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-- 感受各国外交官的智慧、热情与友好, 学习外交官的外交风范

Opening Ceremony of 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China

时间:2023-8-23 12:12:33



    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 齐欢 唐敏翔)大使馆是一国在建交国首都派驻的外交代表机关。大使馆代表整个国家的利益,全面负责两国关系,由国家元首任命并作为国家元首的代表履行职责。大使馆成为了一个窗口,向世界展示着各国独特的文化魅力。中国同各国的友好合作关系全面发展,本着平等互利原则,积极开展了多层次、宽领域、全方位合作,取得了丰硕成果。而青少年却是推动中国同各国的友好合作关系全面发展的一支重要力量。中外新闻社利用自身的功能定位和优势,独创专门采访外国新闻官和外交官的“中外新闻社小记者团”已经成为国际知名品牌。
    The Embassy is the diplomatic representative body of a state in the capital of another state that has established diplomatic relations. The embassy represents the interests of the entire country, has overall responsibility for relations between the two countries, is appointed by the head of State and performs its duties as his representative. The embassy becomes a window to show the world the unique cultural charm of each country. The friendly and cooperative relations between China and other countries are developing in an all-round way, and in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefits, China has actively carried out multi-level, wide-field and all-round exchanges with fruitful results. Young people are an important force in promoting the comprehensive development of friendly and cooperative relations between China and other countries. Taking advantage of its functional positioning and advantages, Home and Abroad News Press organized the Junior Journalist Delegation, which specializes in interviewing with foreign diplomats and ambassadors by the young journalists, and this program has become a well-known brand in the international exchange.


    On August 7, 2023, Home and Abroad News Press held the opening ceremony of "Witnessing Friendship - 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China" in the ballroom on the first floor of the Beijing 21st Century Hotel. The former Assistant to Deputy Foreign Minister China Mr. Ma Deqiang and Deputy Director General of the United Nations International Collaboration and Coordination Agency and President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, Executive Director Mr. Liu Dengchen, Vice President Mr. Alan Zhang, and Deputy Director Ms. Qi Huan, attended the opening ceremony. More than 20 young journalists from Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, Dongguan, Huizhou, Qingdao, Yantai, Weifang, Harbin, Guangzhou, Shantou, Chengde, etc. were selected to join the Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation this year.


    Mrs. Wei Yan gave an important speech to the junior journalists who were ready to take the role of foreign affairs reporters. She said, Home and Abroad News Press utilizes in creating its own branding with unique styles. Home and Abroad News Press received high recognitions from many governments and a number of international awards. This time, we organized this 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China to train the diplomatic manners and news reporting writing skills of the young journalists. We hoped you cherish this learning opportunity and become the “Friendship Messengers” to connect China and the world. When having interviews with the foreign ambassadors and diplomats, all young journalists should show the best and upbeat spirits of Chinese youth, and we wish you great success in this interview series.


    The Vice President of Home and Abroad News Press Mr. Alan Zhang gave detailed introductions about each country of this interview series and also provided practical training sessions on diplomatic etiquettes, interview skills, title making and so on.

    At the training session, all young journalists also practiced their self-introductions. After that, Mrs. Wei Yan announced the delegation lead, deputy lead and secretary general of this 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation, they were Shen Shucheng, Pan Changwei, Deng Renhe.


    Mr. Ma Deqiang and Mrs. Wei Yan waved the delegation flag and then passed it to the delegation lead Shen Shucheng symbolizing the delegation officially kicked off. This year, the delegation would have exclusive interviews with the ambassadors and diplomats of Japanese, Armenian, Pakistani, Uruguayan, Mexican, Sri Lankan, Greek and the Philippines embassies in China.

    All young journalists also made their speeches at the opening ceremony. They all felt excited and honored to have the “zero-distance” talks with the ambassadors and diplomats. They would cherish this opportunity to learn more about different countries and their culture and education, to feel the wisdom, passion and friendliness of foreign diplomats as well as to improve their English skills.


作者:记者 张珈闻 齐欢 唐敏翔  来源:本网站

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