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"Witnessing Friendship" Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Consul General of Republic of Korea in Guangzhou Mr. Han Jae Heuk

时间:2022-7-31 13:30:17

核心提示:2022年7月19日下午, “见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者如约采访韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生。韩总领事在致欢迎词时表示, 很高兴今天能与中外新闻社的小记者相聚, 也非常感谢中外新闻社。韩国和中国地源相近, 两国建交30年来, 高层往来不断, 相互尊重、相互信任不断加深。我愿意在我的任期内, 为促进中韩...

  韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)同中外新闻社总裁韦燕主持小记者采访会议

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网小记者)今年中韩建交步入三十年, 两国在经贸、教育、文化、科技等各领域均取得了瞩目的成果。2022年7月19日下午, “见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者如约采访韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生。
    This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Republic of Korea. The two countries have achieved remarkable results in various fields such as economy, trade, education, culture, science and technology. On the afternoon of July 19th, 2022, Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Consul General of Republic of Korea in Guangzhou Mr.Han Jae Heuk.


    采访开始时, 中外新闻社小记者们整齐地坐在会议厅欢迎韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生的到来。韩总领事在致欢迎词时表示, 很高兴今天能与中外新闻社的小记者相聚, 也非常感谢中外新闻社。韩国和中国地源相近, 两国建交30年来, 高层往来不断, 相互尊重、相互信任不断加深。我愿意在我的任期内, 为促进中韩两国友好关系做出努力。为庆祝中韩建交三十周年, 中韩两国政府共同将2021-2022年指定为“中韩文化交流年”。作为近邻, 中韩之间有着广泛而共通的文化基础。韩总领事表示, 下一步希望能和广东省大湾区城市加强沟通和交流, 进一步推动双方的合作与发展。
    At the beginning of the interview, the junior journalists were sitting neatly in the conference hall to welcome Consul General Han Jae Heuk. In his welcoming speech, he said that he was very happy to meet with Home and Abroad News junior journalists, and deeply appreciated Home and Abroad News Press for organizing this interview. ROK and China are close to each other. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 30 years ago, high-level exchanges have continued, and mutual respect and mutual trust have been deepened. I am willing to make efforts to promote friendly relations between China and ROK during my term of office. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and ROK, the governments of China and ROK jointly designated 2021-2022 as the "China-ROK Cultural Exchange Year". As close neighbors, China and ROK have extensive and common cultural foundations. He also expressed that he hopes to strengthen communication and exchanges with cities in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong Province to further promote cooperation and development between the two countries.

  韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)向小记者介绍韩国的基本情况

    有小记者问: “您好, 尊敬的总领事先生, 您上任至今到访了广东省许多城市, 可见您对广东省和韩国合作的重视, 为促进中韩友好交流做出了积极贡献。请问:您将如何为推进中韩两国青少年交流贡献自己的智慧和力量?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Mr. Consul General, since you took office, you have traveled to many cities in Guangdong Province, which shows that you attach great importance to the cooperation between Guangdong Province and ROK, and you have made positive contributions to the promotion of friendly exchanges between China and ROK. I would like to ask you, how will you contribute your wisdom and efforts to promote youth exchanges between China and ROK? Thank you!”
    韩总领事表示, 非常感谢你的提问, 我就是喜欢像你这样好奇、积极发问的小记者。广东省共有21个地级市, 我几乎全部访问完。广东在中国是一个很重要的省份, 有丰富的文化底蕴。2022年正值中韩建交30周年, 希望依托广州这一国际化城市, 推动信息化人才的培养, 为中韩教育合作发展打下坚实的基础。
    Consul General Han Jae Heuk said “Thank you very much for your question. I just like a curious junior journalist like you. There are 21 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong province, and I have visited most of them. Guangdong is a very important province in China with rich cultural heritage. 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and ROK, and it will rely on Guangzhou, this international city, to promote talent education with information technology, and lay a solid foundation for the development of China- ROK educational cooperation.

  陈育昀小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)提问

    “韩国--一个体育实力强劲的国家, 我们可以从世界大赛中就可以看到, 尤其是冬夏奥运会、亚运会, 韩国几乎都处于世界前十名, 亚洲前三名。请问:韩国金牌运动员是怎么炼成的?谢谢!” 小记者问。
    “ROK is a country with strong sports. We see many world competitions, especially the Winter and Summer Olympics and Asian Games, ROK is always in the global top ten positions and the top three in Asia. We want to know what makes Korean gold medalists? Thank you!” a junior journalist asked.
    韩总领事谈到, 首先政府非常重视体育人才的培养, 每一个阶段都有专门的训练。而一位顶级运动员的精彩表现, 不断推动着人类突破身体极限。如何成为顶级运动员, 不仅是我们, 也是全世界的运动科学家不懈探索的问题。采访中, 小记者们感受到, 广东在与韩国的交流交往中地位举足轻重。
    Consul General Han Jae Heuk answered that, first of all, the government attaches great importance to training sports talents through providing professional trainings at all levels in the schools. The wonderful performances of top athletes continue to push forward the human's limitations in all sports. A person can become a top athlete, not only because of the tireless exploration of sports scientists all over the world, but also because we are amazed at their super and well-trained skills. During the interview, the junior journalists felt that Guangdong plays a pivotal role in exchanges with ROK.

  王蓉小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)提问

    韩总领事希望双方以本次采访为新起点, 中外新闻社可以组织小记者团到韩国采访, 进一步加强合作。韩总领事还就两国青少年间的文化交流、韩国优良的教育等与小记者进行了交流。韩国驻广州总领事馆给中外新闻社小记者们准备了很多来自韩国的美食和饮料, 大家一面品尝一面交流, 合影、签名、祝福, 相互赠送礼物, 现场一片其乐融融, 小记者们与韩国的外交官们度过了一段美好而难忘的时光。
    Consul General Han Jae Heuk hoped that the two sides will take this interview as a new starting point, and Home and Abroad News Press can organize a junior journalist delegation to visit ROK in the future to further strengthen cooperation. He also exchanged views with junior journalists on the cultural exchanges between the youth of the two countries as well as the excellent education in ROK. The Consulate General prepared a lot of snacks and beverages from ROK for the junior journalist delegation. Everyone tasted the delicious food, talked to each other, took photos, signed for great wishes to each other, and exchanged gifts. The conference hall was full of fun and happiness. All junior journalists had a wonderful and unforgettable time with the ROK diplomats.


    小记者们深有感触的说:韩国总领馆采访之行, 我们增长了很多见识, 不但知道“追韩剧”“骑马舞”是怎么回事, 更是进一步了解到韩国的历史。临别时, 小记者们挥动着中韩两国国旗, 向总领事先生表示敬意和谢意.…
    The junior journalists had deep feelings: during the interview with the Consulate General, we not only gained a lot of knowledge about Republic of Korea, such as Korean dramas and "The horse dancing" etc., but also about the history of ROK. Before leaving the Consulate General, the junior journalists waved the national flags of China and ROK to show their respect and gratitude to the Consul General...


  张作铭小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)赠送“福”,祝福总领事在广州工作、生活幸福

  叶锐林小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)赠送中国非物质文化遗产文化礼物

  严先成小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)赠送中国非物质文化遗产文化礼物

  陈育昀小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)赠送自己创作的书画作品

  韩在爀(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)总领事给小记者们签名

  江嘉颖小记者向韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)赠送来自佛山家乡的文化礼品

  韩国驻广州总领事韩在爀先生(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)及韩国外交官和中外新闻社小记者愉快的在一起高喊:中韩友谊万岁!


  韩在爀(Mr.Han Jae Heuk)总领事在“科学少年说宣传画上签名


作者:小记者 张作铭 张思仪 陆家荞 王蓉  来源:本网站

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