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President Wei Yan attends the “Summit of theFuture Action Days” at the United Nations

时间:2024-9-26 12:11:54



    On September 21, 2024, at 13:00 New York U.S., United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed during the Summit of the Future Action Daysthat reinventing multilateralism will not happen overnight, nor will it be achieved by governments alone. He called on all parties to work together to transform multilateralism and the international system so that it can better meet the challenges of the present and prepare for the future. Presidentof Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan and Director of Canadian branch Mr. Alan Zhangattended the meeting.


    Discussions and dialogues led by youth groups kicked off the Summit of the Future Action Days. On the second day, Guterres said: “This is what an effective, inclusive and networked multilateralism should look like. It is up to all of us to solve global problems.”

    Guterres reminded all participants that our world is in trouble, threatened by conflict, inequality, the climate crisis and unregulated technology; and that it is also in trouble with multilateral institutions, especially as confidence in multilateral solutions is fading.


    To that end, he emphasized that we need to reinvent multilateralism and the international system, which means greater representation of developing countries and a stronger voice for all groups, because “the world belongs to all of us, and people want to have a say in the decisions that affect them”.


    He said bluntly, “While governments have the primary responsibility, we will not deny that today's global problems cannot be solved by governments alone, but also require the contribution of society as a whole.”


    Guterres noted that over the past four years, the United Nations had undertaken the broadest consultative processes, with 1.5 million people from all 193 Member States participating in discussions at all locations, and with hundreds of civil society organizations providing comments to the “Pact for the Future”, “Global Digital Compact” (GDC)and the “Declaration on Future Generations”.


    在世界领导人即将于周日通过这三份具有里程碑意义的文本之际,古特雷斯再次强调,《未来契约》必须为改革联合国安理会、国际金融机构、外层空间治理规则以及应对全球冲击的方式奠定基础;《全球数字契约》必须成为缩小数字鸿沟的蓝图; 而《子孙后代问题宣言》则要求领导人在做出当下决定时考虑到未来。
    As world leaders were about to adopt the three landmark agreements on Sunday, Guterres re-emphasized that the “Pact for the Future”must lay the groundwork for reforming the U.N. Security Council, the international financial institutions and the rules of governance of outer space;“Global Digital Compact”must serve as a blueprint for bridging the digital gaps; and that the “Declaration on Future Generations”calls for leaders to take into account the future when making decisions in the present with the future in mind.


    Guterres stated that the adoption of the documents would not be the end of this reformationjourney, but onlythe beginning. He emphasized that the next task is to give life to the documents and translate words into actions so that we can find a better direction for the world.

    Guterres concluded by encouraging people from all walks of life to express their views on these new frameworks and to propose solutions to help make them a reality.


    The world today is undergoing major changes that accelerating and pushing the world into a new period of turbulence and transformation. Traditional and non-traditional security issues are intertwined and overlapping, the world economy is recovering weakly, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. At the same time, the general direction of human development and progress will not change; the logic of world history will not change; and the trend of the international community sharing the same destiny will not change. The trend of peace, development, cooperation and win-win situation is unstoppable, and the historical trend of world multipolarity and economic globalization is irreversible. As an international mainstream media, Home and Abroad News Press will continue to focus on the process of multilateralism, which needs to be promoted and accomplished by all parties.

作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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