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The Philippines Ambassador to China H.E.Mr.Jaime A. Florcruz awarded the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificates” to the delegation members

时间:2023-8-26 13:32:35

核心提示:中外新闻社利用自身的功能定位和优势, 独创的“中外新闻社小记者”已经成为国际社会知名品牌。“见证友谊” ---中外新闻社小记者2023暑期出色完成希腊、日本、亚美尼亚、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、乌拉圭、斯里兰卡、菲律宾等8国驻华使馆采访任务。8月11日, 菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下为小记者...

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 唐敏翔)中外新闻社利用自身的功能定位和优势, 独创的“中外新闻社小记者”已经成为国际社会知名品牌。“见证友谊” ---中外新闻社小记者2023暑期出色完成希腊、日本、亚美尼亚、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、乌拉圭、斯里兰卡、菲律宾等8国驻华使馆采访任务。8月11日, 菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下为小记者们颁发“优秀小记者(优秀小小外交官)证书” 。至此, 中外新闻社小记者共采访了96国驻华大使馆, 中外新闻社新一轮的“新闻外交”又一次结出了丰硕成果。
    With its functional positioning and advantages, the “Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists” have become a well-known brand in the international community. “Witnessing Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation successfully completed interviews with 8 foreign embassies in China, including Greece, Japan, Armenia, Mexico, Pakistan, Uruguay, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Ambassador of the Philippines to China H.E. Mr. Jaime A. Florcruz presented the “Certificates of Excellence” to the junior journalists on August 11th. Up to now, Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation has interviewed a total of 96 embassies in China. The “News Diplomacy” of Home and Abroad News Press has once again achieved fruitful results.

  中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻同菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)在核实获得向优秀小记者(小小外交官)名单

    2023年8月7日-11日中外新闻社小记者团列队出征, 采访了希腊共和国驻华大使埃夫耶尼奥斯•卡尔佩里斯阁下、亚美尼亚共和国驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳博士(墨西哥合众国驻华大使施雅德阁下、菲律宾共和国驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下, 日本国驻华公使贵岛善子、巴基斯坦共和国驻华大使馆教育参赞艾菲法女士、乌拉圭东岸共和国驻华大使馆新闻和文化参赞贡扎洛先生等。在每一个国家大使馆采访前, 小记者们都练习用流利的英语介绍自己, 在采访过程中, 有的小记者风趣幽默, 有的沉着稳重, 有的犀利睿智, 有的开朗乐观……通过5天的采访, 小记者们的外交礼仪、采访技巧、思维能力、新闻意识等方面有了很大的提升。各国外交官对小记者们不畏艰难、勇于奉献的团队精神给予高度评价, 小记者们近距离地感受各国外交官的“外交风范”, 每一位小记者都向各国外交官赠送自己家乡的小礼物, 他们深深地感到自己就是中国与世界各国友好交流的桥梁和使者。
    Between August 7th and 11th, 2023, Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation had exclusive interviews with the Ambassador of Greece to China H.E. Mr. Evgenios Kalpyris, the Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China H.E. Dr. Palitha Kohona, the Ambassador of Mexico to China H.E. Mr. Jesus Seade, the Ambassador of the Philippines to China H.E. Mr. Jaime A. Florcruz, the Minister of Japanese Embassy in China Mrs. Kijima Yoshiko, the Educational Counselor of Pakistani Embassy in China Ms. Aifiefa, and the Press and Culture Counselor of the Uruguayan Embassy in China Mr. Gonzalo Castillo. Before the interviews, the junior journalists practiced the self-introductions in fluent English. During the interview process, some were funny and humorous, some were calm and steady, some were sharp and wise, and some were cheerful and optimistic. ...... Through the 5-day interview series, the junior journalists' diplomatic etiquettes, interview skills, creativity, news awareness and other learning aspects have been greatly improved. Foreign diplomats gave high praise to the junior journalists for their dedication and teamwork. Each junior journalist presented the gifts from their hometowns, and they all felt like a bridge and messenger of friendly exchanges between China and other countries.


    随着中外新闻社在 “第十七届世界媒体展” 获得优秀媒体奖, 及2011年5月6日国务院港澳办批准中外新闻社在北京落地, 此后中外新闻社发展突飞猛进, 在国际社会产生了较大的影响, 焕发出与时俱进的勃勃生机。此次“见证友谊”---中外新闻社小记者的8国驻华使馆采访, 是中外新闻社为推动中国同各国的友好合作关系全面发展取得的又一个成果, 让我们期待小记者们在中国同外国友好关系的新版上画上最新最美的图画。
    With the Excellent Media Award at the 17th World Media Expo and the approval of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council for landing in Mainland China on May 6, 2011, Home and Abroad News Press has achieved remarkable development with greater impact on the international community. “Witnessing Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation visited 8 embassies, which was another achievement made Home and Abroad News Press in order to push forward the development of the friendly and cooperative relations between China and other countries. We are looking forward to seeing younger generations continuously developing friendly relations between China and foreign countries.


    菲律宾共和国驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下为小记者们颁发“优秀小记者证书”, 他曾经担任过美国主流媒体的记者, 面对今天中国的小记者, 大使深有感触地说:“今天, 我们的使馆很热闹, 来了很多珍贵的小客人, 你们是中国未来的‘发言人’, 我很羡慕你们, 你们要敢于发现, 长大后希望你们能写出更多的好文章, 为中国和世界各国的友好关系做出贡献。
    Ambassador of the Philippines to China H.E. Mr. Jaime A. Florcruz presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificates” to the junior journalists, and he used to work as an experienced news reporter for the mainstream American media. When talking to young Chinese journalists, the Ambassador said, "Today, our Embassy is very happy with many precious young guests because you are China's future 'spokesman', I admire you, you have to work hard to discover your own future. When you grow up, I hope that you can write more good news articles, and make contributions to the friendly relations between China and other countries in the world.

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)为小记者们颁发“优秀小记者(优秀小小外交官)证书”

    中外新闻社总编辑韦燕表示: 中外新闻社要把和谐融入世界, 向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能, 更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。组织小记者采访各国大使馆, 旨意在让中国青少年了解各国的国情和文化。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为中外新闻社发展的主旋律。
    Editor-in-Chief of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, said: Home and Abroad News Press always aims to integrate harmony into the world and show the world that it is not only a media, but also a channel to promote the world peace. The purpose of organizing interviews with embassies for junior journalists is to let Chinese young people understand the national conditions and cultures of different countries. “News Diplomacy to promote the world peace” has become the main theme of the strategic development of Home and Abroad News Press.

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)向优秀小记者(小小外交官)和韦燕领队颁发菲律宾纪念品

作者:记者 张珈闻 唐敏翔  来源:本网站

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