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“Witness Friendship” 2013 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation Interviewing Iran Embassy in China
“You will be the spokesmen of China in the future!”

时间:2013-9-19 17:07:20



    The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Middle East country located in the southwest of Asia. The country haswell-known ancient civilization. In the past thousands of years, the industrious and brave Iranian people created a splendid culture and many remarkable achievementsin the areas of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, architecture, philosophy, history, literature, arts and technology. August 7th, “Witness Friendship” 2013 Summer Home & Abroad News PressJunior Journalist Delegation visited the Iran Embassy in China.

    When entering the Cultural Office in the embassy, the Cultural Counsellor Mr. Hossein Jalilvand was impressed by junior journalists’generous manners, fluent English, elegant smile and strong confidence. He highly praised the junior journalists and said: “You will be the spokesmen of China in the future!”

    “Good morning, Mr. Hossein Jalilvand! Thank you very much for accepting our interview. We have learned about Iran since we visited the Iran Pavilion in 2010 Shanghai World Expo. The Iran Pavilion not only provided us an opportunity to learn the long history of Iran and its culture, but also provided us a deeper understanding about Iranian people and the cities’ diversity, economic prosperity, technological innovation and profound urban governance. As the Cultural Counsellor, could you please introduce the uniqueness of Iranian culture to us?” Junior journalist asked the first question to Mr. Jalilvand.

    “Every country has its own culture. As eastern countries, we have a lot of things in common, such as being humble and polite. All mankind are like a body, parts are connected so we have to love and cherish each other. Respect to other people is one of the uniqueness of our culture. Culture is the expression of a country and a nation.”

    “Not long ago, Beijing Capital Library hosted the ‘Iran Culture Week’ on June 20th. Iranian arts exhibition, the traditional gymnastics, musical instruments performance, Iranian movies fully demonstrated Iran's traditional culture and long history. Among all Iranian arts and crafts, the most representative artworks are paintings, calligraphy, carving, gold and bronze crafts, Persian carpets, enamelware, silverware, ethnic clothing and such. Those exhibitions well showed the profound Iranian traditional artworks and the highly skillful techniques of Iranian artists. Iranian movies are also famous in the world. All of those art forms demonstrate the characteristics of Iranian culture.”  Mr. Jalilvand answered.


    “From what we learnt about you, you were a university professor in Iran. In China, you have visited a number of colleges and institutions. In your opinion, is there any difference in education system between Chinese and Iran?”

    As a former university professor and principal in Iran, Mr. Jalilvand shared his personal opinions about university management, talent education and the importance of keeping traditional culture in the globalization settings. He pointed out that China and Iran should explore and maintain the traditional cultures. He explained the relationships between individuals, society, different cultures and civilizations. He also said that no matter in China or in Iran, the pursuit of education and knowledge is based on the family values.

    “China and Iran’s friendship is the core shared by the people in the two countries. The youth in both countries have maintained and developed the friendship with fresh ideas and positive energy. We want to ask you that how will you promote the cultural exchanges and cooperation among the young people in the two countries during your term here in China?” 

    “This is a very important question.” Mr. Jalilvand said. Firstly, Chinese teenagers will have to learn English more actively then the young students can exchange and communicate through different channels and levels. At the same time, we support the science, technology and culture cooperation projects between Tehran University and Peking University. We hope that the Iranian universities offer Chinese language programs in the near future to meet the increasing demands in communication between the two countries.

    During the interview, Mr. Jalilvand showed a few pieces of Iranian bronze and gold handicrafts, Persian carpets, enamelware and silverware to the junior journalists. Lv Xinya kept asking many questions, Mr. Jalilvand liked her so much because of her great interests in learning and hardworking. He said to Lv Xinya: “You will become an excellent diplomat in the future when you grow up!”


作者:陈艺文 小记者 周则君 吴恩文 彭钇润 于粮溥 范德辰 吕馨雅  来源:本网站

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