在当今思想多元化的时代,《中外新闻》作为联合国三家机构认定的主流媒体,以推出年度新闻人物的方式,对具有时代特征、为推动国际社会和谐进步作出贡献的新闻人物进行表彰,在国际社会树立起改革创新的时代精神,凝聚起“超越自我 奉献时代”的坚强合力。经《中外新闻》记者采访报道、主流媒体推荐函推荐,“2016《中外新闻》时代新闻人物”出炉:
As the mainstream media, we carefully selected the outstanding individuals to be the New Person of the Year to recognize their great contributions in promoting world peace and global harmonious development in various fields. "The News Person of the Year" award is a special prize to recognize innovation, peacemaking, dedication and professionalism. Now, we will announce the winners of the "2016The News Persons of the Year":
卢格里斯大使从2015年12月14日向中国国家主席习近平递交国书那一刻起,就下决心全面执行两国合作蓝图,更好造福两国人民。中乌双方发表《中华人民共和国和乌拉圭东岸共和国关于建立战略伙伴关系的联合声明》,在这个重要的节点上,卢格里斯发挥“大使”职能,带着强烈的政治意识、敏锐的发展意识穿梭于中国各大城市和哈尔滨师范大学、贵州财经大学等高等院校,推动中国和乌拉圭在政治、经济、社会、教育和文化领域合作,并成功取得 2017年第十一届中国—拉美企业家高峰会举办权。
Winning reasons:
Ambassador Fernando Lugris has made great efforts to fully implement the blueprint for cooperation between China and Uruguay since he submitted his credentials to Chinese President Xi Jinping on December 14, 2015. China and Uruguay issued “The Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Uruguay on the Establishment of Strategic Partnership”. Ambassador Lugris played the full functions of an ambassador with a strong sense of political consciousness and economic development. He traveled to major cities in China and Harbin Normal University, Guizhou University of Finance and other higher education institutions to promote China and Uruguay’s political, economic, social, educational and cultural cooperation. He successfully obtained the right to host “The 11th China-LAC Business Summit” in November 2017 in Uruguay.