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“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者2018暑期采访哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚阁下

"Witness Friendship" 2018 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Colombian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García

时间:2018-10-18 16:42:16

核心提示:哥伦比亚共和国位于南美洲西北部,有着举世瞩目的古老建筑和伟大的拉丁精神,它的绚丽多彩也正诠释着魔幻现实主义的魅力。8月10日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者如愿采访了哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚阁下。...

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)同中外新闻社小记者汇聚一堂,共同祝愿中哥友谊万岁!

    哥伦比亚共和国位于南美洲西北部,有着举世瞩目的古老建筑和伟大的拉丁精神,它的绚丽多彩也正诠释着魔幻现实主义的魅力。8月10日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者如愿采访了哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚阁下。
    Located in northwestern South America, the Republic of Colombia has world-famous ancient buildings and a great “Latin Spirit”. Its colorfulness is also an interpretation of modern magical realism. On the morning of August 10th, "Witness Friendship" 2018 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Colombian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)会见中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    After entering the embassy, the junior journalists and the Colombian embassy diplomats sang the national anthems of China and Colombia together before the official interview. Immediately, the entire embassy conference hall was full of dignified and solemn atmosphere. The press officer played a video for the delegation, which shows the natural features of the scenic spots in Colombia. The film made the junior journalists very interested in this beautiful country.


    During the interview period, a junior journalist asked first: “Hello, Ambassador! Chinese President Xi Jinping met with the Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón on November 19th 2016 to promote China and Colombia’s relations to a higher level. As the Colombian Ambassador to China, in your opinions: as the children and youth in both countries, how should we carry on the traditional friendship between China and Colombia?”

  采访哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下

    “Thank you very much for coming to the Colombian embassy today. I want to ask everyone a question: How do you understand the work of the 'ambassador'? I can tell you that the work of the ambassador is like a friendship bridge connecting two countries. All junior journalists here today are also the friendship bridge between China and Colombia. Since China and Colombia established diplomatic relations 38 years ago, the two sides have continued to deepen pragmatic cooperation in many fields, and the people have established a profound friendship through various civil exchanges.” The ambassador pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the most convenient communication method of cultural exchanges through youth exchanges, and we must start with our children. Making the young people of the two countries become diplomatic talents so they can make great contributions to enhance the friendly and sustainable development of China and Colombia. ”

  李佳静小记者就哥伦比亚的旅游文化有何特色采访哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下

    “您曾担任哥伦比亚国家贸易、工业和旅游部副部长,请您谈谈的哥伦比亚的文化和旅游。如果我们选择去哥伦比亚旅游,请问什么季节去旅游最好?谢谢! ”小记者问。
    “You have served as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, please share with us about Colombia's culture and tourism. If we choose to travel to Colombia, what season is the best time to go? Thank you!” we asked.

    The ambassador said that there is no change in the four seasons in Colombia. If we have to differentiate the seasons, that could be a rainy season and a non-rainy season. The rain volume is small, it does not affect tourism. When it comes to tourist attractions, some natural landscapes, such as beaches, ancient towns, small white houses and many scenic spots. Thousands of kinds of birds live in Colombia. Therefore, it is very interesting to see those wild birds.

  周汶在希小记者就哥伦比亚“四宝”鲜花、黄金、绿宝石和咖啡有何特点采访哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下

    “Hello Ambassador! As a football fan, Since the Colombian national football team became one of the top eight players in Brazil World Cup in 2014, I have paid great attention to the Colombian national football team. This year in Russia World Cup, the Colombian national football team lost the game before entering the top eight competition; however, I still have confidence in the Colombian national football team. Could you share your views on the football sports in Colombia? Many thanks!”

  唐舒迟小记者就中哥两国青少年如何接过“接力棒”采访哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下

    “I personally like football very much. Now there are many excellent Colombian football players playing for China. The Shanghai Shenhua team also bought a Colombian player. "Mr. Ambassador did not hide the pride of Colombian football and sincerely wished that Chinese football is getting better and better. At the same time, he introduced that many Latin American football players have played in the Chinese teams. The friendly exchanges between the two countries even is not only for “football diplomacy”. In order to further enhance the friendship between the two peoples, there have also been activities such as “cycling diplomacy" and "skating diplomacy" in recent years.


    “Dear Ambassador, you have three outstanding children. They are economist, lawyer and psychologist. As an experienced diplomat, how are you educating and guiding your children? How do you inspire them to pursue their life goals?” a junior journalist asked about his children.

    The ambassador proudly replied: “I have three children. The eldest son is a lawyer, the second son is an economics student, who has seven years of study and work experience in China, and the third daughter lives in Colombia. My teaching to children is very strict. It is strictly forbidden to watch TV from Monday to Friday, and only a little time to watch TV during weekends. When they are in the schools, they have to study very hard and only get one day off from their campuses. In their daily life, I ask them to clean up their rooms. If they don’t do it, there will be a little punishment. Now they are very grateful to their parents for making those strict rules for them. They have succeeded their goals, and they are benefited from their 30-year strict family education.”


    The ambassador finally introduced “Colombian Four Treasures”: flowers, gold, emeralds and coffee. he said that coffee in Colombia is similar to tea in China. Everyone has its own living habits. Drinking coffee is very good. I am used to it, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, and another one cup in the afternoon, or maybe a cup of Chinese green tea. I could give you a suggestion, if you feel coffee is too strong or bitter, you can add some milk to balance the taste. Colombia is a young, unrestrained and happy country, and all people in the country feel very happy for their lives.


    After the interview, Ambassador Oscar Rueda García personally presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificate” to each student to recognize their efforts and learning spirits. The junior journalists expressed that in order to become the friendship messengers between China and other countries, they will study English every hard and become an excellent diplomat in the future.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)为中外新闻社小记者签名

  小记者团领队、中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻同哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)愉快的在一起

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下接受中外新闻社小记者赠送“金嗓子”礼品

  申嘉诚小记者同哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下握手致意

  韩梦娇小记者向奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)大使赠送礼物,祝福大使阁下在中国工作顺利

  姜若雅小记者同奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)大使友好交流

  林志达小记者向奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)大使赠送礼物,祝福大使阁下在中国工作顺利

  郑蕴朔小记者同哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下握手致意

  李宗达小记者向奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)大使赠送礼物,祝福大使阁下在中国工作顺利

  喜欢音乐的小记者刘荣小记者向奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)大使赠送吉他,祝福大使阁下在中国工作开心

作者:小记者 唐舒迟 李佳静 郭 湘 申嘉诚 于 婷 周汶在希  来源:本网站

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