中外新闻社总裁韦燕接受美国加州参议院共和党领袖鲍勃赫夫(Bob Huff)先生会见 |
●1995年--- 2004年 美国钻石吧市市议员;
●1997年--- 2001年美国钻石吧市市长;
●2012年1月 — 加州参议院共和党党团全票通过,成为美国加州参议院共和党主席;
Mr. Bob Huff
●1995 -- 2004 served on the City Council of Diamond Bar, California
●1997 -- 2001 served as the Mayor of Diamond Bar City, California
●2004 -- California State Assemblyman
●2008 -- California State Senator, also held leadership positions as the vice chairman of California transportation and education divisions and Vice Chair of the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Caucus.
●2012 January-- elected as Senate Republican Leader by unanimous vote of California Senate Republican Caucus.
加利福尼亚州(简称:加州)位于美国西部,是美国经济最发达、人口最多的州。南邻墨西哥,西濒太平洋,面积 41.1 万平方千米,是全美第三大州。由于邻近美国大选,美国共和党也成为当下世界各国关注的政党。4月2日,本刊记者有幸采访了美国加州参议院共和党领袖鲍勃赫夫先生,他认为:推动世界和平最好的方法是建立私人友谊。
State of California (CA) is located on the West Coast of the United States. California is the most economically developed and the most populous state with area over 411,000 km2, the third largest state in U.S. California's diverse geography ranges from the Pacific Coast in the west, to the Mexico in the south. As close to the U.S. presidential election, U.S. Republican party became the center of attention around the world. Fortunately, our reporters had a chance to interview with Bob Huff, U.S. California State Senate Republican Leader on April 2nd. In his opinion, the best way to promote the world peace is through establishing private friendships.
“Good afternoon Mr. Bob Huff. As we know, California is a state with a large Chinese population, as the Leader of California State Senate, how much do you know about them?” we asked.
“The State of California I represent, there are many people there from China. Although there are different understandings about the trend of the rapidly increasing immigrants, I think the most important reason is that China's rapid economic growth driving them to seek for development opportunities in Americas. Therefore, I'm willing to be their friend and help them.” Mr. Bob Huff said.
鲍勃赫夫说:“一个国家应该有自己的文化传承,中国也是如此。早在6-7年以前,在加州建立中文学校是没有法律保护的,他们经常遭遇政府部门的勒令关门的处罚,使华人学童退學率和犯罪率上升,造成很大的社會問題。当时,一些校长找到我,要我帮助在加州立法,保护中文学校的建立。于是,我跑加州州长办公室、教育部,我以众议员、参议员的身份,带领立法委员走访教育專家、华人学校校长、学生等,终于在2010年---用了整整6年时间,获得了州长签字,在加州立法、保护中文学校的建立。我还提出:在2011年签署成为法律的 SB161法案,把加州学童的健康和福利放在首位。”据了解,美国世界日报对鲍勃赫夫的举动有过大篇幅报道。
He continued, “A country should have its own cultural heritage, so is China. Six or seven years ago, building Chinese schools in California was not under the protection of the law, the people who built the schools were always forced to shut down the schools by government institutes. That increased the drop-out rate and crime rate of Chinese students, which also incurred many social problems. At that time, the principals from Chinese schools came to my office and asked me to legislate protecting their rights of building Chinese schools in California. Then I called on the Governor of California and the Education Bureau as a Congressman and a Senator. I also led legislators to visit education professionals, the schools principals and the students of Chinese schools. Finally, in 2010, with 6-year efforts, I got the Governor's signature on the permit of legislating in California to protect Chinese schools. I also proposed getting the Bill No. SB161 signed into the law in 2011 and put the health and welfare of California school students in the first place.” From what we learnt, the U.S. World Journal reported Mr. Bob Huff extensively to recognize his contributions.
Mr. Bob Huff encouraged and formed “Sister Provinces” between California and Jiangsu Province in China. The 2 provinces signed the New Energy Cooperation Memorandum in 2011. As there is no California Liaison Offices in China, Bob said the next step is to set up liaison offices in Beijing and Shanghai.
Invited by Changsha University of Science & Technology, Mr. Bob Huff presented an academic speech, named The Trend and Future of China and US Relations, in the lecture hall. He answered students’ questions about China and US relations, development of future science and technology and the American education system as well as the trend of world development.
鲍勃赫夫先生--- 一位美国加州参议院共和党领袖,已成为中国人民的好朋友。记者说:“朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友可以顶天立地。”鲍勃赫夫微笑说:“良好的私人友谊可以推动世界和平。”说完,鲍勃赫夫欣然为本刊题词。
Mr. Bob Huff --- a leader of the California State Senate Republican. “He has become a good friend of Chinese people”. Journalist said, “The friendship is everything and everything can be done with friends”. Mr. Bob Huff smiled and said, “A good private friendship can promote the world peace”. Then he wrote a personal inscription for our magazine.
鲍勃赫夫(Bob Huff)同共和党参议员、2001年1月20日宣誓就职、连续任两届的美国总统小布什在一起 |