(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 文峻 赵焕祥 陈熹 班晓旭)冬日的北京,银装素裹,古都的韵味在雪花的映衬下愈发浓郁。一个又一个国际活动在中国大地上演,在这样一个重要时刻:12月30日晚上,中外新闻社在北京国家会议中心举办中外新闻社创立23周年庆典、2024《中外新闻》时代新闻人物颁奖典礼。中外新闻社迎来创建23周年,把不同肤色、不同文化、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官与中外新闻社同仁汇聚一堂, 共同分享中国媒体的发展成果, 为世界“新闻外交”发展注入新的能量。
With colorful winter in Beijing, the ancient capital is showing unique charm with snowflakes. Many international events are happening in China, in such an important moment: in the evening of December 30th 2024, the 23rd Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press and Award Ceremony of 2024 “Home and Abroad News Press – News Person of the Year” was held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. In the past 23 years, Home and Abroad News Press brought together ambassadors, diplomats, media journalists and press officers of different colors, cultures, languages, voices and religions, to share the fruitful development of China, and injected new energy into the global peace development through "News Diplomacy".
Many important guests attended the ceremony, including the Secretary-General of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Li Tiedui, Former Assistant to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ma Deqiang, CCTV Director of Military Channel, General Huang Qiguo and other Chinese guests. Many important foreign guests are: Ambassador of Peru to China, H.E. Mr. Marco Balarezo and wife, Ambassador of Cuba to China, H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva and wife, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, H.E. Mr. Majintha Jayesinghe, Ambassador of Myanmar to China, H.E. Mr. U Tin Maung Swe and wife, Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Nigeria in China Mr. Babagana Wakil, Chargé d'Affaires of Rwanda Embassy in China, Mr. Augustin Buregeya and wife, Deputy Mission of Iran to China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Far and wife, Minister of Press of Pakistan Embassy in China Mr. Manzoor Ali Memon, Counselor of Moldova Embassy in China, Ms. Cecilia Chirita, Economic and Investment Affairs Counsellor Councilor of Mexico, Mr. Hector Dorbecker, Special Representative of Uzbekistan Ambassador to China Mr. Aziz Muysinalyiev, Economic Counselor of Myanmar Embassy in China, Ms. Thin Thin Aung, Head of Political Affairs of Peru Embassy Mr. Denny Pina, First Secretary of Nigerian Embassy in China, Mr. Ringim Abdullahi Uba as well as over one hundred guests attended the ceremony banquet.
At 6:18pm, the ceremony officially started with the Chinese national anthem….
联合国国际合作协调局副局长兼新闻部部长、中外新闻社总裁韦燕代表中外新闻社董事会、理事会、社务会及中外新闻社在海外的71个国家和地区的记者站、分社及新闻中心致欢迎辞。她说,时间定格今日:中外新闻社迎来创建23周年。今天我们把不同肤色、不同文化、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官与我们汇聚一堂, 共同庆祝中外新闻社迎来创建23周年, 共同分享中国媒体的发展成果, 为世界“新闻外交”发展注入新的能量。
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Council and Board of Directors of Home and Abroad News Press as well as its overseas correspondents, liaison offices and information centers in 71 countries and regions, Deputy Director of United Nations International Collaboration and Coordination Agency and President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan delivered a welcome speech. She said that Home and Abroad News Press is celebrating its 23rd birthday today. We bring together many ambassadors, diplomats, media colleagues, and friends with different colors, languages, and religions to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Home and Abroad News Press and to share the great achievements of China with the world through our “News Diplomacy”.
She also thanked her team for 23 years of hard work, practicality and professionalism, which has helped Home and Abroad News Press to grow strongly, with a strong sense of media credibility and social responsibility.
韦燕说,一直以来, 中外新闻社以全球视野、不断创新的思维模式活跃在国际舞台上, 中外新闻社善长从“天人合一”的思想中吸取智慧。2024:我们怀揣“中国梦”站在世界媒体的前沿, 为“新闻外交”一步步地注入正能量……中外新闻社作为一个国际主流的媒体, 与外国强势的传播机构共同向西方国家展示和宣传一个真实的中国。
She continued that since the inception, Home and Abroad News Press has been extremely active on the international stage with its global vision and innovative development model. We believe in “Oneness of Heaven and Humanity”. In 2024, we are running at the frontier of the world media sector with our “China Dreams” to create more positive energy for the international community. As an international mainstream media, Home and Abroad News Press, together with strong foreign media channels, shows and promotes the real China to the western countries.
韦燕还谈到:2024年9月22-24日中外新闻社作为中国代表,出席了联合国“未来行动日”峰会,会上同美国总统气候问题特使约翰•克里(John Kerry)作了专题交流,为加强世界各地社区应对日益严峻的气候影响的韧性提供了动力。并在中国外交部长王毅在联合国“未来行动日”峰会发表题为《把握共同命运,共创美好未来》的重要讲话现场报道,中外新闻社为“未来峰会”全球和平与发展注入了新动能。针对生态文明,全球设立碳中和目标已成为不可逆转的趋势。韦燕说,我们将如何激活全球“绿色引擎”?联合国“未来行动日”成为中外新闻社的“立即行动日”,回国后,我们即推动峰会取得的积极成果,在2024“欧亚合作发展大会”上,就“碳中和”主题,我们引领欧亚多国外交官及学者就展开文明对话,对话内容达到预期效果。
She said: September 21 to 24 this year, I attended the United Nations Future Summit Action Days as the representative of China, where I had a panel discussion with the U.S. President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Mr. John Kerry. In addition to the progress made on climate change mitigation, the COP also succeeded in developing a global framework for climate change adaptation, providing momentum to empower communities around the world to cope with the increasing impacts of climate change. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the United Nations Future Summit and delivered an important speech entitled “Share the Common Destiny, and Create a Better Future”. Home and Abroad News Press made on-spot coverage: The Future Summit has injected new momentum into global peace and development, and the proposed Future Compact has drawn a blueprint for the common future of mankind. For ecological civilization, it has become an irreversible trend for the world to set carbon neutral targets. How will we activate the global “green engine”? The UN “Future Action Days” has become the “Immediate Action Days” for Home and Abroad News Press. After returning to China, we promote the positive outcomes of the Future Summit and discuss the “Green Engine” at the 2024 “Eurasian Cooperation and Development Conference” with expected results.
She continued that internationalization is Hong Kong's distinctive features and significant advantages, support Hong Kong to continue to maintain its characteristics with unique advantage, with the world to carry out broader and closer exchanges, Home and Abroad News Press shoulders an important mission to further expand international cooperation and actively explore the emerging markets, to attract more international capital first-class institutions and talents to Hong Kong to develop their business for mutual prosperity. Home and Abroad News Press will take the following steps in Hong Kong: first, to further deepen the financial reform and innovation and continuously enhance Hong Kong's financial competitiveness; second, to further expand the low-carbon industry cooperation and continue to expend green energy in Hong Kong's development vitality; third, to further buttress the national development strategy and strengthen the foundation of Hong Kong's sustainable development. She said, as a next step, we will invite the ambassadors of various countries to recommend the mayors of their model cities for low carbon development to visit China, to discuss the opportunities brought to the world by the low carbon economy, to provide more accurate and scientific decision-making for their urban development, and to give new connotation to build more smart cities.
It takes tremendous efforts to build Home and Abroad News Press in the past 23 years. The success of Home and Abroad News Press is created from its innovative business model, top-performance talented employees, continuous encouragement and systematic management. In the past 23 years, we grew from a small company to an international corporation which owns and operates more than 71 global branches and information centers, including U.S.A, Canada, Finland, France, U.K., Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia and many other countries. In those countries, our works and contributions were greatly appreciated by the local governments and communities.
23 years of exploration and dedication, and 22 years of glory and dream have become a form of perseverance, inspiration and responsibility.
So far, Home and Abroad News Press successfully launched 7 associated organizations, including Home and Abroad News Press magazine and website, Chinese and Foreign Entrepreneur Association, International Integration Observation Committee, National Artworks Institute, Ambassadors Club and "Belt and Road" Education Research Institute. Those associated organizations serve for different functions and greatly connect and promote China and foreign countries’ friendship and cooperation.
庆典会上,与会各国驻华大使高度评价中外新闻社23年来为促进中国人民和世界人民的友好关系发展做出了重大贡献。在国际社会的舞台上,中外新闻社把和谐融入世界,向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能,更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为了中外新闻社发展的主题,中外新闻社在推动“新闻外交”、加强国际合作领域上又成立了中外新闻社大使俱乐部,至今已经有102国大使在大使俱乐部平台上相互交流, 获取资讯。今天又有4位大使接受中外新闻社大使俱乐部荣誉主席职位聘书,为中外新闻社的“媒体多元外交”在中国和平发展道路上发挥独特的作用。
At the ceremony, all guests highly appraised for Home and Abroad News Press’ significant contributions to develop close relationships between China and other countries, promote the friendship between Chinese people and all people around the world in the past 23 years. Home and Abroad News Press have integrated Chinese harmony into the world, showing the world not only the function of a media, but also a bridge of friendship and peace. "News Diplomacy for World Peace" is the key development theme of Home and Abroad News Press. In order to promote "News Diplomacy" and strengthen international cooperation, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club was founded. So far, 102 foreign ambassadors are actively exchanging information on this Ambassadors Club platform. At the ceremony, four more foreign ambassadors to China accepted the appointment letters to become the Honorary Presidents of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club.
Ambassador of Peru to China, H.E. Mr. Marco Balarezo, Ambassador of Cuba to China, H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, H.E. Mr. Majintha Jayesinghe, Ambassador of Myanmar to China, H.E. Mr. U Tin Maung Swe, Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Nigeria in China Mr. Babagana Wakil, Chargé d'Affaires of Rwanda Embassy in China, Mr. Augustin Buregeya delivered speeches in the award ceremony. They highly recognized that Home and Abroad News Press has always been committed to promoting international cooperation, establishing exchange mechanisms, building cooperation platforms, promoting practical cooperation between China and foreign countries in various fields such as economy, science and technology, human resources, etc., and creating favourable conditions for mutual benefit and win-win situation, and they Home and Abroad News Press for their hard work and efforts in helping their host countries to commit themselves to the cause of safeguarding world peace and common security of mankind, to fight for the just struggles of national development, social progress, safeguarding sovereignty and security, and to carry out other friendly cooperation between the Chinese people and the peoples of other countries.
In today’s multicultural global society, Home and Abroad News Press has been designated as the mainstream media by three United Nation associated organizations to introduce “The News Person of the Year” annual awards to recognize outstanding individuals who made remarkable contributions to the international society and promoting peace and harmony in the global community for many years. In the past 14 years, foreign ambassadors of Argentina, Spain, Austria, Colombia, Hungary, Slovakia, Portugal, Philippines, Mexico, Thailand and other 96 countries received this honored prize as the “News Person of the Year”.
Based on the recommendations from Home and Abroad News Press and other mainstream media, “2024 Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners are: Ambassador of Peru to China, H.E. Mr. Marco Balarezo, Ambassador of Belarus to China Cherviakov Alexander, Ambassador of Cuba to China, H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, H.E. Mr. Majintha Jayesinghe, Ambassador of Myanmar to China H.E. U Tin Maung Shwe, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China, H.E. Mr. Farhod Arziev, Ambassador of Rwanda to China H.E. Mr. James Kimonio and Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China, H.E. Mr. Nuryshev Shakhrat. The winning reasons were also announced at the ceremony.
晚会上,还表彰2024 “推动一带一路国际合作杰出贡献奖”者:尼日利亚驻华代理大使巴巴加纳•瓦基勒、伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生、巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生、墨西哥驻华大使馆经济投资参赞董浩天、摩尔多瓦驻华大使馆参赞西西莉等。
In the ceremony, 2024 “Outstanding Contributions to ‘Belt and Road’ International Cooperation” Awards were also given to Chargé d'affairesof the Embassy of Nigeria in ChinaMr. Babagana Wakil, Deputy Head of Mission of Iran in China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Far, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan in China Mr. Bilal Mahmood, Counselor Economic-Commercial Affairs of Mexican Embassy Mr. Héctor Dorbecker, and Counselor of Moldova Embassy in China Ms. Cecilia Chirita.
23年来,在国际社会的舞台上,中外新闻社把和谐融入世界。向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能,更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。“展示‘新闻外交’ 推动世界和平”---成为中外新闻社发展的主题。会上,和着美妙的音乐,中外新闻社总裁韦燕带领各国大使将写有本国名称的河水注入台上的 “友谊池” ,“共注合作之水,友谊之水,发展之水”,寓意着中国与各国的商机如潮,中国与各国合作生生不息,中国与各国的友谊源远流长。晚会嘉宾见证和记录这精彩的瞬间! 出席活动的多家媒体现场采访中外新闻社总裁韦燕,表示针对中外新闻社的功能定位和优势,期待与中外新闻社合作。
Over the past 23 years, on the stage of the international community, Home and Abroad News Press has integrated harmony into the world, showing not only the function of a media, but also a bridge for friendship and peace. “News Diplomacy for World Peace” has become the key theme of Home and Abroad News Press. At the ceremony, with the beautiful music, President Wei Yan and the ambassadors of different countries to join the river water with their country's names into the “Friendship Pool” on the stage, which means that the business opportunities and cooperation between China and other countries continue endlessly. Many audiences witnessed and recorded this wonderful moment! A number of media interviewed Ms. Wei Yan, saying that they were looking forward to cooperating with Home and Abroad News Press in the future.
之后主礼嘉宾及各国使节为中外新闻社23周年生日开启香槟酒、切生日蛋糕……会上,中外新闻社总裁韦燕率中外新闻社董事会、理事会、社务会领导层上台敬酒致意,中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣,中外新闻社常务副总编辑胡树萌 ,中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻 ,中外新闻社副社长齐欢、赵焕祥、刘德山、陈熹、马澜,中外新闻社常务理事刘民生等。大家怀着感恩的心站在这里,感谢大家23年来的支持与厚爱,期盼中外新闻社在未来的日子里,继续得到大家的关心、支持和帮助,共同在实现“中国梦”的道路上风雨兼程!
At the ceremony, VIP guests and ambassadors opened champagne and cut the birthday cake for the 23rd birthday of Home and Abroad News Press...... President Wei Yan also led the board of directors, the council, and the senior executive team to the stage and make the toast for all guests and thank them for their continuous support and help in developing Home and Abroad News Press no matter upturns or downturns.
最后,在著名青年古筝演奏家陈艺萱演奏中国名曲《春江花月夜》、《龙韵东方》, 中外新闻社23周年庆典、2024《中外新闻》时代新闻人物颁奖典礼完美谢幕, 现场全员气氛热烈, 汇聚起中国媒体展翅腾飞的磅礴力量。
At the end, the Chinese famous Guzheng player Chen Yixuan played a few Chinese folk songs to conclude the 23rd Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press and Award Ceremony of 2024 “Home and Abroad News Press – News Person of the Year”. Everyone sang loudly and passionately, gathering the majestic power of Chinese media to spread their wings and take flight again for a new journey.