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“Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China interviews with the Minister of Japanese Embassy in China Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko

时间:2023-8-24 12:55:13

核心提示:8月10日上午, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问日本驻华大使馆, 日本驻华公使贵岛善子接受我们小记者采访。...

  日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)欢迎到访的中外新闻社小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕女士

    (中外新闻社小记者 李伊丽 吕平川 冯湧昊 唐培智 胡永恒) 8月10日上午, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问日本驻华大使馆, 日本驻华公使贵岛善子接受我们小记者采访。
    On the morning of August 10th, “Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation came to the Embassy of Japan in China, the Minister of Japanese Embassy in China Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko was interviewed by our junior journalists.

    上午9:50分, 中外新闻社小记者团挥动中日两国国旗、列队进入日本使馆。因为使馆戒备森严, 需要每一位小记者出示身份证、小记者采访证, 一一核对 , 然后进行安检才能进入大使馆。
    At 9:50 a.m., the junior journalist delegation entered the Japanese Embassy waving the national flags of China and Japan. Because the embassy was heavily guarded, every journalist needed to show their ID cards and interview licenses, checked one by one, and then went through the security checks before entering the embassy.

  日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)向小记者介绍日本的文化

    首先我们来到日本驻华使馆新闻文化中心, 这个新闻文化中心藏的资料多为漫画、杂志、电视剧、电影等内容, 为小记者了解日本文化开辟了一条轻松通道。小记者们选择自己喜欢的漫画画报、书籍等在阅读。
    First of all, we came to the Culture Center of the Embassy of Japan in Beijing, which has a huge collection of comics, magazines, TV dramas, movies, etc., and opened an easy way for the junior journalists to learn about Japanese culture. The journalists chose their favorite comics and books to read.


    在小记者的印象中, 日本驻华公使贵岛善子是一位非常杰出的女外交官, 美丽与智慧于一身。和她交谈, 小记者们觉得很轻松, 因为贵岛善子能说一口流利的中文。贵岛善子告诉小记者, 她是日本驻华大使馆公使, 也新闻文化中心主任。
    In the impression of the junior journalists, the Japanese Minister Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko is an outstanding female diplomat with beauty and wisdom in one. When talking with her, the junior journalists feel very relaxed, because she can speak fluent Chinese. She told us that she is the Minister of the Embassy of Japan in China, and also the Director of the Japanese Culture Center.


    有小记者问:“您好!我们小记者能采访您感到非常高兴。日本作为世界第三大经济体, 凭借其良好的教育质量、超高的科研水平、友好的社会环境和优秀的国民素质, 受到了广大学生及家长的青睐。我想我高中毕业后选择到日本留学, 请问:需要具备什么条件?大使馆可以帮助我吗?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist: “Hello! It is a great pleasure for us to come to Japanese Embassy today and have this interview with you today. As the third largest economy in the world, Japan is favored by students and parents because of its good quality of education, high level of scientific research, friendly social environment and well-developed quality of its people. If we would like to go to study in Japan after I graduate from high school, what kind of qualifications do we need? Can the embassy help us in anyway? Thanks!”

  唐培智小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)提问

    “去日本留学重要的是先把握自己想研究的方向或提高能力的领域。日本在课程设置、师资力量以及教学方法等方面都非常出色。如果你选择去日本读大学的话, 首先就得选择自己的专业, 喜欢的领域, 例如日本很出名的漫画或者是喜欢汽车, 但是最重要的是得先学会讲日语, 这样可以与日本人交流, 与学校的老师、教授交流, 学生还可以了解日本的历史和传统文化, 并与当地人进行交流, 拓展自己的国际视野。大使馆会为你顺利的去日本提供帮助。” 贵岛善子回答。
    “The most important thing about studying in Japan is that you should be sure of what you want to study or what skills you want to improve. Japanese programs, teachers and teaching methods are excellent in many aspects. If you choose to go to Japan to study at the university, first of all, you have to choose your own major, the programs you like the most, such as Japan's very famous animations or automobiles. However, the most important thing is that you have to learn the Japanese language, so that you can communicate with Japanese school teachers, professors and students. You can also learn about the history and traditional culture of Japan, and communicate with local people, expand their international perspectives. The Embassy will help you to go to Japan if needed.” Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko replied.

  吕平川小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)提问

    有小记者问:“您好!在日本大阪 G20 峰会上, 中日两国领导人同意, 双方以‘中日青少年交流促进年’为契机, 积极开展多样的互访交流活动。此前两国外相签署了《日本国政府与中华人民共和国政府关于加强青少年交流的备忘录》。你认为, 中日青少年将如何为中日友好关系健康发展贡献自己的智慧和力量? 谢谢!”
    Another junior journalist asked: “At the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, in June 2019, the leaders of China and Japan agreed to take the "China-Japan Friendly Exchange Year of Youth" as an opportunity to actively carry out many exchange programs. Previously, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Strengthening Youth Exchanges. In your opinions, How do you think Chinese and Japanese youth can contribute our wisdom and efforts to further develop the China and Japan’s precious friendship? Thank you!”

  冯湧昊小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)提问

    “谢谢你的问题。中日是一衣带水的近邻, 中日两国青少年开展友好交流意义重大而深远。我觉得首先青少年要扩大自己的视野, 多在别的国家找到好朋友, 多出国看看, 多与别的国家的青少年朋友交流。”贵岛善子回答。
    “Thank you very much for your question. China and Japan are close neighbors, and it is very important for the youth of these two countries to have friendly exchanges. I think it is important for young people to broaden their horizons, find good friends in other countries, go abroad more often, and have more exchanges with young people from other countries.” She answered.

  胡永恒小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)提问

    说起日本的美食, 就不得不说到寿司了。当贵岛善子得知小记者们都喜欢吃日本寿司时, 饶有兴趣的谈起日本不同区域的寿司制作方法。在日本各地, 寿司的配料丰富而略有差异, 也有日本人喜欢的刺身。对于日本人而言, 寿司不仅仅是美味的食物, 更是一种文化的传承。
    When talking about Japanese cuisines, we have to mention about sushi. When Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko was told that the junior journalists liked Japanese sushi very much, she shared the various sushi making methods of different regions in Japan. In northern and southern parts of Japan, sushi has been enriched with a variety of ingredients, including sashimi, which is a favorite food of the Japanese people. For Japanese people, sushi is not only a delicious food, but also a cultural heritage.

  日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)为小记者们签名

    《日中和平友好条约》签订以来, 两国关系取得了飞跃发展, 期间虽然也有过摩擦, 但日中各界人士始终坚持推进双边交流与合作, 为两国关系健康长远发展打下了坚实基础。后疫情时代, 两国应不断扩大双方各领域交流, 期待日中民间交往、青少年交流再度活跃起来。
    Since the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and China, the relationship between the two countries has been developed rapidly. Although there have been some frictions during this period, people from all walks of life in Japan and China have always insisted on promoting bilateral exchanges and cooperation, and this has laid a solid foundation for the healthy and long-term development of the relationship between the two countries. After the COVID pandemic, both countries should continue to expand exchanges in various fields, and we look forward to the revitalization of people-to-people and youth exchanges between Japan and China.


    离别时, 日本国驻华大使馆文化新闻中心外交官石桥左悟饶有兴趣的教小记者学习写日文:中日友谊万岁!
    Before leaving the embassy, Mr. Yugo Ishibashi, a diplomat from the Information and Culture Center of the Embassy of Japan in China, taught the junior journalists how to write in Japanese: China and Japan’s Friendship Last Forever!

  卓祉呈小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)赠送书法作品

  张案腾小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)赠送书画作品

  邓人和向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)赠送中国名茶

  任政刚小记者请日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)签名

  沈书煌小记者同日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)握手致意

  盛奕铖小记者向日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)介绍自己


  日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)在“缘”书法上面签名留念

  日本驻华公使贵岛善子(Mrs.Kijima Yoshiko)同小记者们欢聚一堂,高呼:中日友谊万岁

作者:小记者 李伊丽 吕平川 冯湧昊 唐培智 胡永恒  来源:本网站

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