塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 和塔特娅娜·茨韦特科维奇(Mrs.Tatjana Panajotovic-Cvetkovic)公使与中外新闻社小记者团愉快的在一起 |
At 9:30am on August 7th, “Witness Friendship” Home & Abroad News Press- 2015 Summer Junior Journalist Delegation to the Foreign Embassies in China were invited to interview to Serbian embassy in China, Ambassador H.E. Mr. Milan Bacevic and Minister Mrs. Tatjana Panajotovic-Cvetkovic warmly welcomed the junior journalist delegation. The junior journalists asked many questions to the Ambassador during the interview.
“你好, 大使先生!我们小记者有机会采访您很高兴。‘虽然中塞两国相隔千山万水,但是两国人民的心是连在一起的。’这是塞尔维亚总统托米斯拉夫·尼科利奇今年1月11日在贝尔格莱德接受记者采访时说的一句话。请问您如何理解这句话的涵意?”
“Good morning, Mr. Ambassador. Thank you very much for accepting our interview! When the Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic had an interview in Belgrade on January 11th this year, he expressed that although China and Serbia are far from each other, but the people of the two countries are joint together in hearts. How do you interpret his meaning?”
Ambassador Bacevic said that China and Serbia have been developed and maintained very close political relations. In 2013, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic paid a state visit to China and signed a joint statement on strengthening strategic cooperation partnership with China with the Chinese President Xi Jinping. Ambassador Bacevic said that Serbian President also has two children like you, and he taught them to love China.
塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 阁下在大使官邸亲切会见中外新闻社小记者团 |
“在塞尔维亚,有一个名叫“东方之家”的民间友好社团,26年以来,它一直致力于传播中国文化,发展中塞民间友谊。你认为:我们两国青少年应该如何交流本国文化?”、“国际权威旅游指南《Lonely Planet》近日公布了2015年十大最佳旅行国家,塞尔维亚脱颖而出,名列第7位。请问:塞尔维亚能吸引世界旅游者的目光有哪些?”
“In Serbia, there is a friendly civil organization, called “Orient Home”, who has been actively promoting Chinese culture in Serbia for 26 years. This organization contributed greatly to the friendship between China and Serbia. In your opinions, how should the young people of the two countries promote and exchange their culture with each other?” “International authoritative travel guide "Lonely Planet" recently announced the 2015 Top 10 best travel countries, and Serbia is ranked at the 7th place. What are the Serbia’s special attentions to the tourists around the world?”
Mr. Ambassador thoroughly introduced the youth exchange program between the two countries. Many Serbian artists work everywhere around the world because Serbia was considered as the birthplace of European culture. With ever increasing comprehensive strength of Serbia, tourism has been promoted and developed rapidly. It is not only ranked at the 7th place anymore, it should be a little bit higher ranking.
The interview was in a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the interview, Ambassador Bacevic presented the small gifts to each junior journalist and awarded them the “Certificate of Excellence” to recognize their outstanding achievement in the series interviews with the foreign embassies in China this summer. The junior journalists also presented their gifts to the Ambassador to express their appreciation.
小记者团团长韦燕与塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 阁下共同主持小记者采访活动 |
赵一俨小记者向塞尔维亚驻华公使塔特娅娜·茨韦特科维奇(Mrs.Tatjana Panajotovic-Cvetkovic)赠送礼物,祝福她在中国工作生活幸福 |
王欣怡小记者向塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 阁下赠送礼物,祝福他在中国工作生活愉快 |
李姝欣小记者向塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 阁下赠送书画作品 |
刘益帆小记者向塞尔维亚驻华大使米兰·巴切维奇 ( Milan Bacevic ) 阁下赠送书画作品 |