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“Witness Friendship” China Home and Abroad News Press 2018 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed the Ambassador of Austria to China, H.E. Mr. Friedrich Stift

时间:2018-2-6 10:50:21

核心提示:奥地利首都维也纳位于多瑙河畔,整座城市与音乐有着不解之缘,享有音乐之都的美誉,很多小记者都期待了解这个国家。2018年1月29日下午2:30,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者如愿采访了奥地利共和国驻华大使石迪福阁下。石迪福大使欢迎小记者们的到访,他说,我是去年7月份才来到北京的,这是我第二次来北京...

    奥地利首都维也纳位于多瑙河畔,整座城市与音乐有着不解之缘,享有音乐之都的美誉,很多小记者都期待了解这个国家。2018年1月29日下午2:30,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者如愿采访了奥地利共和国驻华大使石迪福阁下。
    The Austrian capital Vienna is located on the banks of the Danube River. The city has a deep connection with music, and it enjoys a reputation as the “Musical Capital of the World”. Many junior journalists are looking forward to learning about this country. At 2:30pm January 29th, 2018, “Witness Friendship” China Home and Abroad News Press 2018 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation had an opportunity to exclusively interview with the Ambassador of Austria to China, H.E. Mr. Friedrich Stift.

    Ambassador Friedrich Stiftwelcomed the junior journalists at the embassy. He said that I came to Beijing last July. This is my second time to work in Beijing. China is the second largest economy in the world, and it is a very important country on the world stage. I am very glad to come to China as the Austrian ambassador to China. I hope I can become your friend.
    The interview started in a pleasant atmosphere.

    The junior journalists asked: “Hello Ambassador! You studied law at the University of Vienna and completed your master degree at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna and Washington. You also served various positions in the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On September 13th, 2017, you presented the credentials to President Xi Jinping and became the new ambassador of Austria to China. We can see that you are such a great diplomat with successful diplomatic background and experience. We want to ask how you will use your wisdom and efforts to promote the youth exchange and cooperation between China and Austria? Thank you!”

    The Ambassador said with a smile that if you want to succeed, you must have faith. Never give up your dreams. China is a big country, and it is very important in Asia. My role as an ambassador is to promote exchanges between the two countries. For example, we can invite President Xi Jinping to visit Austria. In addition, I am responsible for not only political exchanges but also arts, music, culture, science and technology exchanges. I want to make more efforts to contribute to the development of the Austria-China friendship and the exchanges and cooperation between young people from Austria and China.

    “Hello Ambassador! For more than a decade, Chinese musicians have held many New Year's concerts in Austria, which brought Eastern art culture to the country where the European classical music was born, and effectively promoted the cultural exchanges between China and Austria. In your opinions, what can be done by the young people of both countries to further promote cultural and educational exchanges? Thank you!”

    “Austria’s art and music are very developed. For example, Mozart, Beethoven, many painters and many Nobel laureates in science were Austrian. Austria is world famous in science and art. Austrian and Chinese teenagers should first learn each other’s languages. I didn't understand Italian language when I first arrived in Italy. Istill keeplearning. I can see your English is great! But if you can learn a second language, it will help you even more.” The ambassador said.

    “Hello Ambassador! Austria is located in the Central Europe with beautiful lakes, castles, palaces, elegant classical music and delicious chocolate. All of those are very attractive to us. If we want to visit Austria, when is the best time to travel there? Thank you!”

    Vienna is a world-famous livability. It has been listed as one of “The world's most liveable cities” for seven consecutive years. Vienna is familiar yet unfamiliar to our junior journalists, because everyone is familiar with the “Blue Danube” and the movie “Sissi”. Everyone is looking forward to traveling to this beautiful country in Austria.
    At the end of the interview, the junior journalists presented New Year's gifts to Ambassador Friedrich Stift and wished him health and happy in Beijing.

作者:小记者 张雨桐 程思淇 潘芷茵 石宇竹 李朗粤  来源:本网站

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