在当今思想多元化的时代,《中外新闻》作为联合国三家机构认定的主流媒体,以推出年度新闻人物的方式,对具有时代特征、为推动国际社会和谐进步作出贡献的新闻人物进行表彰,在国际社会树立起改革创新的时代精神,凝聚起“超越自我 奉献时代”的坚强合力。经《中外新闻》记者采访报道、主流媒体推荐函推荐,“2016《中外新闻》时代新闻人物”出炉:
As the mainstream media, we carefully selected the outstanding individuals to be the New Person of the Year to recognize their great contributions in promoting world peace and global harmonious development in various fields. "The News Person of the Year" award is a special prize to recognize innovation, peacemaking, dedication and professionalism. Now, we will announce the winners of the "2016The News Persons of the Year":
杨德全是一位传奇人物,他不仅让农民变成了旅游从业者,而且还拉动效应辐射镇、县、市三级政府。12年间,红河漂流景区发展带动周边4个乡镇的5个村屯347户农民致富。农民人均收入由2003年的2000多元增长到2015年的过万元,个别农户超过10万元。一条河发展旅游让清原县摘掉了贫困县的帽子,也让抚顺成为辽宁省政府确定的唯一一个旅游试点市。红河漂流景区被国家确定 “全国旅游扶贫示范项目。”
Winning reasons:
Yang Dequan is a legend, he not only made the farmers become tourism practitioners, but also made positive effects on three-level governments. In the past 12 years, the Red River tourism development projects created solid benefits to 347 farmers from four towns and five villages. The per capita income of those farmers increased from RMB2,000 in 2003 to over RMB10,000 in 2015, some farmers got over RMB100,000. An incredible tourism project made a poor Qingyuan County rich again; as a result, Fushun become only a pilot city of tourism designated by the provincial government. The Red River tourism area was also identified as “the national poverty alleviation demonstration project”.