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"Witness Friendship" 2018 Winter Home & Abroad News Press

时间:2018-2-6 12:02:47

核心提示:1月30日下午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者来到了刚果共和国驻华大使馆,受到了刚果(布)驻华大使丹尼尔•奥瓦萨阁下和使馆工作人员的热情接待。踏入使馆,大家看到会议厅墙上的照片是刚果总统和毛主席的合照。这些照片是很好的历史的见证,见证了两国长久以来友好关系。...

    1月30日下午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者来到了刚果共和国驻华大使馆,受到了刚果(布)驻华大使丹尼尔•奥瓦萨阁下和使馆工作人员的热情接待。踏入使馆,大家看到会议厅墙上的照片是刚果总统和毛主席的合照。这些照片是很好的历史的见证,见证了两国长久以来友好关系。
    On the afternoon of January 30th, "Witness Friendship" 2018 Winter Home & Abroad News PressJunior Journalist Delegation visited the Embassy of the Republic of Congo in China and was warmly received by the Congo-Brazzaville ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Daniel Owassa, and the embassy diplomats. When entering the embassy, everyone saw the photo on the wall of the conference hall as a photo of the Congolese President and Chairman Mao. These photos are a good testimony of history and long-standing friendship between the two countries.

    Ambassador Daniel Owassashook hands with our junior journalists one by one. After sitting down, the ambassador said: Hello, Chinese junior journalists. I hope that you will learn more about the Republic of the Congo on the Internet and reading so that you can enrich yourself and understand more about our history. I am very proud to say that the President of the Republic of the Congo, H.E. President Denis SassouN'guesso, was the leader visited China twice during the first term of President Xi. China and the Congo have established diplomatic relations since 1964. The photographs on the walls include Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping and the Congolese presidents at that time. These photos are the strong proves for the friendly relations between the two countries.

    “Hello Ambassador! We have seen from the Internet that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Republic of the Congo, the Congolese President Denis SassouNguesso paid state visit to China 14 times and visited many provinces and cities in China with fruitful results in various fields. In your opinions, how should the young people of both countries carry forward and continuously promote this precious traditional friendship? How should we promote the youth exchanges between the two countries? Thank you!” a junior journalist asked the ambassador.

    The ambassador said that when China was still a relatively poor country, there were not many friends. What I want to tell you that Congo (Brazzaville) has always maintained a good relationship with China. As an old friend and good friend of China, Chinese young people should continue to make contributions to the friendly relations between the two countries. Just now some junior journalists proposed to visit Congo (Brazzaville). I welcome you all and recommend the children in our country to make friends with you. I hope your dreams will come true.

    Another junior journalist asked: “Hello Ambassador! In recent years, there has been more and more frequent exchanges and cooperation in education between China and the Republic of the Congo. How many Congolese students are studying in China? What are your expectations for educational cooperation between China and Congo- Brazzaville in the future? Thank you!”

    “Your question is very good. What I want to tell you is that the Chinese government provides full scholarships to about 50 Congolese students each year to study in China. There are about 300 Congolese students studying in China. In the field of education, I think that China has become a very popular country for Congolese students. Therefore, in addition to the full scholarships, many students choose to study in China at their own expense. The scholarship I mentioned did not include some foreign students for the military. Our former Minister of Communicationsreturned to his university in Zhengzhou, Henan not long ago. In the past few decades, our former minister studied in China. He has now become a military general in Congo. In accordance with the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, the Congolese government has also invested in the reconstruction of the China-CongoFriendship Primary School in Yushu, which is another strong prove for the long-lasting friendship between the Congo and China.”

    “When talking about a country, people usually think about the country’s unique natural landscaping, customs, culture and other symbolic characteristics. For example, people know about China through Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China, Yellow River, Yangtze River, Giant Panda and etc. What would people think of when they are talking about Congo- Brazzaville?” 

    Ambassador Daniel Owassa: I think the elephants can remind people of Congo. Elephant is a symbol of Congo. They are also very special animals. Elephants are now on the verge of extinction, because elephants’ ivory is very tempting, and many people want to get ivory. But unfortunately, people have to kill elephants in order to obtain ivory products. I believe that all of you knew that China is also a total ban on the ivory transactions. In order to protect the elephants, human society should reach a consensus to protect the endangered elephants. The second symbol is the Congo River. This river has the same name as my country. These are the two symbols that currently represent the Republic of Congo.

    Ambassador Daniel Owassapresented his credential to President Xi Jinping on July 8th2014 in Beijing. Because of his unique thinking and dedication, he has been actively promoting bilateral education, economy, trade, culture, media exchanges since he became the ambassador to China. He set a great role model for China-Congo friendship development. At the end of the interview, junior journalists represented their New Year gifts to the ambassador and took a group photo with him.

作者:小记者 周利书 何颖萱 何雨丹 林楚卿 李朗粤  来源:本网站

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