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Xi Jinping met with António Guterres and expressed his support to the UN Summit of Future
President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms.Wei Yan and delegation will attend the Summit of the Future Act

时间:2024-9-8 11:37:59

核心提示:2024年8月28日, 中外新闻社接到联合国秘书处通知:中外新闻社总裁韦燕, 中外新闻社副总裁、加拿大分社社长张珈闻经过资格审查, 获准赴美国纽约出席联合国总部“未来峰会”...

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网报道)2024年8月28日, 中外新闻社接到联合国秘书处通知:中外新闻社总裁韦燕, 中外新闻社副总裁、加拿大分社社长张珈闻经过资格审查, 获准赴美国纽约出席联合国总部“未来峰会”。
    On August 28, 2024, Home and Abroad News Press received an official letter from the United Nations Secretariat: President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan and Vice President Mr. Alan Zhang are authorized to attend the Summit of the Future Action Days at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, U.S.A.

    On September 5th, President Xi Jinping met with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, who came to China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. During the meeting, António Guterres talked about the fact that the UN is making full preparations for future summits, and hoped to communicate closely with China to promote the reformation of the international financial architecture and strengthen global governance. Xi said that China will continue to actively participate in the work of the UN in various fields, support the UN in organizing the Summit of Future in order to make greater contributions to the cause of world peace and development.

    The Summit of the Future Action Days will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York between September 20th and 21st, organized by the United Nations Secretary-General on the three themes: “A Digital Future for All”, “A Peaceful Future for All” and “A Sustainable Future for All”. Participants included Heads of State, ministers, senior UN officials and representatives of the mainstream media. The Summit of the Future Action Days is a high-level event that brings together world leaders to forge a new international consensus on how to achieve a better present and secure the future.

    此峰会是一次高级别活动, 世界各国领导人将齐聚一堂, 共同铸就关于如何实现更美好的现在和保障未来的新的国际共识。有效的全球合作对我们的生存日益重要, 但在缺乏信任的环境中, 采取不再反映当今政治经济现状的过时结构, 很难实现这种合作。
    This summit is a high-level event that will bring together world leaders to forge a new international consensus on how to achieve a better present and secure the future. Effective global cooperation is increasingly important for our survival, but it is difficult to achieve without trust in today's outdated structures that no longer reflect current political economy.

    中外新闻社总裁韦燕表示:中外新闻社将密切关注峰会两个目标:1.加快努力, 履行我们现有的国际承诺; 2.采取具体措施, 应对新出现的挑战和机遇。
    President Wei Yansaid that Home and Abroad News Press will pay close attention to the two issues at this Summit: 1. to accelerate our efforts to fulfill our existing international commitments; and 2. to take concrete measures to respond to the new challenges and opportunities that have arisen.

    “峰会”期间, 联合国秘书长古特雷斯呼吁所有领导人在出席峰会时准备好宣布他们将制定的具体国家计划, 以减少 2030 年的温室气体排放, 并在 2050 年前实现零净排放;适应气候变化带来的不可避免的影响, 增强复原力;应对气候变化的社会层面, 并为所需的转型筹资。
    During the Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterrescalled on all leaders to come to the Summit prepared to announce specific national plans they will develop to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve zero net emissions by 2050; to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change and build resilience; to address the social dimensions of climate change; and to finance the transformation needed.

    “峰会”期间, 中外新闻社还将同联合国高级别官员及相关国家元首举行战略沟通, 为国际社会注入新的活力。
    During the “Summit”, Home and Abroad News Presswill also have strategic exchanges with high-level officials of the United Nations and heads of states to create more momentum into the international community.

作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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