在当今思想多元化的时代,《中外新闻》作为联合国三家机构认定的主流媒体,以推出年度新闻人物的方式,对具有时代特征、为推动国际社会和谐进步作出贡献的新闻人物进行表彰,在国际社会树立起改革创新的时代精神,凝聚起“超越自我 奉献时代”的坚强合力。经《中外新闻》记者采访报道、主流媒体推荐函推荐,“2016《中外新闻》时代新闻人物”出炉:
As the mainstream media, we carefully selected the outstanding individuals to be the New Person of the Year to recognize their great contributions in promoting world peace and global harmonious development in various fields. "The News Person of the Year" award is a special prize to recognize innovation, peacemaking, dedication and professionalism. Now, we will announce the winners of the "2016The News Persons of the Year":
越南驻华大使邓明魁是一位出色的外交官,从2015年12月14日在北京人民大会堂向中国国家主席习近平递交国书那一刻起,就下决心为越中双方继续加强战略沟通,增进政治互信,深化互利合作,妥善管控和处理分歧,推动越中全面战略合作伙伴关系持续健康稳定发展作出务实贡献。上任“大使” 职位后,积极穿梭于广东、上海、广西、云南等地,推进越中 “一带一路” 的对接合作,至此,中国23个省份开通至越南各省市的航班。2016年中越经贸合作成果丰硕,前11个月中越双边贸易额达878.4亿美元,同比增长1.6%。
Winning reasons:
Vietnamese ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Dang Minh Khoi is an outstanding diplomat. Since December 14th 2015, Ambassador Dang Minh Khoi presented his credentials to President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the people in Beijing, he has been determined to strengthen strategic communication, enhance political mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between Viet Nam and China. He properly controls and manages the differences and promotes the healthy and stable development of the comprehensive strategic partnership. After becoming the ambassador, he actively visited Guangdong, Shanghai, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places to promote the ‘The Belt and Road’ docking cooperation. So far, 23 Chinese provinces established the direct flights to Vietnam. In the first 11 months of 2016, the bilateral trade between China and Vietnam totalled to $87.84 billion USD, an increase of 1.6%.