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时间:2017-2-12 21:18:29



    Since China and Indonesia established the diplomatic relations 65 years ago, the two countries have developed and maintained close and friendly partnership. Both countries have splendid culture and many things in common. In the morning of January 23rd, "Witness Friendship" 2017 Winter Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation visited the Indonesian Consulate in Guangzhou and had an exclusive interview with the Consul-General Mrs.RatuSilvyGayatri.In response to the spirit of Chinese leader’s speech, China and Indonesiawill create a flagship program of cultural exchanges between the youth inboth countries.


    The Consul-General of Indonesia in Guangzhou Mrs. RatuSilvyGayatri is an experienced female diplomat. She firstly introduced Indonesia to all junior journalists, then she made a self-introduction. She said, I am very happy today to see you all. This reminded me about my childhood. I worked hard to make my today’s achievements…… This talented diplomat made a great impression to our junior journalists.


    “你好,琇翡总领事,中国的春节即将来到,首先祝福你和你的家人节日快乐。今天我们小记者有机会采访您很高兴。你是一位干练的女外交官。作为 ‘母亲’外交官,请问你是怎样教育你的孩子的?他们和你会像朋友一样的相处吗?谢谢。”小记者问。
    “Hello, Consul-General Mrs. Ratu. Chinese New Year is near us, firstly we would like to wish you and your family Happy Chinese New Year. Today, we are very pleased to have this interview with you. As an experienced female diplomat and a lovely mother, how are you educating your own children? Are they more like friends to you in your family? Thank you.” A junior journalist asked.


    “Thank you for your question. I want to tell you that I have two children, one son and one daughter. My son is 22 years old, and my girl is 17 years old. I treated them like my friends, I love them and care about them. Our communication is equal and open. They share with me about the things they learned in the school or interesting stories and news. I really cherish the beautiful time with my kids.”


    She also mentioned that in the past ten years, it was not easy for women to develop her diplomatic careers. Women not only need to learn about their professional knowledge and development, but also they have to take care of their families. Fortunately, Mrs. Ratu has very successful career and a happy family.


    “Hello, Consul-General Mrs. Ratu. Currently, there are more than 400 Chinese students are studying in Indonesia for various subjects, including science and engineering, education, Indonesian language and literature, and general medicine. If we choose to study in Indonesia after our graduation, how will the Indonesian government assist or support us for the higher education there?”


    Consul-General Mrs. Ratutold us that Indonesia higher education consists of two components, academic education and professional education. Academic education focuses on the theory of science and technology; on the other hand, professional education pays more attention to practical skills. Indonesian higher education is mainly delivered through higher education institutions, including colleges, polytechnics, universities and research institutes. Currently there are more than 10 thousand foreign students in Indonesia and more than 400 from China. The Indonesian government offers various scholarship programs to international students.


    “琇翡总领事好!2016年12月24日,印度尼西亚驻广州总领事馆与广东学前教育协会合作举办 ‘盛悦情,印尼风’中印文化交流欢乐节,给两国青少年留下难忘而深刻的印象,你认为:中印两国学生应该如何交流本国文化? 谢谢!”
    “Hello, Consul-General Mrs. Ratu. December 24th, 2016, the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou and Guangdong Preschool Education Association jointly organized a Chinese-Indonesian Cultural Exchange Festival, which left a great impression to the youth and students of both countries. In your opinions, how should Chinese and Indonesian students exchange their own cultures with each other?”


    “两国青年人口相加有4亿多,两国青年的成长与交流,代表着两国关系乃至亚太地区的未来和希望。印度尼西亚驻广州总领事馆与广东教育协会合作举办 ‘盛悦情,印尼风’中印文化交流欢乐节,就是希望两国青少年加强文化交流、互学互鉴,为中印友好关系发展贡献力量。”
    “The population of young people in the two countries is more than 400 million. The growth and exchange of the youth in both countries will bring bright future for the two countries as well as the Asia-Pacific region. The Consulate General of the Indonesia in Guangzhou and the Guangdong Association of Education jointly organized the Chinese and Indonesian Cultural Exchange Festival in Guangzhou.This event was to seize the rare historical opportunity, strengthen exchanges, enhance mutual learning with each other, and work together to make contributions to develop comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Indonesia.”


    At the end of the interview, Consul-General Mrs. Ratuspecially prepared delicious Indonesian snacks and chocolates for the junior journalists. The interview achieved fruitful results. Indonesia is a country in the Eastern-Southern Asia with more than ten thousand of island. It is known as the “Thousands Island Country”, the biggest island country in the world.






作者:小记者 王韵乔 黄绎霖 朱卓婷 叶子 张雁棠  来源:本网站

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