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-- 小记者李姝欣采访菲律宾驻华大使诠释礼物含义令大使感动

Home and Abroad News Press 2015Summer Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed the Philippines Embassy to China

时间:2015-6-15 12:13:57


   小记者们手拿菲律宾芒果与巴西里奥(H.E. Mrs. Erlinda Basilio)大使愉快的在一起

    “This is a most precious gift I received since I came to China as the Ambassador, Thank you, thank you very much! You make me love my job even more!” After saying these words, the outstanding Philippine female diplomat gave a warm and welcoming hug to Li Shuxin. This touching moment happened at the Philippines embassy in China at 3:55 pm on August 5th, 2015.

    This outstanding female diplomat is H.E. Mrs. Erlinda F. Basilio. She came to China and became the Philippine ambassador to China in March 2014. Since the moment she presented her credentials in Beijing, she faced unprecedented challenges. The dispute in China’s Southern Sea created unnecessary deadlock between China and the Philippines. This diplomat brought a “golden key” to unfreeze the urgent situation. Mrs. Basilio delivered a friendly message to China with her unique female diplomatic demeanor and kind interpretation to the friendship between the two countries.

    At 3pm on August 5th 2015, “Witness Friendship” Home & Abroad News Press - 2015 Summer Junior Journalist Delegation to the Foreign Embassies in China were invited to interview to the Philippines embassy in China. The junior journalists asked a number of questions to Mrs. Basilio…“ Hello, Ambassador Basilio. We are very impressed by your diplomatic credentials. You were the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, the Former Philippine Ambassador to Sweden and the Permanent Representative of the Philippines in the United Nations and many other important positions. You are also fluent in English, Spanish and Indonesian. We understand that the reason you came to China is to promote friendship between the two countries. How will you promote the youth exchanges between China and Philippines and contribute your wisdom and competence to the bilateral relationship during your term here as the Ambassador to China?” “As a mother, how are you educating your own children? Are they more like friends to you in your family?” “Cultural exchanges is always important communication channel among different countries. The Confucius Institute plays an important and special role in the cultural exchanges between China and Philippines. Do you know how many Confucius Institutes are currently in Philippines? What are the Confucius Institute’ influence in Philippines?” “Philippines is an island country in Southern Asia. Philippines and China have splendid culture, and they share a lot of common characteristics. Could you please introduce a little bit about Philippine culture and tourism?” ……. During the interview, our junior journalists asked many questions, and Mrs. Basilio answered them one by one.

   小记者团团长韦燕与巴西里奥(H.E. Mrs. Erlinda Basilio)大使共同主持小记者采访活动

    Ambassador Basilioto said: “The Philippines attaches great importance to relations with China, so I am quite proud of myself as the Philippine ambassador to China. When I accepted this important appointment, I made a mission to strengthen the relationship between the Philippines and the Chinese government and Chinese people. I hope, with my 40-years diplomatic experience and knowledge, I can seize this opportunity to help my country strengthen multi-layer relations with China, especially to promote youth exchange between the two countries. That will make me even more proud of my job.”

    When Ambassador Basilioto answered the journalists’ questions, Li Shuxin presented a small gift to her and said: “Hello, Ambassador! You served as the Philippines Ambassador to Sweden, Denmark, Norway and other countries, as well as the Philippines Representative to the United Nations and the Philippines Deputy Foreign Minister, you are truly the heroine of the Philippines. I prepared a statue gift for you, named ‘Mu Guiying’ who was a heroine in ancient China. I hoped you could use your “mother feelings” to promote the youth exchanges between the two countries.” Ambassador Basilio said: “This is the most precious gift I received since I came to China as the Ambassador. Thank you, thank you very much, the Chinese junior journalists! You made me love my job even more!” After that, Ambassador Basilio gave Li Shuxin a warm hug to express her gratitude and appreciation. At that moment, the entire embassy was full of laugh, love, blessing and joy……


   罗砚匀小记者向菲律宾共和国驻华使馆巴西里奥(H.E. Mrs. Erlinda Basilio)大使赠书法作品“共享和平”

   巴西里奥(H.E. Mrs. Erlinda Basilio)大使在大使馆邀请小记者喝下午茶,品尝菲律宾美食

作者:小记者 陈 茜 苏章奕 李姝欣 赵一俨 罗砚匀  来源:本网站

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