In today’s multicultural society, Home and Abroad News Press has been designated as the mainstream media by three United Nation associated organizations and authorized by Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council to open the Mainland China office in Beijing, we introduced “The News Person of the Year” annual prizes to recognize excellent persons who made remarkable contributions to the international society and promoting peace and harmony in the global community for many years. Up to now, as many as 102 foreign ambassadors and diplomats have received this special honor. Based on the recommendations from Home and Abroad News Press and other mainstream media, “2024 Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners are:
Winning reasons: Ambassador Marco Balarezo is an accomplished diplomat, he presented his credentials to President Xi Jinping on April 24, 2023 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Balarezo said, “China is a large country with close ties to Peru, and serving as Ambassador to China is an honor and a heavy responsibility in my career.” Under his dedicated promotion, China and Peru have jointly signed more than 20 agreements covering a wide range of areas such as e-commerce, green development, transportation, education, etc. Bilateral trade reached $37.69 billion in 2023, and surged by more than 300% after the signing of the free trade agreement with China. In the unstable global economic environment, this is a very remarkable bilateral trade achievement! With the unremitting efforts of Ambassador Balarezo, a direct flight from China to the Peruvian capital Lima was successfully launched on November 13th this year, providing convenience for frequent exchanges between the two countries.
入选理由:白俄罗斯共和国驻华大使切尔维亚科夫•亚历山大是一位出色的政治家和经济学家,曾担任白俄罗斯共和国经济部部长。近年来,在切尔维亚科夫主持下,成功举办了中国白俄罗斯政府间合作委员会经贸合作分委会第六次会议。8月21日,在切尔维亚科夫大使推动下,“中国—上合组织技术转移中心白俄罗斯协同中心”成立,成为面向以上合组织为基础的“一带一路”共建国家对外多边合作平台,白俄罗斯协同中心致力于打造中白政府、院校和企业合作的桥梁和纽带。切尔维亚科夫大使还积极分别前往中国各地市各部门交换信息, 开展学术科技合作, 以此将白俄罗斯与“一带一路”倡议深度对接。
Winning reasons: Ambassador Charviakou Aliaksandr is an accomplished politician and economist who served as the Minister of Economy of Belarus. In recent years, with the direct guidance of Ambassador Charviakou Aliaksandr, the sixth meeting of the China-Belarus Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation was successfully in Beijing. On August 21, “China-SCO Technology Transfer Center -- Belarusian Cooperative Center” was set up with his contributions, which became a multilateral cooperation platform for the SCO-based “Belt and Road” countries, and the Belarusian Cooperative Center is committed to building a bridge for cooperation between Chinese and Belarusian governments, institutions and enterprises. Ambassador Cherviakov has also actively traveled to various cities and departments in China to exchange information and carry out academic, scientific and technological cooperation, connecting Belarus with the Belt and Road Initiative in great depth.
Winning reasons: Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva is an outstanding politician and diplomat, graduated from the Cuban Higher Institute of International Relations, specializing in international political relations. He came to China and become the Cuban ambassador to China for the second time on August 1, 2023. He has a rich diplomatic career who has served as the head of the Department of Asia and Oceania in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. With his promotion, Cuba announced a visa-free policy for Chinese citizens on May 4, 2024, and resumed the direct flights between China and Cuba on May 17, helping China to strengthen its ties and connectivity with Latin America, especially the Caribbean, and laying the foundation for the development of a multi-destination model in the region. China and Cuba signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in education, training, academic research and scientific exchanges, expanding cooperation in those sectors.
入选理由:斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国驻华大使马金达•贾升和阁下是一位年轻杰出的高级外交官, 1998 年7 月加入斯里兰卡外交部,曾担任斯里兰卡驻联合国代表,2000 年开罗 15 国集团外交部长会议的代表。马金达大使到中国任职后,推动着斯里兰卡和中国友好关系的发展, 积极帮助中国投资者评估斯里兰卡行业投资价值,使中国商业联合会与斯里兰卡全国出口商商会合作备忘录成功签约,开启了中国和斯里兰卡两国商会间的进一步合作。2024年1-9月,中国与斯里兰卡双边货物进出口额相比上年同期增长了9.7亿美元,同比增长34%。
Winning reasons: Ambassador Majinda Jaisinghe is a young and outstanding senior diplomat who joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka in July 1998 and served as Sri Lanka's representative to the United Nations and as a delegate to the G-15 Foreign Ministers' meeting in Cairo in 2000. After becoming the Ambassador in China, he is promoting the development of friendly relations between Sri Lanka and China, actively helping Chinese investors to explore investment opportunities in Sri Lanka, and successfully signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the China General Chamber of Commerce and the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka Exporters, which has opened up further cooperation between the Chambers of Commerce of China and Sri Lanka. From January to September 2024, the bilateral import and export of goods between China and Sri Lanka has reached a record high, an increase of 970 million USD compared to the same period of the previous year, a year-on-year increase of 34%.
Winning reasons: Ambassador U Tin Maung Shwe become the Myanmar's Ambassador to China on April 25, 2023, who is an experienced politician and diplomat. Upon his arrival in China, he has been always promoting the development of friendly relations between Myanmar and China. He has traveled to Hainan, Hubei, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Shandong, Jilin and other places to build the business connections with remarkable cooperation results. Under his promotion, Yunnan-Myanmar continue to deepen the docking projects for building the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor. In 2023, Yunnan-Myanmar trade amounted to $8.44 billion USD, a year-on-year increase of 15%, accounting for about one-third of the trade volume between China and Myanmar. In the first 9 months of 2024, the total trade volume was $5.27 billion USD. At present, Yunnan has set up 206 companies in Myanmar, with a total investment of nearly $2.2 billion USD.
入选理由:乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使法尔霍德•阿尔济耶夫阁下是一位年轻杰出的高级外交官,自2002年以来,一直在乌兹别克斯坦外交部工作, 先后担任过乌兹别克斯坦驻德国大使馆参赞,驻印度和孟加拉国大使,以及乌兹别克斯坦外交部第一副部长等重要职位。2023年4月24日,阿尔济耶夫成为乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使。在阿尔济耶夫的努力推动下,乌中两国的合作正在积极开展,在投资和现代技术领域的合作越来越紧密。2023年中乌双边贸易额达140亿美元,同比增长53.2%,约有3500家中国企业在乌兹别克斯坦开展业务,涉及石油、铁路、农业和机械设备等多个领域。现在中乌双方就实施150多个新的联合投资项目达成了协议。目前,中国是乌兹别克斯坦最大的贸易伙伴。
Winning reasons: Ambassador Farkhod Arziev is a young but senior diplomat who has been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan since 2002, serving as Counselor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Germany, Ambassador to India and Bangladesh, and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan etc. On April 24, 2023, He became Uzbekistan's Ambassador to China. With his dedications and efforts, cooperation between Uzbekistan and China is actively developing, with closer cooperation in the fields of investment and modern technology. bilateral trade between China and Uzbekistan amounted to $14 billion in 2023, an increase of 53.2% year-on-year, and about 3,500 Chinese companies are investing and operating in Uzbekistan in many sectors, including oil, railroads, agriculture, and machinery and equipment. Now China and Uzbekistan have reached agreements on the implementation of more than 150 new joint investment projects. China is now Uzbekistan's largest trading partner.
入选理由:卢旺达驻华大使詹姆斯•基莫尼奥先后担任卢旺达驻南非、美国、津巴布韦、墨西哥、巴西、阿根廷、智利等国大使。2019年11月22日,詹姆斯•基莫尼奥成为卢旺达驻华大使。基莫尼奥大使在中国积极帮助卢旺达国家进入以产业互联网为主要增长点的新阶段--数字经济,为经济复苏和发展提供新动力。在基莫尼奥大使的推动下,在共建“一带一路”倡议助力下,卢旺达2023年GDP为140.98亿美元, 比上年增长了7.82亿美元,已成为非洲经济增速最快的经济体之一。基莫尼奥还被称为卢旺达“网红”大使,他在直播间带货推销卢旺达数千斤咖啡豆,共同拓展“一带一路”美好蓝图。
Winning reasons: Ambassador James Kimonio has served as Rwanda's Ambassador to South Africa, the United States, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc. He officially became the Ambassador of Rwanda to China on November 22, 2019. Ambassador Kimonio has been active in China to help the Rwandan nation enter a new development phase: the digital economy, with the industrial internet as the main growth point, providing new energy for economic recovery and development. Under his leadership in promoting the “Belt and Road” initiative, Rwanda's 2023 GDP was over $14billion USD, an increase of $782 million over the previous year, making it one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Kimonyo is also known as Rwanda's “Internet Celebrity” ambassador because he sold thousands of pounds of Rwandan coffee beans through his live broadcasting channel. This is a creative way to expand the “Belt and Road” blueprint.
入选理由:沙赫拉特•努雷舍夫阁下是一位出色的政治家和外交家,2022年4月8日,哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫签署命令,外交部第一副部长沙赫拉特•努雷舍夫被任命为驻华大使,这是努雷舍夫第二次出任驻华大使。努雷舍夫在担任哈萨克斯坦驻华大使期间,用自己的智慧和力量发挥驻华大使职能, 推动着哈萨克斯坦和中国友好关系的发展, 积极帮助中国投资者评估哈萨克斯坦行业投资价值, 在推动 “一带一路” 国际合作平台上迎接挑战、履行承诺。努雷舍夫任何时候都表达对台湾, 新疆, 西藏的立场和态度, 重申坚持一个中国原则。在努雷舍夫大使推动下,2023年11月,哈萨克斯坦和中国就开发跨里海国际运输线路签署了多项协议,其中包括中欧集装箱班列。哈萨克斯坦作为‘一带一路’倡议的关键一环,在数字丝绸之路,绿色丝绸之路,健康丝绸之路框架下推进了更加务实的合作。
Winning reasons: H.E. Mr. Nuryshev Shakhrat is an outstanding politician and diplomat, was the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and appointed as the Ambassador to China by the President Tokayev on April 8, 2022. This is the second time he served as Ambassador to China. During his tenure as the Ambassador in China, Nureshev dedicated his wisdom and efforts in promoting the development of friendly relations between Kazakhstan and China, actively helping Chinese investors to invest in Kazakhstan's industries as well as promoting the “Belt and Road”. Ambassador Nuresev has always expressed his position and attitude towards Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet issues with his adherence to the One-China principle. In November 2023, Kazakhstan and China signed a number of agreements on the development of international transportation routes across the Caspian Sea, including the China-Europe container liner. As a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative, Kazakhstan is promoting more practical cooperation within the framework of the Digital Silk Road, Green Silk Road and Health Silk Road.