孟加拉人民共和国驻华大使M·法兹勒·卡里姆(Mr. M Fazlul Karim)阁下及新闻参赞、文化参赞等外交官在大使馆与中外新闻社小记者愉快的在一起 |
People’s Republic of Bangladesh is a country in Southern Asia. At 4pm on August 7th, Home and Abroad News Press 2015 Summer Junior Journalist Delegation visited the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Embassy in Beijing and had an interview with Ambassador Mr. M Fazlul Karim. The Ambassador prepared a rich Bangladesh dinner for all junior journalists, and everyone enjoyed the nice dinner together in the embassy garden after the interview.
During the interview, four junior journalists asked questions: “Hello, Mr. Ambassador! This October 4th is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between China and Bangladesh. As the Bengali Ambassador in China, how will you continue developing the established diplomatic relations and the precious friendship between the two countries? How will you contribute your wisdom and experience to further develop the Bangladesh and China’s relations, especially in promoting youth exchanges between the two countries?”
The Ambassador said that this October 4th is the 40th anniversary of China and Bangladesh establishing diplomatic relations. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh Mrs. Sheikh Hasina is a female diplomat who always worked hard to develop the bilateral relationship between China and Bangladesh with new communication and cooperation channels. As the Ambassador to China, I will move forward the China and Bangladesh cooperative partnership to a new high, including promoting the youth exchanges between the two countries.
小记者团团长韦燕与孟加拉人民共和国驻华大使M·法兹勒·卡里姆( H.E. Mr. M Fazlul Karim)阁下共同主持小记者采访活动 |
“We noticed that Mr. Ambassador took the Ambassador position on October 31st 2014. You are fluent in English and French and was one of the key Bengali officers in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Agricultural Development Fund. You have incredible diplomatic career success, which impressed us very much. We want to ask you: what are your interests in spare time? How much do you know about Chinese culture?”
“I love Chinese Gong Fu. At the same time, I enjoy reading Chinese books, especially the books about parenting and education. Books are very important to individuals, society and a country. They are the steps in human civilization.”
“What are the activities Bengali students usually do after the school time? Are all Bengali students able to complete elementary and high school programs?” The ambassador answered their questions one by one. During the interview, the Cultural Counsellor specially introduced the meanings of the national flag of Bangladesh. This trip really opened the eyes of the junior journalists.
After the interview, the ambassador, all embassy envoys and diplomats as well as the junior journalists enjoyed the dinner together in the embassy garden. At that moment, the friendship between China and Bangladesh left a great impression to all.
采访间,文化参赞还特别拿着一个孟加拉国旗,诠释国旗上图案的意义 |
苏章奕小记者向M·法兹勒·卡里姆(Mr. M Fazlul Karim)大使提问 |
小记者们在品尝孟加拉国的美食 |