Dear Secretary-General of Ministry of Finance Mr. Li Tiedui
尊敬的中国外交部原副部长助理 马德强先生
Dear Former Assistant to Deupty Minister of Foreign Afffairs of China Mr. Ma Deqiang
尊敬的联合国国际合作协调局副局长兼新闻部部长、中国中外新闻社总编辑 韦燕女士
Deputy Director of United Nation International Cooperation and Coordination Agency, the President of Home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan
尊敬的各位大使阁下, 女士们、先生们、朋友们大家晚上好!
Dear Ambassadors, ladies, gentlemen and friends, good evening!
我怀着深深的感激和谦卑之心接受中外新闻社授予我“年度新闻人物”的荣誉。我想衷心感谢中外新闻社授予我这一荣誉, 并强调媒体在促进政府和人民之间的理解和对话方面发挥的重要作用。你们是沟通者, 拉近了各国之间的距离, 照亮了通往合作与和平的共同道路。
With deep gratitude and humility, I am accepting the honor of being named “News Person of the Year” by Home and Aberoad News Press. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Home and Aberoad News Press for this honor and to emphasize the important role of the media in promoting understanding and dialogue between Governments and people. You are the communicators who bring nations closer together and illuminate the common path to cooperation and peace.
2024 年是秘中双边关系的里程碑。我们共同将全面战略伙伴关系提升到新的高度。从两国总统2023 年在旧金山APEC 会议上的首次会晤, 到迪娜•博鲁阿尔特总统 6月访华, 再到习近平主席在2024年APEC期间对秘鲁进行国事访问, 展现了我们两国对相互信任、理解、共同成长和繁荣的承诺——这是一个历史性的里程碑。
2024 is a milestone in the bilateral relationship between Peru and China. Together, we have taken the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership to new heights. From the first meeting between our presidents at APEC 2023 in San Francisco, to President Dina Boruarte's visit to China in June, to President Xi Jinping's state visit to Peru at APEC 2024, the commitment of our two countries to mutual trust, understanding, and shared growth and prosperity has been fully demonstrated, which become a historic milestone.
我们还见证了具有变革意义的里程碑, 包括钱凯港的启用——一个务实合作的历史性成就, 以及签署近四十项双边协议, 其中包括我们自由贸易协定的升级, 以及两国主要媒体之间的至少五项合作协议。这些进步不仅仅是外交上的胜利;也是我们两国人民未来福祉发展的基础。
We have also witnessed transformative milestones, including the opening of Port Chancellor, a historic achievement of pragmatic cooperation, and the signing of nearly 40 bilateral agreements, including the upgrading of our free trade agreement and at least five cooperation agreements between the major media outlets of both countries. These advances are not just diplomatic success; they are also the basis for the development of the future well-being of our two peoples.
我们可以把秘中关系看作中国同拉美国家合作的典范。我们两国互为全面战略伙伴, 秘鲁是“一带一路”倡议共建国, 我们两国在经济方面也实现了全面对话, 而且在习近平主席访问秘鲁期间, 我们两国还签署了自贸协定升级议定书, 这至关重要。我们在升级后的自贸协定中增加了新的条款, 比如供应链、电子商务等时下非常重要的领域。10年前, 这些领域可能都还未出现, 而现在已经成为了非常重要的内容。当然, 升级议定书中也涵盖了环境方面的内容, 包括应对气候变化的内容等, 这都是非常重要的内容。
We can look at the relationship between Peru and China as a model of cooperation between China and Latin America. We are comprehensive strategic partners, Peru is a co-builder of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, we have a comprehensive economic dialog, and during President Xi Jinping's visit to Peru, we signed an upgraded protocol to the FTA, which is very important. We have added new provisions to the upgraded FTA, such as supply chains, e-commerce, and other areas that are very important nowadays, areas that may not have existed 10 years ago, but are now very important. Of course, the upgraded protocol also covers environmental aspects, including the fight against climate change, which is very important.
在秘鲁, 我们非常重视两国之间持久的联系, 从贸易和教育到文化和技术合作。几天前, 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区首个鲁班工坊在秘鲁成立, 体现了我们共同致力于为子孙后代提供全球化所需的先进技术技能的决心。
In Peru, we value the enduring ties between our two countries, from trade and education to cultural and technological cooperation. A few days ago, the first Ruben's Workshop in Latin America and the Caribbean was launched in Peru, reflecting our shared commitment to providing future generations with the advanced technological skills needed for globalization.
获得“2024《中外新闻》时代新闻人物奖”, 这项奖项不仅是对我为推进双边关系所作努力的认可, 也是对秘鲁和中国之间建立在信任、尊重和共同愿望基础上的持久友谊的证明, 它激励我继续努力深化我们在最重要领域的可持续、创新和包容性的合作。
The award of the “2024 Home and Abroad News Press – News Person of the Year” is not only a recognition of my efforts to advance bilateral relations, but also a testament to the enduring friendship between Peru and China, based on trust, respect and common aspirations, and inspires me to continue working to deepen our sustainable, innovative and inclusive cooperation in the most important areas of our lives. It inspires me to continue working to deepen our sustainable, innovative and inclusive cooperation in the most important areas.
值此庆祝中外新闻社成立23周年之际, 让我们重申媒体作为沟通桥梁和希望灯塔的重要性。通过你们的故事传递信息、激励我们, 为我们的人民开创共同繁荣的未来。让我们继续将此刻发扬光大, 继续携手合作, 确保我们共同打下的基础为我们的国家和世界带来更大的成就。
As we celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of Home and Abroad News Press, let us reaffirm the importance of the media as a bridge of communication and a beacon of hope. Through your stories and inspirations, we will create prosperous future for our people. Let us continue to build on this moment and continue to work together to ensure that the foundation we have laid together will lead to even greater achievements for our countries and the world.
Thank you everyone!