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“Witness Friendship”2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China interviews with the Press and Cultural Counselor of the Uruguayan Embassy in China

时间:2023-8-26 12:05:18

核心提示:8月11日上午10点, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问乌拉圭大使馆, 乌拉圭新闻参赞贡扎洛先生等外交官在大使馆热情接待我们, 小记者们友好交流。...

  乌拉圭大使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)欢迎到访的中外新闻社小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕女士

    (中外新闻社小记者 潘昶惟 盛奕铖 吕平川 张志彬)8月11日上午10点, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问乌拉圭大使馆, 乌拉圭新闻参赞贡扎洛先生等外交官在大使馆热情接待我们, 小记者们友好交流。
    At 10:00 am of August 11th“Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation came to the Embassy of Uruguay in China, the Press and Cultural Counselor of the Uruguayan Embassy in China, Mr. Gonzalo Castillo warmly received us at the Embassy with friendly exchanges among the small reporters.

  乌拉圭大使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)向小记者介绍乌拉圭足球队

    走进乌拉圭驻华大使馆, 客厅两旁挂满了各式中国风藏品和乌拉圭艺术品, 少数民族银饰, 兵马俑, 青铜器, 瓷器等。贡扎洛参赞首先致欢迎辞, 然后请我们小记者观看乌拉圭宣传片。
    When entering the Uruguayan Embassy in China, the two sides of the main hall are hung with various Chinese-style collections and Uruguayan artworks, ethnic silver jewelries, terracotta warriors, bronzes, porcelains and such. Counselor Gonzalo firstly gave a welcome speech, and then played a promotional video about Uruguay to the junior journalists.

  8月11日上午10点, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问乌拉圭大使馆

    乌拉圭位于南美洲东南部, 毗邻阿根廷、巴西和大西洋, 为南美洲国家联盟的成员国。乌拉圭虽然面积不大, 但却拥有着丰富的自然资源和良好的社会环境。其出口农业和以人为本的治理方式, 让乌拉圭成为了南美洲的稳定之国, 也为国家的经济和文化发展奠定了坚实基础。乌拉圭拥有得天独厚的自然风光和稳定的社会环境, 因此被誉为“南美瑞士”。
    Uruguay is located in the south-east of South America, bordering with Argentina, Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean, and is a member of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). Despite its small size, Uruguay is endowed with rich natural resources and a favorable social environment. Its export agriculture and people-centered governance have made Uruguay a stable country in South America, and have laid a solid foundation for the country's economic and cultural development. Uruguay's natural beauty and social stability have earned it the nickname "Switzerland of South America".


    不少人对乌拉圭的了解缘起于绿茵球场。的确, 足球是乌拉圭的一大国际名片:乌拉圭曾先后获得两届奥运会冠军, 两次世界杯冠军和15次美洲杯冠军, 著名球星雷科巴、苏亚雷斯、卡瓦尼在中国都有不少粉丝。
    Many people know Uruguay from the soccer playfield. Indeed, soccer is one of Uruguay's major international business cards: Uruguay has won two Olympic Games, two World Cups and 15 Copa América Cups, and its famous soccer players such as Rexoba, Suarez and Cavani have many fans in China.

  邓人和小记者向乌拉圭使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)赠送文化礼品

    有小记者问:“您好, 我是一名足球爱好者。非常关注乌拉圭队员在国际赛场上的表现, 乌拉圭国家队在当今的世界上一共有8个国家队伍获得了世界杯的总冠军,乌拉圭就是其中之一,并且在第1届世界杯赛场之中就获得了冠军。两个月前, 2023国际足联U20男足世界杯决赛在阿根廷举行, 乌拉圭队又以1:0战胜意大利队, 夺得U20男足世界杯冠军。请问:乌拉圭国家足球队的实力主要体现在哪些方面?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, I am a soccer fan. I'm very interested in the performance of the Uruguayan soccer players in the international competitions. The Uruguayan national soccer team is one of the 8 national teams that have won the World Cup, and it won the first World Cup as well. Two months ago, Uruguay won the 2023 FIFA U20 Men's World Cup with a 1:0 victory over Italy in the final games in Argentina. We want to know what are the key strength of the Uruguayan national soccer team in its remarkable performance? Thank you!”


    贡扎洛参赞表示, 足球是乌拉圭国运的象征。由于其地理位置和人口配置, 足球成为了乌拉圭最优秀的出口。乌拉圭人的骄傲不仅来自他们曾经拥有过的荣誉, 也来自他们多年来的坚守、奉献和努力。足球也成为了国家文化遗产的一部分, 人民的生活离不开足球这个话题。贡扎洛参赞表示, 乌拉圭足球的强大是建立在青训强大的基础上, 乌拉圭儿童从小踢足球, 家长们又当裁判又当教练, 每个乌拉圭男孩在会走路时, 从父母那里得到的第一个礼物都是足球。在乌拉圭, 几乎所有男孩都热爱踢球。为了满足孩子们的踢球欲望, 乌拉圭足协设计了职业和业余两大层面的足球体系。
    Counselor Gonzalo said that soccer is a symbol of Uruguay's national destiny. Due to its geographical location and population limitations, soccer has become Uruguay's finest export. The pride of Uruguayans comes not only from the honors they have had, but also from their perseverance, dedication and hard work over the years. Soccer has also become part of the country's cultural heritage and the people cannot live without soccer. He also shared that the strength of Uruguayan soccer is based on strong youth training. Uruguayan children play soccer from a young age, with parents acting as referees and coaches, and the first gift that every Uruguayan boy receives from his parents when he can walk is a soccer ball. In Uruguay, almost all boys love to play soccer. In order to satisfy the children's career path in soccer, the Uruguayan Soccer Federation has designed a soccer system with two levels: professional and amateur.


    “您好!独具魅力的乌拉圭被称为南美珍珠,乌拉圭是中方疫情过后列入出境团队旅游第二批试点国家, 中国游客对乌拉圭旅游充满期待, 请您给我们谈谈乌拉圭的文化旅游。谢谢!”小记者问。
    “Uruguay is included in the second list of pilot countries for outbound Chinese group tours after the pandemic. Chinese tourists are full of expectations for Uruguayan tourism, please share with us more about Uruguay's unique culture and tourism highlights. Thank you!” another junior journalist asked.

    贡扎洛参赞谈到, 良好的地理环境和宜人的亚热带海洋性气候, 使得乌拉圭的旅游业十分发达。近年来到访乌拉圭的外国游客近400万人次, 超过乌拉圭330万的本国人口, 由此可见其旅游资源的独特魅力。乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚被自然环绕, 有新鲜的空气、丰富的绿化, 还有绵长的海岸, 曾多次被评为南美最宜居城市。弗洛雷斯大区的岩洞是联合国教科文组织认定的世界自然遗产, 其中千奇百怪的岩石是大自然的鬼斧神工。大西洋海岸的罗恰省, 拥有细腻沙丘、布迪椰子棕榈园和海洋沙滩, 已被列为乌拉圭国家保护区。贡扎洛参赞说, 如果小记者的家长想携小记者去乌拉圭旅游, 最好的季节在12月到次年的3月, 乌拉圭的气候和中国正好相反, 这个时间去, 可以享受海滨阳光、沙滩、冲浪。
    Counselor Gonzalo talked about the favorable geographic environment and pleasant subtropical oceanic climate, which makes Uruguay's tourism industry very mature. Nearly 4 million foreign tourists have visited Uruguay in recent years, more than Uruguay's own population of 3.3 million, which shows the unique charm of its tourism resources. Surrounded by nature, fresh air, abundant greenery, and a long coast, Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, has been repeatedly recognized as the most livable city in South America. The caves of the Flores region are recognized by UNESCO as a World Natural Heritage Site, and the strange rocks in them are a work of nature. On the Atlantic coast, with its fine sand hills, palm plantations and ocean beaches, it has been classified as a Uruguayan National Protected Area. Counselor Gonzalo mentioned that if parents of junior journalists want to travel to Uruguay with them, the best season is from December to March because Uruguay's climate is the opposite of China's. During the summer time there, you may enjoy the seaside sunshine, beaches, surfing and so much more.


    采访中, 小记者们了解到, 乌拉圭不仅有足球, 而且还拥有探戈、坎东贝等 美妙的音乐, 这里蕴藏着世界上最漂亮的玛瑙和紫水晶、拥有着世界上最美丽的葡萄庄园。
    During the interview, the junior journalists learned that Uruguay not only has soccer, but also tango, candombe and other fascinating music. This country also has the world's most beautiful agates and amethysts, and the world's most beautiful vineyards.

  年龄最小的张志彬小记者向乌拉圭大使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)提问

    采访结束, 贡扎洛参赞说好想看中国武术, 于是, 接受过专业培训的、来自汕头市潮阳实验学校任政刚小记者现场表演武术, 贡扎洛参赞高度评价任政刚小记者的武术水平。之后每一位小记者都给贡扎洛参赞赠送小礼物, 祝福参赞先生在中国工作、生活愉快。
    At the end of the interview, Counselor Gonzalo said that he would like to see Chinese martial arts, so junior journalist Ren Zhenggang showed a Chinese traditional martial arts performance in the embassy. Mr. Gonzalo highly praised his martial arts level. After that, every junior journalist presented their gifts to Counselor Gonzalo and wished him a happy life and work in China.

  赵景焱小记者向乌拉圭大使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)提问



  乌拉圭大使馆新闻参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Castillo)在“缘”书法上面签名留念



  乌拉圭外交官同小记者汇聚一堂 “中乌友谊万岁”

作者:小记者 潘昶惟 盛奕铖 吕平川 张志彬  来源:本网站

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