(中外新闻社伊朗分社 德黑兰报道)首届世界女性影响力大会于2023年1月20日在伊朗首都德黑兰举行,19日伊朗政府举行首届世界女性影响力大会“会前会”,邀请各国重要代表出席,思考各国在促进性别平等方面所面临的机遇和挑战,为进一步落实2030年联合国可持续发展目标贡献智慧和力量。伊朗女副总统英赛耶•哈兹阿里主持会议,中外新闻社总裁韦燕应邀出席。
The First International Congress for the Women of Influence was held in Tehran, the capital of Iran, on January 20, 2023. The Iranian government held the "Pre conference" on the 19th and invited important representatives from all countries around the world to reflect on the opportunities and challenges faced by all countries in promoting gender equality and contribute wisdom and strength to the further implementation of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The female Vice President of Iran, Mrs. Ensiyeh Khazali, presided over the meeting, and President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan was invited to attend.
Government officials, experts and scholars from UN Women, China, Russia, Australia, Thailand, Japan, Serbia, Venezuela, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Qatar, Yemen, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Cyprus, Georgia, Armenia, Egypt, Libya, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Morocco and other countries reached consensus through active exchanges, reflecting on the opportunities and challenges faced by countries in promoting gender equality and contributing global wisdom and strength to the further implementation of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
在“首届国际女性影响力大会”上,伊朗总统夫人阿拉莫•霍达、亚美尼亚总理夫人安娜•哈科比恩、伊拉克总统夫人沙纳兹•易卜拉欣•艾哈迈德 、布基纳法索总理夫人凯莱姆•德•坦贝拉•坎索、吉尔吉斯斯坦总统夫人艾古尔•贾帕洛娃、尼加拉瓜总统夫人罗萨里奥•玛丽亚•穆里略•桑布拉纳 、塞尔维亚总统夫人塔玛拉•武契奇、委内瑞拉总统夫人西莉亚•弗洛雷斯 等国总统夫人出席,并作精彩演讲。伊朗女副总统英赛耶•哈兹阿里主持会议。
The First International Congress for the Women of Influence invited many significant female figures attend and made wonderful speeches, including the wife of the President of Iran Mrs. Jamileh Alamolhoda, the wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia Mrs. Anna Hakobyan, the wife of the President of Iraq Mrs. Shanaz lbrahim Ahmad, the wife of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso Mrs. Keylem De Tambela Kansole, the wife of the President of Kyrgyzstan Mrs. Aigul Japarova, the wife of President of Nicaragua Mrs. Rosario Maria Murillo Zambrana, the wife of President of Serbia Mrs. Tamara Vucic, the wife of President of Venezuela Mrs. Cilia Flores, and other presidents' spouses. The female Vice President of Iran Mrs. Ensiyeh Khazali presided over the conference.
President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan said that at the invitation of the Iranian government to attend this international women conference, we will focus on the improvement of women's subjectivity, women's business leadership, women's family leadership, women's social leadership and women's value leadership, and unswervingly strengthen global cooperation and contribute our wisdom and efforts to the development of international women's cause.