中外新闻社记者(小记者)团一行16人与捷克外交官相聚在米兰世博会捷克馆 |
【中外新闻网记者 赵焕祥 陈彬云 应飞 小记者 李姝欣】捷克国家馆一个主展馆、一间餐厅和一个游泳池,水上有一只大鸟,如此设计代表着捷克丰富的水资源管理经验,诠释了米兰国际博览会的“滋养地球,生命之源”主题,给参观者带来极大的视觉震撼。8月18日上午11:30,中外新闻社记者团一行16人访问米兰世博会捷克馆,捷克馆馆长先生热情欢迎记者团到访。
The Czech pavilion has a main exhibition hall, a dining room and a swimming pool. There is a huge bird on the water, that represents Czech Republic has rich water resources and water management experience. The whole pavilion brought great visual experience to visitors. At 11:30am on August 18th, Home and Abroad News Press Journalist Delegation visited the Czech Pavilion in Milano Expo Park. The Director of the Czech Pavilion warmly welcomed the delegation.
记者就关心的问题采访米兰世博会捷克馆馆长先生。记者问:“2015 米兰世博会捷克馆以迎合此次大会的能源保护为主题,展览展示创新水资源管理和使用,以及机构生化和纳米技术研究的结果。请问:捷克馆为什么是如此的设计理念?”
During the interview with the Pavilion Director, our journalists asked many questions they concerned the most about the Czech Pavilion. A journalist asked: “The Czech Republic made a special contribution to the theme of Expo Milano 2015, which is: ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’. It makes special reference to Water since the Czech Republic is a world leader in water-purification technology. What is the concept behind the Czech Pavilion design? ”
“由捷克的新锐事务所 Chybik + Kristof 设计的2015米兰世博会捷克馆,捷克馆采用了模块化的设计理念,包括一个主展馆、一间餐厅和一个游泳池。游泳池的设计代表着捷克丰富的水资源管理经验。在建筑物顶部还有一个天台花园,景观与水在捷克馆内的相互融合,迎合米兰世博会的能源保护主题。” 馆长先生谈到。
“Designed by a new Czech architect Chybik + Kristof, the Czech pavilion adopted the modular design concept, include a main exhibition hall, a dining room and a swimming pool. The swimming pool design represents that Czech Republic has very strong experience in water resources management. On the top of the building, there is a roof garden which perfectly matches with the landscape and water in the Czech Pavilion as well as the key theme of the Expo Milano 2015.” The director mentioned to us.
中外新闻社米兰世博会记者团团长韦燕与捷克馆馆长在讨论捷克水资源管理和使用专题 |
“捷克森林资源丰富,覆盖面积达265.5万公顷,森林覆盖率为34%。请问:米兰世博会捷克馆的展示会不会给参观者推介捷克国家的优势和特点?你认为:2015 米兰世博会捷克馆的展示会给捷克经济社会发展带来哪些作用?”……
“The Czech Republic has abundant resources, covering an area of 2.655 million hectares, with the forest coverage rate of 34%. Will the Czech Pavilion introduce any Czech Republic’s advantages and characteristics to the visitors? In your opinions, what are the impacts that the Czech Pavilion could make to the Czech economic and social development?”……
馆长说,捷克森林资源丰富,森林覆盖面积占全国总面积的1/3以上,被誉为“中欧花园”。历史证明, “世博会”作为经济、社会发展的助推器, 世博会对旅游业的促进作用,通过“旅游消费链”,还将对捷克国家社会经济文化的发展具有不可低估的影响力。
The Pavilion Director said that Czech Republic has abundant forest resources, and the forest coverage is more than one third of the country land, it is known as the “Central European Garden”. Based on the past experience, the World Expo, as the booster of economic and social development, will surely promote the tourism industry through the “tourism consumption chain”. This will create invaluable influence on social, economic and cultural development in Czech Republic.
The Pavilion Director also answered other questions from the journalists. He also suggested taking a group photo in the front of the swimming pool and the huge bird. All exciting experience we had in the Czech Pavilion left a great impression in our minds.
意大利米兰世博会 捷克馆给参观者带来极大的视觉震撼 |
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