon to the economic development of Nepal. Moreover, the spectacular rise of the Indian economic growth and the increasing economic cooperation between China and India has created very positive atmosphere to the desired growth for the Nepalese economy. In fact, the “One Belt and One Road” initiative will surely bring positive aspects to Nepalese economy.
“Nepal is one of the world's highest countries in the world. Nepal has different cultural backgrounds, wild forests, mysterious tribes, noble religion, beautiful natural scenery and the world's most beautiful sunrise, those are the best gifts God has given to Nepal. In your opinions, what other geopolitical advantages and benefits Nepal has as its unique characteristics?”
尼泊尔前总理、共产党 (联合马列)主席贾拉•纳特•卡纳尔接受韦燕总裁推介的《中外新闻》杂志 |
“这是一个重要的问题。大家都知道,佛陀出生于蓝毗尼,这将有助于尼泊尔建立“和平圣殿”的形象,所以尼泊尔成为世界上幸福指数最高的国家之一。美丽的自然风光、世界最美的日出,这些都是上天给尼泊尔最好的礼物。尼泊尔文化在歷史上连接中国和印度造就了尼泊尔最奇妙的地缘政治优势。” 卡纳尔谈到。
“This is an important issue. As we all know, Buddha was born in Lumbini, which helps Nepal to establish the image of the ‘Temple of Peace’; therefore, Nepal has become one of the countries with the highest happiness index in the world. Beautiful natural scenery and the most beautiful sunrise are the best gifts from God for Nepal. Nepal's culture has historically connected with China and India, which also created Nepal's marvelous geopolitical advantages.”
Finally, the journalists presented a Chinese traditional painting artwork to Mr. Khanal to express the great friendship between China and Nepal. As a friendly neighbor, Mr. Khanal wishes to visit China again in the near future to further promote China and Nepal’s relationship.
记者向卡纳尔前总理赠送中国著名书画家闯宝君山水画作品,示意中国和尼泊尔友好关系比山高比水深 |