尊敬的各国驻华大使及外宾团,女士们、先生们: 大家晚上好!
Mr. Li Tiedui, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance,
Mrs. Wei Yan, President of Home and Abroad News Press,
Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Home and Abroad News Press for inviting me to attend the Home and Abroad News Press award ceremony. I am deeply honoured and humbled to receive the "News Person of the Year" award. This award highlights the strong diplomatic ties and the time honoured, cherished and special relationship which has existed between Sri Lanka and China since ancient times.
各位阁下,女士们、先生们! 正如中国国家主席习近平指出: “中斯友好源远流长,两国人民有着天然的亲近感。” 斯中关系源远流长,跨越了几个世纪。自1957 年两国建交以来,两国关系不断向好的方向发展。我们两国合作涉及多个领域,文化、经贸、投资、防灾、基础设施建设等,斯中关系源远流长,斯新政府高度重视对华关系,愿加强双方在政治、经贸、投资和安全等领域交往合作,实现互利共赢。
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen! As President Xi Jinping has stated, “China and Sri Lanka enjoy a time-honored friendship and the two peoples share a natural affinity”. Sri Lanka - China Relations span across many centuries. Following the establishment of Diplomatic Relations in 1957, today the relations between the two countries have grown exponentially covering a multitude of areas with mutual benefits. The cooperation between our two countries covers many fields, including culture, trade and economy, investment, disaster prevention and infrastructure construction, etc. The relationship between Sri Lanka and China has a long history, and the new government of Sri Lanka attaches great importance to the relationship with China and is willing to strengthen the interaction and cooperation between the two sides in the fields of politics, trade and economy, investment, and security, so as to realize mutual benefits and win-win results.
两国间多层面的友好关系基于相互尊重、相互理解和释放的善意。两国间自古以来就存在着真挚的友谊,这在国与国的交往中是非常罕见的。 在过去的 67 年里,签订了一系列双边协定和谅解备忘录, 我不无自豪地回忆起 1952 年 12 月 18 日,也就是 72 年前,两国签署了著名的《米胶协定》。这一协定被视作世界上最成功、最持久的南南贸易协定之一。斯中两国还有着数百年的佛教文化渊源,这种文化关系使得两国的合作前景 更加广阔。
The multifaceted and friendly relations between the two countries are based on mutual respect, mutual understanding and unleashed goodwill. Sincere friendship has existed between the two countries since time immemorial, which is a rarity in State-to-State interactions. Over the past 67 years, cooperation and collaboration have grown and expanded to cover a multitude of fields. This is manifested in a number of bilateral agreements and MOUs. I recall with a sense of pride the famous Rice - Rubber Pact signed between Sri Lanka and China 72 years ago. This was considered to be one of the most successful and durable South - South trade Agreements in the world. Sri Lanka and China has also had centuries old Buddhist cultural relationship which has today manifested into high vistas of cooperation.
斯里兰卡被誉为“印度洋上的明珠”,拥有丰富的历史、迷人的风景,金色的海滩、茂密的森林和壮丽的山脉无不保留着原生态之美,锡兰红茶举世闻名,文化多元性是斯里兰卡区别于世界上许多其他旅游目的地的显著特点。斯里兰卡拥有 8 处联合国教科文组织世界遗产,其中 6 处跨越了2500 年的历史,从阿努拉德普勒圣城、丹布勒金寺到康提的宏伟寺庙和宫殿。加勒老城及其堡垒更是世界遗产的典范。公元前 3 年,世界首个有记载的野生动 物保护区在米特勒建成。斯里兰卡还是世界上生物多样性最丰富的生态旅游目的地之一。 “斯里兰卡是一个独一无二的国度”,这里的人民笑容可掬、热情好客, 欢迎中国游客来斯里兰卡,探索美丽的海滩,感受富有历史沉淀的文化遗产,欣赏美景,观赏野生动物,参与热闹丰富多彩的文化节庆活动。在斯里兰卡的旅行是身体和心灵的双重幸福盛宴,“一定会让你流连忘返”。
Sri Lanka, known as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean," offers a unique blend of rich history, mesmerizing landscapes, golden pristine beaches, denser forests, world renowned Ceylon tea, epic mountains and diverse cultures sets the land apart from many other travel destinations in the world. Sri Lanka is home to eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 6 of these marvels span 2500 years of history from the sacred city of Anuradhapura and the cave temples of Dambulla to the magnificent temples and palaces of the city of Kandy. The Dutch fortifications at Galle is a living World Heritage Site. In the annals of time, the world’s first recorded wildlife sanctuary was declared in 3 BC at Mihintale. Sri Lanka is also one of the most biodiverse eco-travel destinations in the world. “Sri Lanka is a land like no other” where the smiles and hospitality of its people welcome Chinese travelers to explore its Beaches, Heritage, and Scenic beauty, Wildlife, Festive, Thrill, Bliss and Essence and“You will come back for more”.
斯里兰卡具有重要的战略地位、充满活力的经济、极具吸引力的税收优惠和良好的商业环境,这些都对投资极为有利。斯里兰卡强大的基础设施、 经验丰富的劳动力以及通往亚洲主要市场的要道位置,为旅游业、制造业和 农业等行业带来了机遇。 斯里兰卡是通往具有 19 亿人口的南亚市场的门户,在全球领先的 25 个集装箱港中,斯里兰卡占据一席之地,是南亚最佳投资目的地。令我记忆犹新的是:2014 年习近平主席对斯里兰卡进行了国事访问,并启动了科伦坡港口城开发项目。“一带一路”倡议通过改善基础设施和互联互通,将斯里兰卡与更广阔的全球市场连接起来,进一步增加了投资机会。 我们欢迎中国企业到斯里兰卡投资,在斯里兰卡发展进程中留下不可磨灭的印记。 就在不久前,12 月 12 日,我向中国国家主席习近平递交了国书。我想引用习主席对使节们发表的讲话内容作为我致辞的结尾——“中国式现代化不是中国独善其身的现代化。中方愿同各国分享中国发展机遇,实现美美与共、相互成就,为实现和平发展、互利合作、共同繁荣的世界各国现代化而携手奋斗。”
Sri Lanka offers a strategic location, a vibrant economy, attractive tax incentives and a favorable business environment for investors. With its strong infrastructure, skilled workforce, and access to key Asian markets, the country presents opportunities in sectors like tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture. As a gateway to a market of 1.9 billion people in South Asia and home to one of the leading 25 container Ports in the world, Sri Lanka is a preferred investment destination in the region. I recall with fond memory the State visit of President Xi Jinping to Sri Lanka in 2014, where the Colombo Port City development project was launched. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) further enhances investment opportunities by improving infrastructure and connectivity, linking Sri Lanka to broader global markets. We welcome Chinese enterprises to invest and be a stakeholder leaving an indelible imprint in the development of Sri Lanka. Let me conclude with what President Xi Jinping mentioned when I presented the letters of credence on the 12th of December 2024. “Chinese modernization is not for China alone. China is ready to share its development opportunities with other countries, prosper collectively, help each other succeed, and work together to achieve the modernization of all countries that features peace, development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity”.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentleman! Let us work together to achieve this peaceful development and promote the building of a community with a shared bright future for all humankind.
Finally, I wish a happy birthday to the 23rd anniversary of Home and Abroad News Press! I also wish good health and prosperities for all friends!
Thank you.